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X-Men: First Class X-Men: First Class

06-03-2011 , 07:47 AM
bump for tiedup
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Don't like X-Men, the first one, much I give it like 6/10

Second one is pretty good, one of the better comic movies like 7.5/10

Third one is a complete abortion of a movie 2/10

Wolverine was about a good as the first one 6/10

So, I have no idea if this is worth checking out. Is it close to or better than X2 or more like one of the others?
This is baffling. X3 was pretty good and Wolverine was like 100-200 times worse than the first one.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 08:17 AM
Yeah, Wolverine was worse than X1. Both are mediocre though. I can't even remember
X3 that much other than I completely hated it - was there some battle on a bridge?
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 08:24 AM
I thought Wolverine was unbelievably bad, gave up and went to sleep in the theater about half-way through. I thought X3 was incredibly terrible for the same reasons. Horrible dialog and just tons of stupid ****. Is this movie similar to those?
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 08:26 AM
Saw it last night, and thought it was great. The movie manages to maintain an incredible pace. Maybe it's just the huge geek inside of me, but there were so many scenes where I just found myself thinking, "AWESOME". Even the scenes you know are coming don't feel cliche or gimmicky which is one thing I was a bit worried about.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 09:22 AM
Heard a lot of pretty good reviews for this from people I wouldn't have expected too... might have to check it out, as it seems like a theater movie and not a wait for Netflix.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 09:41 AM
cant be as bad as wolverine surely
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 09:46 AM
Checked out the matinee, thought it was pretty comparable to X-Men(the first), lots of good character development, actually could use a little more action. A couple laughs
"**** off"

Probably will see it again, X2>X-Men=First Class>>>>>X3>Wolverine

Also, who else did cerebo find?
I only saw storm

Last edited by bbones31; 06-03-2011 at 09:53 AM.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:32 AM
Wolverine was just an excuse to get a bunch of slo-mo money shots of jackman in the rain with his claws and muscles screaming

Gave a friend a pair of screening passes to this last night and really disappointed I couldn't go.

Can't wait to watch it. No x-men movies coming out for a while was my excuse for watching the abortion of a show known as Heroes. I can finally right that wrong
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:46 AM
Not enough attention being paid to the fact that if you go see this you get to watch January Jones take this off:

Even the Koreans know how to effectively market this:


ygos indeed
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:57 AM
2 >> 1 >>> 3 and I couldn't stomach Wolverine, looking forward to this, getting great reviews. I had been pessimistic about this franchise after Wolverine but am excited now
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 12:14 PM
From her face down, I'm all in

By the way, nothing after the credits
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 12:29 PM
Meh. It was another Alien vs Predator for me (though better than AvP of course). So much potential wasted and it deserves to be judged as much by as good as it should have been as by what it was, which wasnt actually that good.

They could have gone so many ways with it, but it was just so cheesy and terrible at parts that the great bits were really undermined. Magneto completely owned the film, Professor X was pretty good, Mystique was good but the new ones' powers were just terrible.

Banshee - a guy who screeches. Ugh. Oh and apparently he had sonar, something never remotely touched on yet just left there hanging like a floating turd
Darwin - i adapt to survive, except im killed by Shaw in like 30 seconds.
Shaw - my powers are cool, but make little sense. like, he absorbs energy, so cant be shot by bullets and is uber strong when facing Magneto at the end, wat?
Angel - ok, first, Angel is the dude from X3, second, her power was she flies and can spit burning acid. I mean its better than Banshee, but it aint (cough) first class.
Beast - at first you sucked, then you got cool. The scene with Beast introducing his powers by jumping on a nearby light was ****ing terrible though.

But Havoc, Azazel, Riptide and Emma Frost were great.

Right, here is where the story was dumb:

In one week they taught a guy to not only channel his screeching but to make him fly using it. W. T. F. Mystique, we know she is ready to go to war cos she lifted some weights at least once. They showed that Beast can run like the Flash if he takes of his shoes. His shoes were holding him back. Think about that for a second. Mystique is a shape shifter, so when she is in bed she asks Magneto to pass her robe, she needs clothes passed to her instead of just shapeshifting some clothes onto herself! Oh and Beast can fly the Blackbird. "Can you fly that thing?" "Course i can, i designed it". I designed it. Yes. He designed it so seemingly with ZERO flight experience he is fully capable of flying it. Not to mention a bunch of mutants just turned up at the airforce base after disappearing for a week to check out the super top secret spy plane.

