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You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread)

06-22-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
While this may be optimal, a change like this is something that can make or break a drastic diet plan (causing it to be "too difficult" when one is used to sugary drinks all the time), especially when there is a lot of weight to be lost. I wouldn't advise anyone to worry about this until they've already made significant progress.

Also, the results of those studies are arguable.
I've struggled with food my whole life. It wasn't until the Clean program completely shut me off from things (no hand-holding, no exceptions) that I finally got it.

Its different for everyone. But I'd argue that just cutting soda off cold turkey is better for this project than allowing him to ease his way off. He needs some mental fortitude, not baby steps towards mental fortitude.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Correlation != causation etc. I'm by no means expert, but it seems like sugars are triggering physiological responses that cause extreme food cravings. Why try to trick your body into thinking that it is getting these sugars?
Because you take it step-by-step. Maybe some people struggle with artificial sugar cravings. I certainly never did. I didn't see much utility to cutting diet soda, and I lost 70 pounds. I also never struggled with sugar cravings, but I don't really have a sweet tooth.

I'm also under the impression from some things I've read that the science on that assertion is... murky at best.

Our primary goal is calorie restriction and setting basic macros. Figure out the rest once you've mastered the above.

Last edited by Karak; 06-22-2012 at 01:39 PM.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 01:40 PM
In general, folks have generally divided themselves into three different ‘camps’ when it comes to diet. All of the groups tend to proclaim loudly that their approach is best and all are quite able to bring research to the table to support their diet in some degree.

Testimonies always abound about how a specific diet just did amazing things and you can find them for any diet out there. A bigger cynic might conclude that all diets work (as long as they meet a few basic requirements) and to, a great degree, there is some truth to this. As long as a diet gets you to eat less, you should lose at least some weight.

At the same time, you can always find folks who did poorly on a given approach. It’s easy (and a copout) to blame the dieter and there are situations where a given diet may simply be inappropriate (or less than ideal) for a given situation. A dieter may fail on a diet for the simple reason that it doesn’t meet their needs, a topic I discuss in How Dieters Fail Diets.
But that doesn’t change the rather loud proclamations of the various dietary camps that they have the ONE TRUE DIET ™. It’s not far from claims of having the ONE TRUE RELIGION ™ in a lot of ways.

What few of these groups are willing to admit or acknowledge, and what I’ve tried to make a recurring theme in this book is that different diets are more or less appropriate depending on the situation. Each of the different diets may be the ‘correct’ approach, simply at different times and under different sets of circumstances.

Rather than promoting a specific diet as being optimal under all situations, I take the stance that the choice of diet (for example high vs. low-carbohydrate) is context specific: different diets are more or less appropriate under a given set of conditions. Sure, I’d sell more copies of my books if I told you I had the ONE TRUE DIET (TM) but that’d be bull**** because I don’t think it’s true.
- Lyle McDonald

That quote is from part 1 of a 4 part article discussing the 3 main types of diets, and how to choose which one is correct for you and your circumstances.

The link is for part 1. The other 3 parts are linked from there.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 01:45 PM
Re: Lyle McDonald

While the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook is a guide to crash dieting, many of the nutritional lessons in there are very useful concepts. I found it a helpful read.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 01:45 PM
I'd like to +1 whoever suggested starting a log in H&F (or a comparable forum on another site). Being part of a community, learning from people more experienced than you, and getting support will be vital to your success. A lot of the logs on H&F deal with lifting weights to gain weight or do a recomp (and another +1 to whoever suggested incorporating strength training into YTF's new routine), but a number of them deal with lifting weights and losing weight at the same time (at least one person with such a log has posted quite recently in this thread, for example). Being able to maintain your lean body mass (LBM) instead of losing it while dieting will have gigantic quality of life implications.

Being accountable to a group of people that know their **** and won't tolerate your lame excuses for why you can't will be a big part of whether or not you're successful. Whether or not it's on this site or not, some form of external support and accountability is key. Good luck.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 01:51 PM
ITT, terrible and contradictory advice is given in 45 different directions.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty

One good tip is that Kit Kat bars are thinner than other candy bars, so you can eat more and not gain weight. Also, experts recommend eating a huge meal right before bedtime, so you don't wake up with the morning "hungries"
Originally Posted by Karak
This really isn't funny.
Yeah, this thread isn't the place for jokes. It's the place for hundreds of posts of conflicting dietary advice.

You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:08 PM
Clare's joke was definitely funny
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I'd like to +1 whoever suggested starting a log in H&F (or a comparable forum on another site). Being part of a community, learning from people more experienced than you, and getting support will be vital to your success. A lot of the logs on H&F deal with lifting weights to gain weight or do a recomp (and another +1 to whoever suggested incorporating strength training into YTF's new routine), but a number of them deal with lifting weights and losing weight at the same time (at least one person with such a log has posted quite recently in this thread, for example). Being able to maintain your lean body mass (LBM) instead of losing it while dieting will have gigantic quality of life implications.

