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2/5/10: bet or check 2/5/10: bet or check

08-05-2021 , 04:25 AM
live 6 handed 2/5 with a $10 floating straddle posted by the winner of the previous hand.

monster spot opens for 35, i flat CO with QT87

btn/villain calls, vs villain 1k eff, 2 monsters in the blinds call, 5 to the flop.

175, flop T63

i lead flop for pot 175, btn calls, hu

525, turn 7s

villain has 750 left and i cover

bet (sizing?) or check decide?

villain is nit, tagish, lifetime pro in his 50s.
im viewed as nit by this field and agg
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-05-2021 , 05:04 AM
3bet preflop
check/call flop
potbet turn
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-05-2021 , 11:14 AM
Definition of Nit please .. You flatted PF and then donk this Flop? What is a Nit to have here OTF? TTxx? Can't really put you on AA w FD since you didn't 3b PF.

I agree that if we actually do have a 'proper' Nit image we can 3b this holding every once in a while when IP against spots and to try and gain position.

I like the c/c Flop thinking .. this just really isn't a very wide Nit Flop and it would tend to hit Players behind us stronger. Only a 9 gives us the nuts against multiple Players. Perhaps betting will get weaker flush draws to fold out?

AP we do need to apply pressure I might not go all with way with pot ($400) to try and have some meat left to 'bluff' the River with should V not improve. Does a Turn bet really make sense though? 45/89 gets there, so we are just playing this like TT/FD and we'll take our lumps against made hands. That's pretty face up.

We are relying on Reg Nit Pro to be below average in range and 'see' the story we are trying to tell. I'm just curious how a 'first to call' Nit shows up with 89 here, otherwise you have to be going with TT/NFD as your only other options .. since 45 is not a Nit option unless paired AA/FD as well .. slim IMO. GL
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-06-2021 , 02:13 AM
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-06-2021 , 08:50 AM
Not a good hand to go multiway with pre - I'd 3bet it. I wouldn't lead/pot the flop - it sucks getting raised here, and frankly every turn is going to be extremely tough to play unless you hit the nuts. As played I think you have to keep potting along - there's just no good turn cards for you the line you took
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-07-2021 , 02:24 AM
Pre this is a really good 3! spot. Flop pot bet is terrible 5-ways. Turn you definitely have to just pot it
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-07-2021 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by RolldUpTrips
Pre this is a really good 3! spot. Flop pot bet is terrible 5-ways. Turn you definitely have to just pot it
+1 3B! "massive spot" whenever possible.
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-08-2021 , 06:05 PM
the reason i opted not to iso the spot was bc 3betting has little to no effect in this game. the game is now short and there are two other massives in the blinds who are coming along if they were dealt jokers and the cards with the poker rankings on the them.

i felt the hand too strong to fold and uselessly bloating pre having to fold to a repop. i also felt the tight player behind me was folding 3/4 times if not more than that, awarding me the btn.

i think the flop pot is a no brainer. worse case x/r by a set i have 40% equity plus the middle. worse worst case vs set + nfd = my time to die.
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-08-2021 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by 5th Suit
the reason i opted not to iso the spot was bc 3betting has little to no effect in this game. the game is now short and there are two other massives in the blinds who are coming along if they were dealt jokers and the cards with the poker rankings on the them.

i felt the hand too strong to fold and uselessly bloating pre having to fold to a repop. i also felt the tight player behind me was folding 3/4 times if not more than that, awarding me the btn.

i think the flop pot is a no brainer. worse case x/r by a set i have 40% equity plus the middle. worse worst case vs set + nfd = my time to die.
You know that multiple people are allowed to put money in at the same time, right? Your hand is great all in HU because you can't be covered in every direction, but this is a 5-way pot and multiway your hand is a disaster because someone will tend to have you covered in each direction.
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-09-2021 , 04:21 PM
This is definitely 3bet preflop, but if you decide to put yourself in this situation, I would check-call flop and push turn in HU, or check-call 3-way
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
08-12-2021 , 09:07 PM
+1 to the 3 bet pre
turn i'm potting it as played
2/5/10: bet or check Quote