Then we have continuity errors in terms of how it lines up with the other films such as Magneto it turns out didnt help design the mind booster room, Magneto and Xavier didnt recognise Wolverine despite meeting him (i can perhaps give that one a pass, but not easily) and Xavier had already seen the helmet Magneto wears 3+ decades before the events of X1. Thats just what i immediately noticed having not seen the first trilogy for years. Oh and he had a ****ing car hood ornament on the front of his helmet for NO reason whatsoever at the end.

Seriously, i dont care if you think im a nit, but you guys are completely delusional if you thought that film was anything above good. It was so cheesy, it had ridiculous plot holes, character motivations were paper thin, there was no depth other than from Magneto and at the end i was actively rooting for Magneto to kill the humans with their own weapons, kill the dumb CIA chick with her own gun and then slap Prof X around a bit for being such a blinkered idealist completely divorced from the realities of the world.

I assume they are making an X6 cos this will undoubtedly do ridiculous amounts of money at the box office. When they do, make it mostly about Magneto and have less terribleness in general and i could start to love this franchise again.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 01:30 PM
Hey... How about some spoilers?
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Meh. It was another Alien vs Predator for me (though better than AvP of course). So much potential wasted and it deserves to be judged as much by as good as it should have been as by what it was, which wasnt actually that good.

They could have gone so many ways with it, but it was just so cheesy and terrible at parts that the great bits were really undermined. Magneto completely owned the film, Professor X was pretty good, Mystique was good but the new ones' powers were just terrible.

Banshee - a guy who screeches. Ugh. Oh and apparently he had sonar, something never remotely touched on yet just left there hanging like a floating turd
Darwin - i adapt to survive, except im killed by Shaw in like 30 seconds.
Shaw - my powers are cool, but make little sense. like, he absorbs energy, so cant be shot by bullets and is uber strong when facing Magneto at the end, wat?
Angel - ok, first, Angel is the dude from X3, second, her power was she flies and can spit burning acid. I mean its better than Banshee, but it aint (cough) first class.
Beast - at first you sucked, then you got cool. The scene with Beast introducing his powers by jumping on a nearby light was ****ing terrible though.

But Havoc, Azazel, Riptide and Emma Frost were great.

Right, here is where the story was dumb:

In one week they taught a guy to not only channel his screeching but to make him fly using it. W. T. F. Mystique, we know she is ready to go to war cos she lifted some weights at least once. They showed that Beast can run like the Flash if he takes of his shoes. His shoes were holding him back. Think about that for a second. Mystique is a shape shifter, so when she is in bed she asks Magneto to pass her robe, she needs clothes passed to her instead of just shapeshifting some clothes onto herself! Oh and Beast can fly the Blackbird. "Can you fly that thing?" "Course i can, i designed it". I designed it. Yes. He designed it so seemingly with ZERO flight experience he is fully capable of flying it. Not to mention a bunch of mutants just turned up at the airforce base after disappearing for a week to check out the super top secret spy plane.

Then we have continuity errors in terms of how it lines up with the other films such as Magneto it turns out didnt help design the mind booster room, Magneto and Xavier didnt recognise Wolverine despite meeting him (i can perhaps give that one a pass, but not easily) and Xavier had already seen the helmet Magneto wears 3+ decades before the events of X1. Thats just what i immediately noticed having not seen the first trilogy for years. Oh and he had a ****ing car hood ornament on the front of his helmet for NO reason whatsoever at the end.

Seriously, i dont care if you think im a nit, but you guys are completely delusional if you thought that film was anything above good. It was so cheesy, it had ridiculous plot holes, character motivations were paper thin, there was no depth other than from Magneto and at the end i was actively rooting for Magneto to kill the humans with their own weapons, kill the dumb CIA chick with her own gun and then slap Prof X around a bit for being such a blinkered idealist completely divorced from the realities of the world.

I assume they are making an X6 cos this will undoubtedly do ridiculous amounts of money at the box office. When they do, make it mostly about Magneto and have less terribleness in general and i could start to love this franchise again.
I tend to argue a bit with the character development point simply because the only characters that really mattered in the movie are Magneto, X, Mystique and Kevin Bacon. I agree with you that Magneto's character story was excellent. Where I disagree is that X and Mystique both had incredibly satisfying arcs to me. Everyone knows X is a shill already. I thought they did a solid job showing how he was affected by his privileged life and used it to get where he got. Also, if you have no straight man to the good then the character development of Magneto/Mystique isn't nearly as effective.

Mystique was a fine dynamic character and I thought her character captured the self-conflict that comes with a mutant better than anyone else's in the story. I enjoyed her scenes immensely.

I'm with you on Kevin Bacon though. Essentially a mutant Bond villain.