Being accountable to a group of people that know their **** and won't tolerate your lame excuses for why you can't will be a big part of whether or not you're successful. Whether or not it's on this site or not, some form of external support and accountability is key. Good luck.
Bolded is what I was getting at. Ultimately, you're doing this for yourself, but others will want to see your success. Being held accountable by them is just another incentive to get after it.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:10 PM
There are a lot of techniques you can try, but I'd just be very basic at the start.

Keep a log of what you eat, count your calories, and weigh your food. I think a food scale is mandatory for people that seriously want to lose weight. Most healthy foods don't come in prepackaged proportions.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:11 PM
I made it through the first few pages of this thread, so I'm grunching a bit here:

Total amount of calories in certainly matters. However, I think people are definitely discounting the effects that different types of food have on your body.

If I was overweight, here are the things I would try:

1. Immediately go to the doc and request a thyroid and hormone test. If your endocrine system is out of whack you are going to have all kinds of problems.

2. Watch your caloric intake from alcohol. Most people forget to count the beer they drink or mixed drinks at night.

3. Try eating more fat & protein and less carbs and sugar. Why? Carbs spike blood glucose levels, which triggers insulin. This results in your body storing that sugar as a fat in your adipose tissue.

The other major factor is satiety. If you're eating a modest amount of calories (< 2000), you're going to be starving all day long if you only eat carbs. The rise and crash of your blood glucose is what makes you hungry. Fatty foods tend to keep people satiated for a long time.

Another reason to consider limiting carbs, especially wheat:
a. Modern wheat contains gliadin, which has proven to be a huge appetite stimulant
b. Wheat may cause leptin resistance, which is another protein hormone that affects appetite

I've found it insanely tough to constantly avoid bread, but I feel better doing so. I'm never hungry and can eat as low as 2000 calories a day.

I think the science around most of this stuff is still relatively new and not very well tested, but it's worth a shot to try it and see how your body reacts. While most people blame overweight people for eating too much, we should probably be looking at WHY overweight people are so hungry. Self control only goes so far if you feel like you are in total starvation mode.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:14 PM
I see very little conflicting advice aside from some nit picking. The 2+2 H&F hive mind agrees on nearly all basic dietary concepts.

Originally Posted by toddw8
Yeah, this thread isn't the place for jokes. It's the place for hundreds of posts of conflicting dietary advice.

Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Clare's joke was definitely funny
It would have been if it came 2 days ago and wasn't rehashed 4,654 different ways already.

It's like the guy running into the Super Bowl party 30 seconds after the game ended cheering for his team to win the coinflip.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Re: Lyle McDonald

While the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook is a guide to crash dieting, many of the nutritional lessons in there are very useful concepts. I found it a helpful read.

Just to be clear, I recommended that he look into The Ketogenic Diet, and not The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook.

(I think Rapid Fat Loss Handbook is a crash diet based on a ketogenic diet plan, but not really sure.)

In any case, YTF needs to do research based on his own circumstances to find out what is likely correct for him.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by steelersdmw1
If you want to go about life just being a fatty and not accepting responsibility for it then that's your prerogative, but don't complain that people don't want you around them in many different close-quarter settings, not just airplanes.
This is an advantage of being a fatty, also a bonus for smokers. Can the more 'health conscious'pay a fee to keep you away?

but just regarding airplane seats, it is extremely annoying that I cant pay extra for more space.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
I see very little conflicting advice aside from some nit picking. The 2+2 H&F hive mind agrees on nearly all basic dietary concepts.

It would have been if it came 2 days ago and wasn't rehashed 4,654 different ways already.

It's like the guy running into the Super Bowl party 30 seconds after the game ended cheering for his team to win the coinflip.
Maybe you can lose those pesky twenty pounds by lightening the **** up a little
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 02:41 PM
Karak has some very good points about how habits relate to your eating. Boredom, stress, etc. are frequently the cues that we use to begin an unconscious, automatic routine of snacking on ****ty food. You will need to recognize when those cues occur, catch yourself before you enter the routine, and replace it with a better routine and reward.

Also, as Montecore pointed out, joining a community helps keep you on track immensely.

