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270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision 270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision

08-18-2010 , 03:43 PM
Villain is unknown, have no colour tags so is likely 1/2 tabling non reg avg skill

and fwiw i'm 8 tabling so 3betting pre OOP is not how I want to paly this hand, makingthings too complicated pulls down my profits

Full Tilt Poker $0.05/$0.10 Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $10.00
UTG: $27.09
MP: $14.59
CO: $5.00
BTN: $3.97
Hero (SB): $38.05

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is SB with A 9 T Q
UTG raises to $0.20, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.15, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.50) K A 9 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.30, UTG raises to $1.40, Hero calls $1.10

Turn: ($3.30) J (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $1.90, Hero raises to $9, UTG calls $7.10

After this call Villains range is heavily weighted to set + fd and 2 pair +fd

River: ($21.30) 8 (2 players)

ok so what 30-40% of the time villain has the flush as I don't see him calling without hearts or spades as part of his hand. Which makes the balances between b/c, b/f c/c and weak bet/call pretty complicated and bet sizing optimally is bloody hard to figure out vs his range as b/c and b/f relativity is like really hard to guess the point of most EV... Hate being OOP here, so what to do?

How good is a bluff induce?

Edit: The interesting thing is that spades are quite unlikelier than hearts

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 08-18-2010 at 03:55 PM.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 04:33 PM
I tend to check/call in this situation.

Villain isn't calling a river bet with a hand worse than yours. That being said, he can certainly bluff his set / two pair / busted heart draw when you show river weakness.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 04:37 PM
Is the flop call really +EV? We just got Top+bottom and a GS
I think his range has us crushed here.

c/f the river imo, I don't think he will ever bluff with a set/busted heart draw
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 04:39 PM
Just CF.
why did you bet call the flop?
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 04:58 PM
With regards to b/c flop in it does look theoretically dodgy, but at the time his range was too wide in my mind to fold, I have no tags on him and not enough info to know if folding is best and often I can take him on turn or river, If stacks were shallower or he was tagged as some kind of reg/solid player I would have folded in a heart beat but there's lots of room for things to change and these unknowns could have anything at this point and I rep alot of draws. SO if turn blanks that's bad but luckily for me it didn't

Originally Posted by TheMagnet
Just CF
srsly? There's so much value here cf is terrible
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 05:04 PM
Which hands will call a bet?

IF there is value then only in c/c and I don't think even then..
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 05:17 PM
check and fold or check and call
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Chrisby89
Which hands will call a bet?

IF there is value then only in c/c and I don't think even then..
The pot is 210bbs so theres some SD value with small bets but thats insignificant.

The whole decision revolves around the spades. cc is fair, its never -ev here because of his ranges weightings unless I check and he pots then I don't know and I can't work it out, I think he has hearts so much more often, but if i Check he might check behind so I feel a bet here is mandatory without reads, he is more likely to call or bluff a bet than to shove if i check...

Where is the balance? Because of his combo nature of his range spades are much less likely than hearts and I guess my hand is good here 60-85% of the time so I don't know how to get the most out of this hand...

Value is huge those thinking of c/f I think is the worst decision and there is no reasoning given for this? I can't c/f 5$ so what sizing do i fold too?

I see c/c which is fair, except it pisses me off when he full pots and I don't have reads.

bet small to look like a weak blocker getting more out of his misses. as the pot is so big he raises v often , whilst also getting some slight sd equity aswell and info

it all revolves around the spades

For the life of me I can't figure it out probably just gonna have to forget about it.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 07:51 PM
Look at what you wrote after the turn action, which of these hands does he bet after you CR the turn.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
With regards to b/c flop in it does look theoretically dodgy, but at the time his range was too wide in my mind to fold, I have no tags on him and not enough info to know if folding is best and often I can take him on turn or river, If stacks were shallower or he was tagged as some kind of reg/solid player I would have folded in a heart beat but there's lots of room for things to change and these unknowns could have anything at this point and I rep alot of draws. SO if turn blanks that's bad but luckily for me it didn't

srsly? There's so much value here cf is terrible
What do you mean by this exactly (no essays)
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 08:02 PM
c/c w/ Qs blocker (since villain raised UTG)
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheMagnet
Look at what you wrote after the turn action, which of these hands does he bet after you CR the turn.
all of them unless I bet out too much. And checking is losing value as c/r river serves no purpose and if i c/c line his b/f line can be anythin from 0 to full pot, so i need to bet to induce or get sd, if he has spades fkit its a sick cooler here. The pot is so big and the set/2pair part of his range has missed so it all revolves around the spades:heart ratio within his range as to what to do here. And I can't figure out what is optimal.

