The villain is 30/19 and hasn't 3bet yet over ~ 45 hands.
Post flop he doesn't seem tricky nor does he seem like a huge calling station, although I don't have any concerete reads to base these on.
chances are that he 3bet AAxx and since he continues otf, I would give up ott since that AAxx is probably suited to the spades.
if he's very passive postflop, i would give up flop already. you're oop which makes this very difficult to play.
plus you would probably c/c most 9xxx combos
If he hasn't ever 3bet, and your OOP, there is no point what so ever to try to defend against it. Call pre, since your DS and somewhat connected, but when you flop nada just give him the pot. It's likely he has what he is representing, no matter what that is.
Also, I really cant see villain have a Txxx hand (a pure one that is)