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2-4 150bb TurnReraise. What to do? 2-4 150bb TurnReraise. What to do?

03-14-2016 , 04:51 PM
So i played the second biggest pot of my life. The guy recently joined, we played for about 1 hour so i dont have much of a read on him, but he seems pretty solid.

Hero Hand: AJK9

Hero stack: 1200E
Villain stack: 580E

Villain opens utg 12. 150bb effective. Hero utg+1 reraises 41. Call

Flop comes J74

Villain checks. Hero cbets 62. Call

Turn is a 9 . Villain checks, Hero bets 90, villain shoves.

What to do?
2-4 150bb TurnReraise. What to do? Quote
03-14-2016 , 05:55 PM
complain to the dealer that the deck is irregular because there are two jacks of spades

but seriously, here is the math if i did it correctly:

turn pot before bet: 212
villain left before bet: 477
turn pot before you make decision to call or fold: 779
to call: 387

so pot odds are 387/(387+779)=33.2%
if you somehow had the flush draw (let's say flop Jd7h4s, turn 9s) you have 29.7% against random T8. so, it would be a disgusting fold if he only raises the nuts.
2-4 150bb TurnReraise. What to do? Quote
03-14-2016 , 09:18 PM
It's hard to figure how wide he is semi bluff jamming vs. your 40% pot bet, so you have to call. If you had bet bigger, you'd have the price to call anyways, so I kind of like your sizing here. If you didn't turn the nut flush draw, you should just mash pot and go with it. Sometimes he'll have the T8, but he also has a lot of other hands you'd rather not let see a river.
2-4 150bb TurnReraise. What to do? Quote
