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10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play 10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play

10-13-2013 , 07:09 AM
I apologize in advance if this is obvious or too basic.

But I found a possible leak I have and want to make the correct adjustment.

I play 10PLO zoom.

I did a query on over 46000 hands I have

I select only hands where I call a Flop bet with only a pair - no str8 or flush draws.

The result for 674 hands was a downward sloping graph for a wopping 31 BIs in the negative - 468.61 BBs / 100 hands . Interestingly enough - the last 100 hands on the graph was break even.

What do people make of this ? Anything else I should look at ? I've been thinking for a while about just instantly folding any hands postflop w/o a draw or worse than 2 pair ! Now it appears that it could be a huge improvement.

I know a pair is virtually worthless in PLO - but would it be a overreaction? also with last 100 hand breakeven stretch - I wonder if it's a result of how I've been making other changes to my game. I could also be running a bit better. ?

I'd love to hear some opnions / suggestions
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
10-13-2013 , 07:20 AM
cant really say **** based on your explanation...but in general calling flop bets with nothing to back it up sounds like a terrible idea, so just start folding if you dont have any good stuff to go with your pair

also i think this is a slightly wrong way to approach plo analysis....filter for for example 3bet pots and start looking at how you play those in general, oop and ip....stuff like that
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
10-13-2013 , 07:58 AM
Thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by napsus
also i think this is a slightly wrong way to approach plo analysis....filter for for example 3bet pots and start looking at how you play those in general, oop and ip....stuff like that
So when you say it's a slightly wrong approach. Am I understanding correctly that it might be the correct first step - but that I should delve in deeper to identify an even more specific problem or problems ?
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
10-14-2013 , 07:47 AM
Just cause you've had a negative ev on it doesn't make it bad because you might have lost more from just always folding. 674 hands assuming an average stake pre-flop of 5BB (sometimes you invest 3BB pre-flop and sometimes it might be a 3bet flop so I used 5 as avg although could be higher) and that's -3370BB lost so almost 34BI's. So you did slightly better it seems from continuing with them hands than folding them.
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
10-15-2013 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by F_Ivanovic
Just cause you've had a negative ev on it doesn't make it bad because you might have lost more from just always folding. 674 hands assuming an average stake pre-flop of 5BB (sometimes you invest 3BB pre-flop and sometimes it might be a 3bet flop so I used 5 as avg although could be higher) and that's -3370BB lost so almost 34BI's. So you did slightly better it seems from continuing with them hands than folding them.
Thank you - That's a good way to look at it !
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
10-15-2013 , 05:48 PM
Calling a bet with AKQ9r on a 952 board is whole lot of different then calling a bet on 789ds board. You should be more spesific in your description imo.
10PLO zoom adjusting my Flop play Quote
