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100 plo 550bb deep 100 plo 550bb deep

05-05-2011 , 03:30 PM
BB i playing 89/81/3bet 69% over 399

he cbet`s 90% in 3bet pots I have been raising he cbet`s with around 30% and he gives up if he does not have a pice,

He will barrel 3 streets full pot if I just call and he is shipping any FD on the flop if I raise he is what u call a speew monkey on stone called tilt!!

I am just in for 3 buy ins and he has the rest and he is starting too make a comeback, most hands up to now have been some what std at least for HU

I think BB views me as semi nitty but have some speew moves, he did catch me in a big river C/R were every draw did hit but he did HC me with top set for 300bb pot

    Full Tilt, $0.50/$1 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 2 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #9298342

    BB: $557.95 (558 bb)
    Hero (SB): $897.75 (897.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 3 9 7 J
    Hero raises to $3, BB raises to $9, Hero calls $6

    Flop: ($18) J 7 6 (2 players)
    BB bets $18
    hero raises to $72
    BB raises to $234
    Results: $18 pot
    Final Board: J 7 6
    BB mucked and lost (-$9 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    btw I think my rais sizing is bad
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 03:34 PM
    raise smaller(dont mind a call)/fold to re raise or call if not a huge raise???

    I'd be scared of a turn and river barrel but I'm a pussy.

    Last edited by no heads; 05-05-2011 at 03:47 PM.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 03:53 PM
    I think i'd raise flop smaller and jam over his b/3bet, not many good turn cards for us so kinda sucks calling and being like wtf do i do if turn isn't j/7/2/3 if he pots into us which we can expect him to do majority of the time. It's high variance but we're doing decent vs. his range
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 03:59 PM
    I hate calling. I hate raising. I hate folding.

    Flip a coin IMO.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:20 PM
    Once you raise i think you have to go with it, but i wouldn't raise in the first place unless you think he's likely to stack off with bare AA or something. You can call and play turns and river, especially in position. He's got to be worried about all the cards that complete draws unless he has it, since you can easily have any of the draws when you flat the flop
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:22 PM
    Actually thinkin about this more..

    Calling seems to be definately the right player.
    Raising this deep is horrible IMO.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:23 PM
    Originally Posted by Swingtastic
    Actually thinkin about this more..

    Calling seems to be definately the right player.
    Raising this deep is horrible IMO.
    what is your plan on turn cards when we're potted into?
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:43 PM
    Originally Posted by Trollbingen
    he is what u call a speew monkey on stone called tilt!!
    whats the question, pot raise flop pot get it in

    anything else is pretty stupid
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:45 PM
    Originally Posted by Olangotang
    what is your plan on turn cards when we're potted into?
    I understand your point. The problem with raising is you are not pushing an equity edge IMO, and you are a dog to his 3bet get it in range this deep unless he is a complete monkey.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:49 PM
    Originally Posted by Swingtastic
    I understand your point. The problem with raising is you are not pushing an equity edge IMO, and you are a dog to his 3bet get it in range this deep unless he is a complete monkey.
    reread op lol

    if you think calling is best you've got to have a turn plan, and I'm interested what it is since most turns are tricky to play
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:53 PM
    It depends on reads on how he plays scare cards, propensity to bluff, but I agree so many turns are very hard to play.

    Just reread op, If hes on monkey tilt just raise/get it in and avoid tough decision
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 04:53 PM
    Originally Posted by Tsajajaja
    whats the question, pot raise flop pot get it in

    anything else is pretty stupid
    gameflow wise even if getting it in is positive EV, wouldn't waiting for a better spot to stack off be even more positive EV. If he wins with 45% equity he's prolly off tilt and you can't rebuy for over 100bb.

    Last edited by no heads; 05-05-2011 at 05:02 PM.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 06:04 PM
    Originally Posted by no heads
    gameflow wise even if getting it in is positive EV, wouldn't waiting for a better spot to stack off be even more positive EV. If he wins with 45% equity he's prolly off tilt and you can't rebuy for over 100bb.
    I would flip my whole roll for 55%. And yeah its hard to take "tilt equity" into account when deep but we just let him run over us if we dont shove in this kind of spots. And raise folding flop is maxhorrible and even more horrible is to raise call.

    But when he is in money tilt we might have even more than 55% here.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 08:58 PM
    sry that I have been away tonight drinking going to respond tomorrow
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 10:15 PM
    Originally Posted by Tsajajaja
    whats the question, pot raise flop pot get it in

    anything else is pretty stupid
    +1, though I would probably raise a bit less than pot but don't think it makes any difference really. Turns can get tricky and lots of stuff we can get it in really good against on flop like a set of 6's or 7's he floped with a double paired hand, AA or KK plus an oesd, AA or KK plus a fd, nfd plus a little something else. Sometimes we get it in on a flip for a massive pot but that's no big deal, unless this is big % of your br, as we have minimum 40% (if he has the very unlikely 4589 w/ spades) and usually at least 50%.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-05-2011 , 10:20 PM
    I would flip my whole roll for 55%
    I'm sorry but I don't believe you are this stupid, buy in sure, half a roll maybe, whole roll, nonononononono dumb
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-06-2011 , 02:15 AM
    Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
    I'm sorry but I don't believe you are this stupid, buy in sure, half a roll maybe, whole roll, nonononononono dumb
    U are smart
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-06-2011 , 10:50 AM
    i dont think calling is that bad, villain will most likely have a flush draw in his hand or have us beat already. so we could call here and get it in on all non flush completing turns.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-06-2011 , 11:24 AM
    Originally Posted by donkeykong2
    i dont think calling is that bad, villain will most likely have a flush draw in his hand or have us beat already. so we could call here and get it in on all non flush completing turns.
    Calling 18 bet or 234 raise? Calling 18 dollar bet is fine since some good things can happen when you do that and you can exercise pot control on bad turns. I prefer just shoveling money having flopped top set on this board in deep 3bet pot almost always though. And calling 234 raise with 300ish behind is very bad imo.

    Edit: Disregard my posts in the thread I thought we flopped a set of jacks. With top two on this board this deep, flat calling flop bet is definitely best, we're doing poorly against a lot of stuff.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
    05-06-2011 , 04:28 PM
    Originally Posted by crashwhips
    Calling 18 bet or 234 raise? Calling 18 dollar bet is fine since some good things can happen when you do that and you can exercise pot control on bad turns. I prefer just shoveling money having flopped top set on this board in deep 3bet pot almost always though. And calling 234 raise with 300ish behind is very bad imo.

    Edit: Disregard my posts in the thread I thought we flopped a set of jacks. With top two on this board this deep, flat calling flop bet is definitely best, we're doing poorly against a lot of stuff.
    i dont think it is that bad, villain is pot committed either way and we might fold on some cards where we dont have the correct odds to continue.
    100 plo 550bb deep Quote