(All this advice is stolen from The Power of Habit.)
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty
Maybe you can lose those pesky twenty pounds by lightening the **** up a little
you'll be hard pressed to find a less serious bizz poster than me on most topics, but perhaps i was biased but having to read your already... humorous jokes in the main scame thread.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 04:06 PM

Have you ever considered that you might be a turd?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty

Have you ever considered that you might be a turd?
Karak is too humble to go into detail, but he deserves a pass for getting so jimmierustled

he's been moonlighting as the sporting events forum's legal correspondent for the Sandusky case while studying for the bar exam, so it's a stressful time. that news from his bigtime Twitterverse contacts doesn't break itself, you know.

to be honest I'd appreciate it if you eased up off his back about it.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:33 PM
HBO did a documentary on Vince Lombardi a year or two ago. One of the people they interviewed was John Madden, who told this story (I'm paraphrasing):

I was a young coach in junior college, and I thought I knew everything there was to know about coaching football. I went to see a seminar Lombardi was giving, and again, I'm young, I think I know everything.

Lombardi spoke for eight hours about one play, the famous Packer Sweep. He started with the center, spoke about his reads and his assignments, "if he sees this, he should do this, if he sees that, he should do that." When he was done with the center, he moved to the strong-side guard, then the weak-side guard.

Eight hours on one play! He talked for four hours, we took a lunch break, then we went back in and he talked for four more hours.

I walked out of there, and I realized: I don't know anything!
I don't have the luxury of blaming my hubris on youth, but I swear to God, I thought I knew everything there was to know about nutrition, exercise, and losing weight. Like I said, I had devoted my life to it. But this thread has been my Lombardi seminar. I really don't know the first damned thing, and that's pretty mind-blowing.

Originally Posted by 27offsuit
spoken like a true addict.

ytf i have nothing against you, but you sound like every other morbidly obese person who's 'gonna kick tomorrow'. just let me eat up all this crap in my cupboards so i don't, you know, WASTE FOOD!

and OH BOY am i going to show you some dieting then baby! you just wait!
Wow, I always thought you were on my side.

Originally Posted by Karak
thread just did a face turn
I LOL'd.

Originally Posted by Nez477
I don't think this has been really addressed in the thread:

What do you drink? Do you drink soda or alcohol or coffee really frequently?

Stop. Just allow yourself to drink water and juices. This is a huge first step towards being healthy, and it really is one of the easier first steps to take.
Yeah, I was surprised that never came up ITT, too.

I have 2-3 Diet Cokes in the morning for the caffeine (and the sweetness, I admit it), nothing but water after breakfast. I almost never drink alcohol, and cutting it out completely when I'm in weight loss mode is no problem.

Originally Posted by RiverFenix
YTF I commend you on being shamed into trying to lose weight again. You've said OOT has depressed you the last few days, the reason being you've become accustomed to looking into the mirror and feeling ok with being disgusting, consider OOT a talking mirror - very hard to ignore.

1) Your stomach is massively oversized meaning you can hold a lot more food.
2) Your gut flora are likely atrocious meaning your digestion is crappy.
3) Your cells have likely been micronutrient starved for a long time meaning their nutritional uptake is poor.
4) You are addicted to food and have no willpower.

Since your biggest weakness is hungry and hungry (#4) your new diet should be one that focuses on still keeping you stuffed (#1) but at a caloric restriction. This is not difficult with SIMPLE FOOD SELECTION and ADHERENCE TO THE GOAL.

You can eat as much as what I'm listing, whenever youre "starving" and you'll lose weight.

-ONLY OATMEAL MADE WITH WATER. Spice it up with fruit of your choice and a little bit of honey or maple syrup( PURE kind not artificial junk).

Second Breakfast
-YOGURT ( primarily greek, occasionally goat). To keep it flavorful add in fruit/honey/etc.

Meal staples (lunch and dinner interchangeable, learn to cook all of the below in a variety of ways)
-SPINACH and other leafy greens
-FISH (tuna, salmon)

-Sunflower seeds.

-GREEN TEA that you sunbrew from tea bags.

There is a healthier, lower calorie substitution for every single thing you routinely eat. By cutting out the garbage this is the way you take care of #2&3.

-EAT SLOWER it's not a race your body will trigger it's full if you stretch it out and don't stuff your face
-WALK everyday, if youve been sitting for more than 30 minutes get up and have a five minute walk. Schedule a longer walk everyday.
-SET A MANTRA. Don't go into this thinking that you'll prove us wrong and that you'll always be a fatbody. That is your current mindset. What is the harm in believing "BY CONSCIOUSLY EATING WELL TODAY I WILL BE A HEALTHIER PERSON TOMORROW". You should be optimistic about this entire process because it's going to be long and at times you're going to want to quit.
-WAIT AT LEAST 45 MINUTES BEFORE EATING WHEN "HUNGRY". This goes for breakfast, don't eat first thing in the morning. Your sense of hungry is incredibly out of whack and by repeatedly proving to your body/mind that you won't die if you don't eat immediately you can help break some of your addiction.
-HAVE A REASON EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU EAT SOMETHING. If you're honest with yourself you'll likely see how often you're eating out of boredom & frustration which is not how healthy people should eat.

