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You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread)

01-25-2013 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
ive been going nuts on beef jerky myself. kind of an expensive habit though, but it has helped my protein intake. need to get a big bag from costco or something instead of individual bags from 7-11 haha.

also stopped having ice cream for dessert and having greek yogurt.

dropped about 5 lbs the last 2.5 weeks.
Buy a dehydrator and make it yourself.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 02:41 AM

Your take on Daryn fry sounded pretty good, though I think a little soy sauce tossed in there might make it a lot tastier.

Cottage cheese + jam is one of my standard breakfasts. **** sugar free jam though, jam is pretty good calorie bang for the buck already (because a little goes a long way).
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01-25-2013 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Your take on Daryn fry sounded pretty good, though I think a little soy sauce tossed in there might make it a lot tastier.

Cottage cheese + jam is one of my standard breakfasts. **** sugar free jam though, jam is pretty good calorie bang for the buck already (because a little goes a long way).
I was planning on applying soy sauce to taste upon plating it, however it was plenty salty out of the pan

A serious diet coke habit has conditioned me to almost prefer artificial sweeteners :-/
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 03:21 AM

A serious diet coke habit has conditioned me to almost prefer artificial sweeteners :-/[/QUOTE]

I'm a coke zero man. I had some calories to spare the other day and had a regular coke, it was so freaking sweet
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 03:24 AM

I stopped drinking sodas over ten years ago, and after even a year or so it was tough for me to finish a full soda they taste so sweet. And I used to drink at least three cokes a day. Nowadays I drink about one Mexican Coke a month, usually with a burrito when I'm really hungover.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 03:24 AM
Calories to spare? ffs that sounds lame.
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01-25-2013 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Calories to spare? ffs that sounds lame.
Yeah I was at like 1200 that day and been trying to have 1400 minimum

I'm currently down to about 1 coke zero per day, and 1 strong coffee. Diet soda intake tends to be inversely proportional to my calorie intake as I look to "taste" something for 0 calories
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 04:04 AM
Only 1.5 liters of diet coke for me today!

and 2 of diet dr. Pepper :-/
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-25-2013 , 07:53 AM
I'm into coke zero and diet ginger ale.

Kk I counted the calories you listed and came up with ~950 and that wasn't counting the sriracha (which is only 5/teaspoon but come on we use tons right)? And yeah adding tons of sriracha while cooking and also as eating is standard. Anyway probably looking at at least 1000 calories for that meal.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 03:10 AM
My fiancee joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago. I do pretty much all of the cooking because I love it (and I'm better at it) and am making huge transformations in how I've done so.

Anyway, I'll start posting recipes as I make things, but I've been using for a lot of inspiration/ideas/tips on how cook more consciously.

I see a lot of you count calories. As you know, WW doesn't do that, but I can post points+, fat, carbs, protein, fiber counts when I can.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by horrorshow83
My fiancee joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago. I do pretty much all of the cooking because I love it (and I'm better at it) and am making huge transformations in how I've done so.

Anyway, I'll start posting recipes as I make things, but I've been using for a lot of inspiration/ideas/tips on how cook more consciously.

I see a lot of you count calories. As you know, WW doesn't do that, but I can post points+, fat, carbs, protein, fiber counts when I can.
That would b nice. Me and my wife started WW bout 2 weeks ago. So far so good. Any new ideas would b great
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01-31-2013 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by Andy Dufrense
That would b nice. Me and my wife started WW bout 2 weeks ago. So far so good. Any new ideas would b great
How can you be so obtuse?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
How can you be so obtuse?
U better watch what u say or ill cast u out to the sodomites.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
Canned chicken:

New bbq sauce (stubbs) which kinda sucks so I didn't get the crust I usually get

Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
I was skeptical at first also.

Can't remember how much it costs but I doubt it's much cheaper, just easier. I mix in the bbq sauce and throw it in a pan to get hot and done.

For chicken salad i just toss it with mayo onion celery s&p and paprika. Yum.
Not knowing anything about that Kirkland chicken (and, honestly, never having had canned chicken, afaik), I'll say that something there has to be bad for your system.

Two recommendations:

1.) A quick way to making shredded chicken, as opposed to low/slow for hours, is:

-- Spray pan with olive oil cooking spray (no need for oil, given your weight loss goals) and heat on med-hi.
-- Place breasts in flatter-side down and let them sear for about 5 minutes. Be patient. Don't move them during this time.
-- Flip the breasts and let them sit on the heat for about a minute or two.
-- Put a cup of water in the pan (add a 1/2 cup for every 1/2 pound over a pound), lower heat to a simmer, and immediately cover for 12 minutes (may need 15 for 1.5+ lbs.) without removing it as you would with rice.
-- Drain and you should be completely soft for a smooth shred with a couple of forks.
-- Spray your pan again, heat to medium, toss your cooked shredded chicken in with your sauce for about 2-3 minutes before lowering to low; you'll know by looking at it when to remove from heat and serve.

This all takes 25-40 minutes for 4 oz. or a full pound, so make enough for leftovers, as it's worth the time. You can chop veggies to stir-fry with the shredded chicken while the chicken is steaming, too.

2.) The best way to go is just crock your weekly intake of pork and/or chicken one day a week, shred it, and keep it stored in portions. Less messy, more fool-proof, and -- more important -- has you planning more dinners ahead of time.

