We are coin flipping vs a bare Ks with 3 random side cards, how could we possibly be in good shape vs his felting range. As for calling, there aren't any really turn cards you are going to want to play on besides a K or 6, even something that would be considered a blank such as the 7
could have you drawing to 2 outs and that's IF you were ahead to begin with. The main problem with our "made" hand of top two pair right now is that its never going to be top two pair on the river. Having K6xx on K63 is completely different from having KJxx on KJ3 or AQ on AQ3. Also our relative position sucks here, if SB or BB were looking to c/r we're ****ed.
The villain limped UTG, called an iso raise, and then goes nuts (well not really but hes not playing passively) on a K high board with 2 spades, I wouldn't be too worried about a 2567 with spades type of hand here. His most likely holdings are going to be KKxx or AAxx with spades.