Oh boy. I've never eaten six of the first seven things you listed--I even had to google two of them. No, I'm not joking.

Oatmeal sounds like punishment. I don't like oatmeal cookies, which are more sugar than oatmeal, so I can't imagine dressing it up any way palatable. And I wish I could enjoy foods like blueberries, strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, but I can't stand 'em. I made myself start eating salads when I joined the army, but they didn't repulse me the way fruit does. Bananas are the only fruit I can stand. I might be able to tough my way through an apple, I'll have to try it again.

The green tea sounds like punishment as well. Can I just have water instead?

Finally, someone asked about weight training: Nope, I've always been told my exercise time would be better spent walking or running or bicycling, working those huge glutes and quads, they're the muscles best at burning fat. I've heard if from so many sources, I'm shocked to hear folks ITT suggest otherwise. Even had this exchange once when my new gym membership entitled me to a one-on-one session with a trainer:

TRAINER: want to focus on those buttocks and thighs--

ME: (interrupting) Yeah yeah, because those larger muscles burn the most fat.

TRAINER: (shocked) You knew that???

ME: Of course! Nobody knows more about losing weight than fat people! We've been trying to beat this our whole lives!

(Like I said, I thought I knew everything.)
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Oh boy. I've never eaten six of the first seven things you listed--I even had to google two of them. No, I'm not joking.

Oatmeal sounds like punishment. I don't like oatmeal cookies, which are more sugar than oatmeal, so I can't imagine dressing it up any way palatable. And I wish I could enjoy foods like blueberries, strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, but I can't stand 'em. I made myself start eating salads when I joined the army, but they didn't repulse me the way fruit does. Bananas are the only fruit I can stand. I might be able to tough my way through an apple, I'll have to try it again.

The green tea sounds like punishment as well. Can I just have water instead?

Yeah you defo need to go to a psychologist if you respond to these posts like this. The reason this thread started was because you told me that you had done everythinnnngggggg to lose weight and it just wasn't happening through no fault of your own. Then you get berated and kind of come to terms with the facts that you really dont know anything about losing weight.

Anyways, yes, maybe these things will feel like a punishment. But that's the point. The reward comes when you are not a fat slob anymore. The whole getting there part is the work (WORK IS NOT EASY). If you think like that you will never ever have the mental fortitude to do this. As it stands, I feel like you are a huge underdog. You are still deluded into thinking that losing half your body weight is not going to be that tough. Listen, it's gonna suck for you, but if you want to lose weight, food should be used your source of physical energy. You shouldn't look to food as a pleasure thing anymore. I think you will fail because of sentences like "I might be able to tough my way through an apple, I'll have to try it again." Pretty telling imo. You like fattening/sugary food too much, it's become to much a fabric of your life. The only way you'll be able to make a diet work is if you stop looking at food as a pleasure center and as just energy. Anyways I don't have much faith in you succeeding but I hope I'm wrong. GL.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:47 PM
ytf- This is a serious post:

There is an ENORMOUS difference in like how filling different foods are for the same calories. Think about like, a chicken breast vs. a bowl of tortilla chips. Experiment with seasoning and **** like that to trigger satiety after the fewest calories.

For most people, that's gonna come from lightly spiced lean meat and dense green veggies(brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc.). There is a reason they don't serve cheesecake as an appetizer, basically.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:48 PM
One last thing on the weight training vs army pushups and running:

When I was discharged, I was actually pretty ripped from my chest up and from my hips down--but I was still huge around the middle. While home on leave, I was whining about this predicament to the guys in the poolroom. One of the old guys had been a competitive bodybuilder 30 years earlier. He pointed to my gut and asked me, "How long have you been carrying that around?"

"My whole life," I told him.

He made a face. "Aw, then you're screwed. It's all hardened and turned to **** in there, you're never gonna lose that!"

So how could I not think to myself that I'm just stuck with this look?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:50 PM
Idk if anyone mentioned counting calories with a smartphone app. There are many great apps that make it super easy to count calories. You can set how many pounds you want to lose a week and it will give you a calorie budget for each day.

This does many great things for weight loss.

1. goals
2. calorie counts on foods. this gives you an added dimension to choose food as a fuel as opposed to how good it tasted and how much it fills you up or what it costs.
3. exercise calorie values. when you find out how hard you have to work to burn the calories from that extra candy bar you are going to be more likely to decide you don't need it.
4. accountability. at the end of the day when you are wayy over you calorie budget you have no one to blame but yourself.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-22-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by steelersdmw1
The reward comes when you are not a fat slob anymore.
Is calling me a slob supposed to be motivational? Or do you just toss that word in to be a dick? I swear to God, if you called me that to my face, I'd stretch you right out.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