Congrats on the 60 lbs, too. I have a great BBQ sauce that uses Diet Dr. Pepper instead of beer. Haven't tallied up the points or calories, but it's lower sugar/sodium for sure. I'm making it Sunday for some pulled pork, so I'll take an inventory to have the data correct before posting it.

Last edited by horrorshow83; 01-31-2013 at 04:39 AM.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 02:03 PM
Taking in a suit for alterations today
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 02:23 PM
Thanks for the tips on the shredded chicken. Ive made it fresh before and dont really taste much difference (different texture tho) so I kinda like the ease of the can. Plus no measuring or weighing, its open, mix, heat, eat.

I had some chicken thighs this week too. Bone-in, at the skin. The package had 10 thighs in it and weighed just over 5 lbs. So when I plugged in 2 thighs (16oz) I got like 588 calories. But when I put in "large thigh", it came out to like 450.

Chicken thighs really that high in calorie? I was also skeptical of the weight because 2 thighs didnt seem like a lot of food for nearly 600 calories.

I guess next time I'll skip the skin.

I was 230 again today, so almost back now to where I was (229) the day before Xmas. Had got up to "244" after xmas/new years, but mostly was water weight.

Pretty pleased to keep losing while on Saturdays eating a light lunch and dinner, then going out and having lots of drinks, eating terribly after, and then eating fairly ****ty on Sundays when hungover.

I did add a dedicated leg day to my workout routine though. Still not allowed to do heavy squats/deadlift because of my achilles but I do a bunch of other stuff that definitely gives me a burn. Favorite new exercise is a "squat walk". Tie a resistance band in a small loop and put just above both knees (like step into the loop). Should be snug when in a normal standing position. Then do shoulder width or a little wider in a squat position. hold 10lb weight in front of you while remaining in squat, and walk laterally. Feet should never be less than shoulder width- so if you are going right you move right foot first to a wide position then left foot back to shoulder width. Go both directions. mmmm.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 04:34 PM
I'm also 230 this morning. I'm dying to hit the 220s, then again I did eat 2x filet o fish for lunch. I rarely go over my calorie limit though.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 05:08 PM
I'm overweight and proud of it.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
I'm overweight and proud of it.
[x] is overweight
[ ] is proud of it
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
[x] is overweight
[ ] is proud of it
My reasoning is that I've been a skinny guy my whole life, (5 11 152-155) and in the last year I've put on about 35, and I wear it well. :-)

Being overweight is great, although I wouldn't want to be obese.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
01-31-2013 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
My reasoning is that I've been a skinny guy my whole life, (5 11 152-155) and in the last year I've put on about 35, and I wear it well. :-)

Being overweight is great, although I wouldn't want to be obese.
Ah, wordsmith ITT
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
02-02-2013 , 06:27 PM
Making good protein rich salads is the easiest way to lose weight. Keep trying out new strange vegetables every week and get some cheese, beans, peanuts, n chicken in there.

When you eat this every day you will rarely even be hungry. When you eat processed food, pizza and Philly cheese stakes all the time you will get hungry faster because your body still wants the diverse nutrients you are denying it. When you eat a diet naturally high in vitamins and minerals and drink spring water your bodies acidity goes down and your metabolism goes up. You blood stream can absorb more of the fat stores when you have nutrient rich blood. When you eat empty calories your metabolism slows down and you are less able to burn off the calories so your body stores the energy as fat.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
02-02-2013 , 08:26 PM
Why is your salad which is made up of vegetables, cheese, beans, and meat wildly superior to a pizza or cheese steak which just swaps out beans for bread? I get that bread has lol carbs in it, but pizza and cheese steaks are not inherently made of garbage or deep fried, they are made of food. Aside from the carb hate I don't see how those foods are good examples of "empty calories."
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
02-03-2013 , 03:27 AM
They're not as sating is my guess
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
02-04-2013 , 12:18 AM
You could make a healthy pizza or cheese steak, but people dont. We are evolved to eat a diverse diet of whole foods. Refining grains removes proteins, fiber, vitamins and other nutrients that our bodies need. There is is a lot of evidence that says we probably shouldn't be basing much if any of our diet on grains, let alone refined ones. The added salt needed to make proccessed foods good stimulates your hunger as you eat, encouraging you to over eat. That's why when your not hungry, eat a potato chip, now you ARE hungry.

There's a book I like on the topic called "in defense of food". You don't really need to read it but it's intro is "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" and my favorite way to paraphrase its thesis is, dont eat anything you couldn't make on a farm(/ranch).

Im not explaining this very well because I haven't read up on these things in a while. I do know that when I eat healthier I feel a lot better. I've been mostly eating big high calorie salads for over a weak and I lost significant weight (unmeasured because Im not focused on weight loss, this is mostly from people saying so) and im looking/feeling sharper than I have in a while. I just ate a griled shrimp and spinache salad with honey Dijon vinaigrette, eggs, bacon, and grilled portabello mushrooms, onions and tomatoes from room service. Lots of restaurants have a cool salad option like southwest chicken salad, taco salad, Asian chicken salad or something you can customize . People eating Caesar salads because it's what's familiar are pussies and are torturing themselves and it's not THAT healthy. Furthermore not getting the nutritional diversity either.

Try eating salads like this and you won't be nearly as hungry or unsatisfied.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