Surely you can agree there were lots of hot chicks and the special effects were solid?

Oh, and Oliver Platt is a great "that guy/"
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Hey... How about some spoilers?
Sorry Gizmo, i didnt think about putting spoil tags on that as i always assumed these threads arent designated spoiler free.

If a mod wants to put some round my entire post i have no objection of course.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
I tend to argue a bit with the character development point simply because the only characters that really mattered in the movie are Magneto, X, Mystique and Kevin Bacon. I agree with you that Magneto's character story was excellent. Where I disagree is that X and Mystique both had incredibly satisfying arcs to me. Everyone knows X is a shill already. I thought they did a solid job showing how he was affected by his privileged life and used it to get where he got. Also, if you have no straight man to the good then the character development of Magneto/Mystique isn't nearly as effective.

Mystique was a fine dynamic character and I thought her character captured the self-conflict that comes with a mutant better than anyone else's in the story. I enjoyed her scenes immensely.

I'm with you on Kevin Bacon though. Essentially a mutant Bond villain.

Surely you can agree there were lots of hot chicks and the special effects were solid?

Oh, and Oliver Platt is a great "that guy/"
Actually i thought Mystique's development was mostly fill in the gaps for yourself and assume more happened off screen that was important. She did a complete 180 in like a month, but im more forgiving of the way they wrote her cos i like the character.

The Shaw character had zero development. His entire plan barely made sense and his motivations were never beyond "im bad guy, i do bad guy stuff". But Kevin Bacon was great as the character so i cant be too critical.

The effects were nothing special, especially for a big budget summer release, but i agree there were some hot chicks.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 07:13 PM
This looks pretty bad.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 07:19 PM

Hmmm. Thought I was going to pass on this one. Will check it out since I enjoyed one or two of these X men films enough. Didn't see Wolverine.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

There's main Marvel "616" (there are some number of worlds, the standard one in which most comics take place is #616) continuity. That's the one that's slavishly followed and enforced by nerds at cheeto point.

Within that continuity (which is really more of an editorial meta thing) there's tons of different timelines, universes etc. But if it happened in the 616, it "really happened" and is considered part of the character's history. There will be "out of continuity" stories, but those are just stories and didn't actually happen relative to the characters established history.

What the movie is doing is taking some of the x-men's origin and adding some newer characters that are present day new mutants and what not. It's a fine thing, but the comics audience is so bound to the notion of continuity that some nerds are going to get upset.
hi dids come on irc
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 07:54 PM
Regarding the continuity errors, I was under the impression that this prequel was the start of it's own series and would not have to fit in with previous films, ala Batman Begins.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 08:25 PM
this obviously.

I thought the acting for the 3 main characters was great

Kevin Bacon's powers were odd and not very logical

Blue Beast was hilariously awkward looking

I'll give it a B+, pretty enjoyable but not excellent. I'll probly forget the entire plot in a week (but that's because I smoke too much weed).
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:14 PM
I went in cautiously optimistic and walked out thoroughly disappointed. And I'm a sucker for superhero movies so it doesn't take much to please me. After X3 I didn't have much interest in this franchise but I was pleasantly surprised by the trailer and was at least intrigued. Plus the positive reviews had me feeling pretty good going in.

I don't have time to type a proper review but a lot of what Phil mentioned is spot on. There is no justification for a 2:15 run time either. Twenty to thirty minutes could easily have been chopped off to tighten things up. I never felt a moment of tension or suspense and, other than maybe one or two moments, it's mostly humorless as well.

Disagree with Phil about Emma Frost though. January Jones is vapid. Just an awful actor. She has no affect at all... dead eyes and completely soulless. Pretty as **** though so at least there's that.

Last edited by Wires; 06-03-2011 at 11:25 PM.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-04-2011 , 05:09 PM
Saw this yesterday. As far as Marvel movies go, I would put this slightly below Thor, but above the rest of the X movies.

Some pretty cheesy scenes including "hey let's all sit in a circle and show off our powers and come up with names for each other" and poor acting by everyone but our main characters but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Magneto's storyline rocked my world, would love to just see a Brotherhood movie that fits right inbetween XFC and X1, with the actual xmen having only supporting roles. Won't happen though.

Finally, as a self-described 6/10 on the 'comic-book nerd scale', would have rank this movie as an 8/10 for entertainment, and a 6/10 for Marvel continuity/realism etc.
X-Men: First Class Quote
06-05-2011 , 03:59 AM
mystique has a big ass, that is all

Last edited by daaaaahawkz; 06-05-2011 at 04:00 AM. Reason: def worth the price of admission
X-Men: First Class Quote
