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You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread)

07-26-2012 , 09:50 PM

That's a solid brag. I'm curious if you were to log what you previously used to eat like, what would be the daily caloric intake?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-26-2012 , 10:13 PM
-7 in one month, I think.

I say "I think" because I have a digital scale, so I'm not too confident in the exact reading, but as long as it's consistently off (no guarantee of that, either) I figure the important thing is staying under the calorie target.

The bugaboos for me, as I wrote before, are the estimates for activity. To be clear, I don't walk down the street and say, "Oh, I just bought myself a Zinger..." but it would be nice to know that the burn estimates for activity XY&Z are somewhat accurate.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-26-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pauwl

That's a solid brag. I'm curious if you were to log what you previously used to eat like, what would be the daily caloric intake?
I dunno. Now I have steak and a small can of veggies for dinner, before it would be the same steak and veggies with a huge baked potato (butter, sour cream, cheese), about four dinner rolls, and ice cream for dessert.

Now I have a 3-egg veggie omelet and meat (3 bacon slices or sausage links) for breakfast. Before I would have two bagels or four slices of toast with it, buttered, often with jelly or marmalade.

Before I'd have a sandwich and bag of chips for lunch, or maybe a couple huge slices of pizza instead, and wrap it up with a giant chocolate chip cookie. Now I have a salad, ranch, and diced chicken breast.

Before, I'd be hungry an hour or two after each meal, counting down the minutes till the next meal. Now that I cut out all that bread, these smaller meals are leaving me MORE satisfied than the bigger, old meals.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-26-2012 , 11:43 PM
Just messing with some quick numbers, your total daily amount of calories for a day like that (though the sandwich is probably under on calories from what you normally have)
You were eating about 4300 calories/day
Breakfast was 1128 calories (520 of which was Bagel)
Lunch was roughly
810 (but depends on the cookie/sammich)
Dinner was about 2300 calories, give or take based on types/amount of things.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
I think when I started (going off the top of my head bc I'm phone posting) I was at 268? 263? I'm 248 now.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rnr_Rnr_Hobgoblin
Forgive me for whatever is deemed that I need forgiveness for please. But can a mod or someone with speciAl powers update the OP with a couple things like who has started a diet based in this thread, starting weight and current weight?
TheRempel (-10 to -12)
Hopey (-11)
JaredL (-8) (from the H&F thread)
YouTalkFunny (-39)
offTopic (-7)
yeotaJMU (-15 to -20)
Goofball (unknown, but he started this mess iirc)

NhlNut (-?? ~30)
Picture a 6'3" version of ytf. Have not weighed myself, but notice the size difference.
2800 goal (2lbs/week)
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:34 PM
I'm -14. (not blogging it though, just doing it). Almost below 200 now.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 12:47 PM
Had gotten up to 260, actually got all the way down to 248, had a few disaster days in a row while taking the bar exam (honestly not really ashamed of "dammit I'm going to have whatever I want to stay perfectly sustained during this" given what was at stake), and upon stepping back on the scale this morning see that I gave four pounds back in four days and am back up to 252. In my experience those pounds from a few bad days/nights come off fairly quickly upon getting back on track though, so hopefully I can get rid of all of them in the next week or so.

I had actually started on this like a week before this thread, but I still give it a good bit of credit since I wasn't logging at that point and logging really does help with keeping on track.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rnr_Rnr_Hobgoblin
Forgive me for whatever is deemed that I need forgiveness for please. But can a mod or someone with speciAl powers update the OP with a couple things like who has started a diet based in this thread, starting weight and current weight?
I've been trying to lose weight/be healthier since late March, but started logging specifically due to this thread.

I'm down ~25 since the start and 10 lbs. since I started logging a little over a month ago. The logging has really helped step it up since it forces me to be much more accountable.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
The logging has really helped step it up since it forces me to be much more accountable.
Yeah, this. I did actually fail to log all of those bad days over the past week (lack of time was partially a legit excuse; I was also avoiding it though), but went back to face the music and attempted to log them as honestly as possible now. And...holy ****. It's definitely a good tool to scare you straight.

