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1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise 1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise

08-28-2017 , 10:30 AM
Playing in a very good 1-3-6 PLO game with a mandatory button straddle where action starts with the small blind. Normal one raise Pre-Flop and 5-6 callers. Max Buy of $1,000.

Hero has about $1,500, Villain has approx $1,200. Villain is probably the best player at the table, someone I believe to be a pro and have played with multiple times. Hero is a young white male, has played in this game 3 or 4 times and is known to be from out of town and is here on business. Have had good results in the game including one session as a $5k + winner in the previous months.

SB Calls 6, BB calls 6, UTG+1 folds, Hero UTG+2 pots to $30 with 9875, 3 callers behind me including main villain in the High jack + both blinds call.

6 ways to flop, (Pot: $180): 962
SB + BB check
Hero ($1,470): bet's $75
Folds to Villain in HJ
Villian ($1,170): Raises to $255
Folds to Hero.

What Should Hero do in this spot? Call and evaluate, or ReRaise/Pot and get it all in?
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
08-28-2017 , 11:46 AM
sweet hand, very likely a fold in a full ring live game from EP, which no one including me would ever do, so fine of course

c/ flop, as played happily yolo it in!
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
08-28-2017 , 03:45 PM
We ain't sitting there playing 20 hands an hour to fold a double sooted rundown bruh

Depends, if you 3b, does villain fold 2nd/3rd set?
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
08-28-2017 , 04:14 PM
At the time, I didn't really consider him to be bluffing. I put him on some sort of a draw/wrap or a set. I'm not sure if 22 is in his range, but 66 and 99 could easily be in his range along with wraps and pairs+wraps.

I don't see him folding any sets though to answer your question.
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
08-28-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
We ain't sitting there playing 20 hands an hour to fold a double sooted rundown bruh

Depends, if you 3b, does villain fold 2nd/3rd set?
of course not brudi
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
08-30-2017 , 09:41 PM
Dicey spot. Does the villain have reason to think that board wouldn't hit your range? That being said villain could easily have dominating or similar draws depending on how he perceives your range.
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
09-01-2017 , 12:21 AM
Well considering his image as a good reg, he probably isn't bluffing into that many people. This is definitely the higher side of his range. Now how do you stack up.

Against a naked set your probably around 55/45. Now seeing that you block top set a little less likely. Now if your going against similar hand then yes similar results as you chop many outs. But if he does happen to have the nut rundown well your in terrible shape. Around 80/10 with 10 chop. And if your against set and open ended, again terrible shape. So considering that your perhaps best option is a naked set or 2 pair with backdoors, it may suck but he has too many hands in his range that kill you.

The only way I would consider calling here is if you have ever seen him to slow down and pot control turns on big pots with low APR, if that's the case if might be worth a shot seeing to try and cheap to cheap river and realize your equity. But likely if he is bombing this flop, he will be confusing turn and again putting you in hard spot. Probably a good though it sucks.

Or just rip it in and say "gamble, gamble"
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
09-01-2017 , 10:28 AM
Rip it in and say "gamble, gamble" imo
1-3-6 PLO Live (mandatory Button Straddle) - Interesting Flop Raise Quote
