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2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names 2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names

01-12-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
roy, do you think god loves you? did he told you?
in english "godlike" = like a god, not liked by god.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-13-2012 , 08:17 AM
My 2+2 name is just the first 4 letters of my real name

my FTP screenname claire 'francis was the name of my now ex-gf. back then I told her for fun 'you are going to be famous on the poker tables'. worked out pretty cool but now it is awkward fml
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-13-2012 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111

numbers are because someone already registed as urubu at partypoker.i remember i could be urubu1, urubu11, or urubu111. anyone who claim to be the 1st is douche bag... 11= romario. god bless romario, too much respect. can't be him. so i took 111.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-13-2012 , 09:23 AM
Jack Randall is the main character in a book by an author called Michael Marshall Smith, one of my favourites a few years ago. I came to use it for SN's having been called Jack for years after a school friend called me "Jack the lad" after a tv advert for car insurance with the tag line "Jack the lad need not apply" which stuck ever since. The Randall part was added after I watched the Friends episode where Joey explains he uses the alias Ken Adams and Phoebe is Regina Phelange and was asked what alias I would use. Most people assume it's my real name and only once or twice was I asked if my name was after the character in the book.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-13-2012 , 09:36 AM
started off playing live poker and crushed souls so bad thats all opponents could say after.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-13-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by thatssosick
started off playing live poker and crushed souls so bad thats all opponents could say after.
dude your avatar is sick.

I need a blend in background following me around like that in real life.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by DRoseMJD


oh you mean this

2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:27 PM
Just an old nick I used to use on Entraction back in the day. Never putting tons of thoughts on 'em.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
roy, do you think god loves you? did he told you?
lol, I always read his sn as meaning that he was like a god, not that god liked him
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 02:53 AM
yea, always thought it was from first-person online shooters where u get like 5 or 6 kills in a row w/o dying - "GOD LIKE"
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:24 AM
Some million years ago, in 8th grade, we had a gym class unsupervised by a teacher. He had to leave somewhere so he gave our class instructions to warm up by running some km and then practice hurdles on the stadium. I had just been ill so I had a doctors notice and didn't have to participate in physical activities, so I just hanged around. When my classmates went for the warm-up lap two of them left their jackets behind which I picked up and carried to the stadium.

The hurdles were in a room where all the track and field equipment was held. So kids being kids some of them practiced the hurdles and some found it more interesting to be practicing discus, shot put and javelin throw. Since the weather was quite cold, at one point I decided to put on the too jackets I carried around - in hindsight this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.Some 10 minutes after that I was talking to one of my classmates when I heard couple of guys shouting out really loud "RUN". Everything that happened after that was in slow motion. I turned my head to the direction of the shouting and to my utter surprise I saw a javelin flying straight at me. I managed to run a few steps and then I hit the ground and everything became black after that.

I was unconscious for 20 seconds or something according to my classmates. When I regained consciousness I was lying on the ground and had no idea what had happened. All of my classmates were standing around me and they all seemed really scared. It literally felt as they were looking at a dead person. Nobody had said a word at this point, so I was like wtf is happening?!?!? I was really cold. As I slowly stood up I felt a really warm feeling/sensation running down my neck. I put my hand on the neck and as I looked at it, it was covered with dark red blood. Then someone said "Dude you got hit by a javelin". I felt really weak but with help of a friend I started walking to the nurses office. As we were walking away I heard someone say - godspeed. I never figured out who said it or was it just my mind playing tricks with me (since English is not native language), but that word has been a constant reminder to me that it feels good to be alive.

According to the doctor, who treated me, I would have been dead if I had not put those two jackets on and turned those collars up - apparently they managed to absorb much of the impact so the javelin didn't penetrate to deep.

The EJ part are just my initials.

I know tl;dr
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:45 AM
That's a sick story. Good thing you made it.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by AndreasX
My name is Andreas. Nick was allready taken so i added the coolest letter in the alphabet, x... how that for boring.
Cool name bro, thats my name as well
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:25 AM
Jub is my nickname a mate gave to 10 years or so a go, I introduce myself as jub rather than Jordan. Making my stars screen name, I just did jub + terminator = jubinator. Most screennames are related to jub, kiwijub , thejubowski etc
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-25-2012 , 05:21 PM
i always try to come up with some stupid names, don't remember how i came up with my 2p2 name though. my latest screenname on skins was heavily inspired by some crazy ass pervert (but funny as hell too imo) porn actor and director from france, but nothing funny about it really for the public unless u have seen some of his movies.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-25-2012 , 05:37 PM
We were drinking with my friends and somehow we started to talk about gay porn. I blerted out without thinking if I would be gay, I would like to have sex with Vin Diesel. I live in Tampere and after that my friends started to tease about Vin Diesel. After that I was called Tampere's Vin Diesel and it shorthened to tvidi. And it usually is free so, I started using it
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-25-2012 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I like mountains...
I like using noob and fish as insults, noobfish/fishnoob is the ultimate insult. It is a fish, which is also a noob, a most unfortunate existence. A noob fish is at the very bottom of lifes hierarchy, below maggots, below females (lol . no i di' unt) below dung beetles, and even algae, algae eat noobfish- I saw it in a documentary with david attenbourough.

Don't actually know why I put the two together... can be one of two reaosns, the magnificent mountain combined with the noobfish offers a very in yang typa thing.. or it is defining the task of a poker player... and just some kind of symoblism, beat people and make them noob fish, make them beneath, behind. mt fishnoob represents every player you ever beat.

do you sell this gear ur on or is it just for personal use?
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-26-2012 , 01:29 PM
Cool story, godspeed.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-14-2014 , 10:02 PM

2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-14-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread

Dude your killing it lately.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-14-2014 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread

i've never got it...
like, getting bread to the door from a bread-guy? or bread like income from selling doors? or selling drugs in the doorway? explain!

for my own nick Tynne.. im "famous" by my irl-nick Tynne. So ppl i know or dont know just call me tynne.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-15-2014 , 12:28 AM
A couple of my friends used to play the game Magic the Gathering. When one of them first got dial up internet, we used to go on random chat rooms and sign in under the username DingusEgg. When I started playing online poker at Paradise Poker I used Dingus and have used some variation of it on many other sites, despite the fact that I have never played Magic the Gathering. I use to get a lot of comments about it in regards to the game and had no idea what people were talking about until I looked it up, lol.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-15-2014 , 01:18 AM
Played keeper for Brown in college.
Nothing too interesting.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-15-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Played keeper for Brown in college.
Nothing too interesting.
Did you ever feel like your position (and the others on the ground) is largely irrelevant compared to the seeker? Like even if you stop a bunch of goals some little prick is just going to win by finding the snitch at some point. That always tilted me.
2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
01-15-2014 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by tynne
i've never got it...
like, getting bread to the door from a bread-guy? or bread like income from selling doors? or selling drugs in the doorway? explain!

My name combines two SN's - pteridophyta and bombusbombus

pteridophyta - plants that reproduce by spores (prehistoric plants FTW)
bombus - bumblebee innit

Don't play as these SN's anymore but I do spend a lot of time thinking about my SN.

2p2 PLO SN's - the stories behind the names Quote
