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1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop 1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop

09-22-2009 , 12:45 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $2(BB)
Hero ($256)
BB ($202)
UTG ($890)
CO ($120)
BTN ($259)

Dealt to Hero Q Q A K

UTG raises to $7, fold, BTN calls $7, Hero calls $6, fold

FLOP ($23) 5 3 J

Hero checks, UTG bets $23, BTN calls $23, Hero ???

utg is a 50/44 laggy fish. button is 28/18 and a competent enough reg. he typically plays very straightforward.

so flop c-bet by utg i pretty much dismiss since he's betting just about everything. button i'm guessing has some kind of draw. my original plan was to just c/r the PFR but i didn't anticipate button flatting the c-bet.

so should i still be thinking c/r here? or should i just flat and see a turn? if i just flat, what's my turn plan supposed to be if i don't improve?

1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:09 PM
I think I would flat and then get it in on any spade/T/Q. Otherwise c/f
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:11 PM
bombs away
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:21 PM
wager 92 $ and be quite excited about it imo.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:36 PM
+1 for shipping it
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:41 PM
betting out something is def an option. c/r the maximum as played.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:31 PM
ok, thanks for the replies, guys. i bombed away and button showed up with top set, which i figured was an anomaly and probably poorly played(?) on his part given the flush draw on board.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Margin Of Error
I think I would flat and then get it in on any spade/T/Q. Otherwise c/f

1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:56 PM
I like c/r more than betting out since UTG (lag fish) will likely cbet a wide range.

I like c/r over calling because BTNs range could have a lot of pair + FD, SD + FD hands that you have dominated.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 03:01 PM
Disclaimer - I am new to PLO.

I am not sure I see the reason to c/r.

Assuming that the fish holds some random top 35% hand, and the button has the goods (JJ**) we have 33% equity here. So we're playing for the $30 contributed by the UTG?
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 03:41 PM
c/r is good i think, just cuz someone played top set like a turd doesnt mean u did anything wrong
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by alex-star
Disclaimer - I am new to PLO.

I am not sure I see the reason to c/r.

Assuming that the fish holds some random top 35% hand, and the button has the goods (JJ**) we have 33% equity here. So we're playing for the $30 contributed by the UTG?
You dont know button has a set obv...with the fish cbetting this board too much and the button cold calling, you likely have an equity advantage w/ NFD and overpair. It should be pretty obvious that you will get a decent amount of folds by repotting, and it makes the hand much easier to play OOP...
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 04:05 PM
Mash the pot button
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:37 PM
...hero shoves...
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:44 PM
Jump up and down on the pot button. If BTN is decent, he knows the c-bet doesn't mean much and he can draw thin and stack the donk if he hits. Even if the BTN has a set, you have a NFD, a draw at a better set, and a backdoor broadway draw. You never know, the tard may stack off with top pair, or a naked two pair or a crappy straight draw.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:49 PM
agree with the shove camp, anyone 3 betting this?...i think i want to
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:56 PM
I'm certainly OK 3betting this occasionally, but I'm not doing it terribly often out of position. That is unless of course, you have a read that the PFR'er folds to three bets frequently or goes tight passive in 3 bet pots. In that case, bombs away.
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by mdb77
agree with the shove camp, anyone 3 betting this?...i think i want to
if the button opens many hands from this position, i would definitely 3bet him
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-23-2009 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by homerjaysimpson
if the button opens many hands from this position, i would definitely 3bet him
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
09-23-2009 , 08:24 PM
check raise fo sho
1/2: overpair + NFD 3-way on flop Quote