Last edited by LKJ; 07-27-2012 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Not that those were normal days before I was trying either though. They would have been outliers even when I wasn't bothering
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
while taking the bar exam
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-27-2012 , 03:26 PM
Cautiously optimistic, but results don't come back for almost two more months.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-29-2012 , 06:04 PM
so just got done watching 'fat, sick, and nearly dead' on netflix. thought it was pretty good. however, it does seem to make juice fasting look like a miracle diet which worries me. anyone else have thoughts on this?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-29-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by 34TheTruth34
however, it does seem to make juice fasting look like a miracle diet which worries me. anyone else have thoughts on this?
It's complete bull**** made up by people who don't understand extremely basic science but have vague baseless ideas about what's they think is healthy that they then take to ridiculous extremes.

There's no logic behind juice fasting, and there are a number of studies showing that it has no health benefits and a number of risks.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-29-2012 , 11:31 PM
Juice is like sugary sugar. Seems like it is dumb to just drink juice
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-30-2012 , 05:51 PM
fwiw it was mostly green vegetable juice, but yeah i hear ya
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
07-30-2012 , 06:35 PM
Today is weigh-in day for me...198, -9 since starting 6/26.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 07:21 PM
Having trouble with one part of exercise logging on MFP. I played golf, with a cart yesterday, the round taking about 4.5 hrs. When I put this in, it's claiming this burned over 2000 calories. I then googled around and found this:

saying maybe 800.

then this:

saying about 400.

Can anyone give me a proper estimate of calories burned playing 18 holes using a cart?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 07:44 PM
The calorie estimates for any kind of cardio on MFP seem to be based on someone that doesn't ever get out of bed at all. I work 12+ hour days as a cook in a pretty busy restaurant and it claims I am burning 2500+ calories, so I generally only log like 1/4 of my work hours and have my profile set to no activity or w/e.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 07:55 PM
2500 for 12+ hrs seems about right if not low. hell sitting on ur ass for 12+ hours burns like a thousand proly moar.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 08:08 PM
I probably didn't explain my point well. I don't think you would burn 2500+ more cooking for 12 hours than you would sitting on your butt, which is what MFP calculates as no matter what your normal activity level is.

In reality it should be (Activity Calories Burned) - (Normal Resting Calories Burned) = Net, but I don't think they calculate it that way.

You also have to remember a lot of the food and exercise stuff that is in MFP is put in there by users, so it can often be massively inaccurate.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 08:14 PM
I'mLessFatThanIUsedToBe moment of the day: I just clipped my toe nails without straining a muscle.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 08:54 PM
I have the same problem with MFP when logging my soft ball games. It claims I'm burning 640 Calories by playing for 90 minutes. In reality, it's almost 95% standing there.

Here is an interesting activity to Calories burned calculator that has almost any activity in it (including Sex-Foreplay vs. Sex-Intercourse):

I don't really trust the accuracy of it since it also says 90 minutes of softball burns 650 calories. For 4.5 hours of golfing with a cart it says 1334 Calories burned.

I agree that if MFP is gonig to add an activities Calories on top of your base Caloric intake, it should be the calories burned by an activity above sitting/resting since resting is accounted for in your base daily caloric intake goal.

I think some other people in this thread have said they aren't bothering to log their exercise and are just trying to stay under their daily caloric intake goal whether they work out or not.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 09:21 PM
If I wasn't working such long hours, I wouldn't bother either, but I don't want to start dropping muscle so I just make sure I consume ~2400 calories on those days, less if business is slower and I'm not running around so much.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
08-02-2012 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
I'mLessFatThanIUsedToBe moment of the day: I just clipped my toe nails without straining a muscle.
While you make jest of it by posting it as you did for us to read...this had a profound impact on you.

One less pain due to weight loss / strength gain is a booster. Keep it up.

Last edited by nuclear500; 08-02-2012 at 10:04 PM.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