He most definitely has hearts or spades,

What do you mean by this exactly (no essays)?
All i can do is paraphrase. His range is too wide at this point to fold and so is mine, its only theoretically a bad call regarding relativity between my actual holdings vs range. Also as another small incentive I have no tags which means he is probably noobish and will let me win on turn or river and I like to play a pot so I can label him.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by newby
c/c w/ Qs blocker (since villain raised UTG)

ok its established c/c is an ok line, but how is that > b/c ?

Qs blocker
combo nature of hand means higher hearts:spade ratio
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
ok its established c/c is an ok line, but how is that > b/c ?

Qs blocker
combo nature of hand means higher hearts:spade ratio
villains range is weighted towards higher cards. highest flush out is Js, so it would be less likely for a tighter range to have a flush. furthermore, he needs to have a hand that can continue on the turn, so if he had a flush it would be something like KKJsTs

how can you even b/c? there's not even a psb left.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by newby
villains range is weighted towards higher cards. highest flush out is Js, so it would be less likely for a tighter range to have a flush. furthermore, he needs to have a hand that can continue on the turn, so if he had a flush it would be something like KKJsTs
agreed, there are 2 pair/str8draw combos aswell and heart combos,,,,

how can you even b/c? there's not even a psb left.
villain has like 165bbs left, i can bet 25-60 say and it may induce or he may call as hes noobish, if i check he can b/f that amount or check behind, but he can bet more so thats where I'm confused,

I don't think we could c/f a any bet here so betting seems mandatory because of this and that ^

Think I might aswell forget this one too hard to figure,,,


I bet 5$ and he called with 2pair AhQhQxJ and I felt like I made a mistake

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 08-18-2010 at 10:38 PM.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-18-2010 , 11:12 PM
If spades are key what do you think about betting 1/4 pot, since you hold Q he can never value raise with the nuts so hes most likely going to flat your river bet with a smaller flush and if he shoves and you think hell never come over the top that deep without the nuts you might be able to hero call... im rather new at plo as a disclaimer
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 06:36 AM
You contradict yourself so much it's like we're both talking about different hands.
Bet to induce? induce what he can't bluff raise, he either has you beat or has SD value?
I give up.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:24 AM
Why do u bet flop? How can u call raise when UTG opener raises u on that board?

River start by check or bet nearly pot and turn your hand into a bluff Jk just check and probably fold w/o reads.

As played that river bet is pretty lol.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tsajajaja
Why do u bet flop? How can u call raise when UTG opener raises u on that board?

River start by check or bet nearly pot and turn your hand into a bluff Jk just check and probably fold w/o reads.

As played that river bet is pretty lol.
unrelated to hand history tsajajajaj what is your ftp name?
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:40 AM
betting small as a blocking bet seems fine and we very well may get looked up by sets/2pair as people at 10plo don't like to fold, but we really can't call a big raise/bet even with the nut flush blocker.

Trying to 'bet to induce a bluff' in 10plo vs. opponents we have no history/reads on isn't gonna work out too well for ya. My experience at 10plo vs. most of the player pool there is that if people show aggression, 99% of the time they have it.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Olangotang
betting small as a blocking bet seems fine and we very well may get looked up by sets/2pair as people at 10plo don't like to fold, but we really can't call a big raise/bet even with the nut flush blocker.

Trying to 'bet to induce a bluff' in 10plo vs. opponents we have no history/reads on isn't gonna work out too well for ya. My experience at 10plo vs. most of the player pool there is that if people show aggression, 99% of the time they have it.
lol unless you played me back when i played that stake
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by flash75gordon
unrelated to hand history tsajajajaj what is your ftp name?
I only play in eta sites.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 08:11 AM
ah got ya i was gonna basically give you free money at hu plo but nvm i guess
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by flash75gordon
ah got ya i was gonna basically give you free money at hu plo but nvm i guess
Guess you disagree what I said about this hand or do you have any other reason to play against me? If u depo to ipoker/b2b/everleaf/boss I dont mind playing against you unless it goes higher than 600. But I would like to know why do you disagree with my comment about this hand.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
08-19-2010 , 09:53 AM
I haven't read the thread but with all the walls of text and the posters involved in this thread, it's deserving of five stars.
270bbs deep rush 10 interesting river decision Quote
