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100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot 100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot

10-27-2010 , 09:19 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $1(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($29.45)
BB ($109)
UTG ($77)
UTG+1 ($33.50)
Hero ($38.65)
BTN ($37.95)

Dealt to Hero J 8 6 T

UTG raises to $3.50, fold, Hero calls $3.50, BTN raises to $15.50, fold, fold, UTG raises to $51.50, Hero ??

UTG is playing 60/9ish over 100 hands, not very aggro post flop, bit of a calling station. No reads on BTN as of yet, his 1st 3 bet at table in approx 30 hands. UTG's range I'd say is weighted towards AAxx.

If we are up against AAxx and AAxx then its an easy call, does BTN have it enough though?
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-27-2010 , 09:23 PM
Fold with no reads on BTN
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:02 PM
easy fold short and deep..
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-27-2010 , 11:23 PM
easy fold. Dont get carried away with these hands preflop. Its hard to profitably call 3b with these hands HU tbh in shallow games let alone a 4b/shove
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 12:30 AM
Its a fold, but I wouldnlt mind getting it in here. Worst comes to worst you have 40% equity and you only stand to lose 40BB's, but you also gain image points regardless of of u win or lose. People will view you as a Gambler/fish and They'll 3/4bet you with qq and KK. And that's when u have to adjust and overbet your big hands,etc...
Imo, having a maniac image at these tables is the best way to go. You put people on tilt easily, and when people tilt at these shallow tables, 10buyin donation in a 10min span isnlt very uncommon at these tables.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
Its a fold, but I wouldnlt mind getting it in here. Worst comes to worst you have 40% equity and you only stand to lose 40BB's, but you also gain image points regardless of of u win or lose. People will view you as a Gambler/fish and They'll 3/4bet you with qq and KK. And that's when u have to adjust and overbet your big hands,etc...
Imo, having a maniac image at these tables is the best way to go. You put people on tilt easily, and when people tilt at these shallow tables, 10buyin donation in a 10min span isnlt very uncommon at these tables.
A better option would have been to 3bet preflop and be open to getting it in preflop. In most cases people will flat the 3bet and you can take it down on most dry or paired boards.
This is a high var style but very profitable at these tables.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 01:59 AM
Im not a huge fan of 3b full pot raises in shallow games with some obvious exceptions
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
A better option would have been to 3bet preflop and be open to getting it in preflop. In most cases people will flat the 3bet and you can take it down on most dry or paired boards.
This is a high var style but very profitable at these tables.
This hand is a bit too weak to be 3 betting for value, in shallow/cap games 3 bets need to be almost always purely for value. Honestly if UTG was a more solid player that wasn't as likely to pay off I could make a case for just folding to the initial raise.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
A better option would have been to 3bet preflop and be open to getting it in preflop. In most cases people will flat the 3bet and you can take it down on most dry or paired boards.
This is a high var style but very profitable at these tables.
Completely disagree with this, these type of hands go down in value the more shallow we get. Also, if we get 4b we fold (unless its 3 way) as we are a dog and we won't be the getting a price. People will 4b'ing a lot lighter at shallow tables too
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 12:59 PM
But if we 3bet here. Most of the time, we will be hds up . And most of the time our opponent will miss the flop and put us on AAXX or KKxx, so if the flop runs 2-2-X or A-X-X we can take it a large % of the time. After 3betting we usually have about 30bb's effective stacks. And betting 15-18 bb's usually accomplishes what we want.
Again, it's a very unconventional/maniac style. And will pays off even more when we are much deeper, as in 200BB's deep. people will call u much lighter/chase inferior draws. By this time our hero should have tightened up.
Again, this is a very high var style, and I dunlt expect you guys to agree, but its worth experimenting with new styles sometimes.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by CHRONICFEVER
But if we 3bet here. Most of the time, we will be hds up . And most of the time our opponent will miss the flop and put us on AAXX or KKxx, so if the flop runs 2-2-X or A-X-X we can take it a large % of the time. After 3betting we usually have about 30bb's effective stacks. And betting 15-18 bb's usually accomplishes what we want.
Again, it's a very unconventional/maniac style. And will pays off even more when we are much deeper, as in 200BB's deep. people will call u much lighter/chase inferior draws. By this time our hero should have tightened up.
Again, this is a very high var style, and I dunlt expect you guys to agree, but its worth experimenting with new styles sometimes.
You simply can't do this in shallow games the strategy does not work. If you make a habbit of 3 betting these hands observant opponents are going to correctly start 4 betting good QQxx, JJT8, and broadway rundown type hands that have us dominated. Even against more passive/bad players we won't pick up the pot enough on 22x flops to make up for all the times we get stacks in bad.

As far as fostering a maniac image it isn't necessary. Just 3 bet big pairs and broadway cards and watch how often you get called by 9766ss that then stacks off a T93r flop.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
10-28-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Saldirgan
You simply can't do this in shallow games the strategy does not work. If you make a habbit of 3 betting these hands observant opponents are going to correctly start 4 betting good QQxx, JJT8, and broadway rundown type hands that have us dominated. Even against more passive/bad players we won't pick up the pot enough on 22x flops to make up for all the times we get stacks in bad.

As far as fostering a maniac image it isn't necessary. Just 3 bet big pairs and broadway cards and watch how often you get called by 9766ss that then stacks off a T93r flop.
Well this is pretty much what I said, when you notice people making adjustments to you. Ex: people starting to 4bet you light you re-adjust and start 3bet preimums only.
You can use this style if you are aiming for a 5bb+/100 winrate of course. Or you can go the safe rout and play ABC plo and grind a 1bb-2bb winrate.
100PLO Shallow - Preflop Spot Quote
