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Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States?
View Poll Results: You can live in either Ohio or a random pick of the other 49 states. What's your choice?
40 21.62%
Random State
145 78.38%

11-05-2018 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar

what type of game are you looking for? If its NL
These days, I play mostly pot-limit omaha, so Vegas isn't really a great destination for me, either. Given that constraint, I think my preferences make a lot of sense.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:30 PM
I've discussed this hypothetical with 6 friends so far. 1 said random draw. The other 5 took Ohio without much thought. I'm in that camp as well. I've never even been to Ohio, but I wouldn't want to take a chance of being stuck in Alaska or Hawaii. Lots of continental states I have no desire to live in either... Idaho, Montana, ND, SD, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Utah, New Mexico and some of the small ones in the NE.

If you don't want to live in Kansas, you may as well put Missouri on your list too unless you have St. Louis >>> Kansas City.

Lot of places of places I could swing because they're on a border. Omaha seems good enough, so if you get Iowa you can pick a bordering city.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
One of my best friends lives down there. I also knew a lot of people who moved there and went back to the mainland, along with some natives.

The odds of a person moving there and making a go of it are exactly zero. My buddy is struggling like hell, despite having a dual degree, parents, and a decent resume.

I did live on islands, so I know what I'm talking about regarding island fever.

Will I visit? Sure, but living there is out of the question.
Lol great sample size to equate the zero chance of making a go at it at zero. Sux Phionex collage didn’t better prepare your homie for the real world. I guess u forgot what walking around Ohio is like. U also can island jump realtivly cheaply
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
One mistake. I have a very specific need for live casino poker that overwhelms any other consideration. Any state that doesn't have that is going to be worse than Ohio for me. The games in Oregon don't seem to fit my needs as well as Ohio does.
I understand now ty for responding . 1 hidden gem is Savannah GA. Great beaches and a short drive to FL’s juicy northern rooms.
Also , Cherokee NC, low cost of living , great mountains , easy live poker and half ass winter skiing . Also stunning in the fall and summer .
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
Southern accents make me want to perforate my ear drums.
Their inability to ever fold a river more than makes up for that. I find the Zach Galifinakis southern gentleman’s accent entertaining while the whiny, middle aged women one makes me wanna do the same as u .
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
"rural Vermont" is pretty redundant. The largest city (lol it's not a city) has 42k people in it.

Sure. But living in town is totally different from living in the actual countryside.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Bernie Sanders is a senator for Vermont. I think you can count on a lot of the state being left wing.

At a local town meeting, my home town in Vermont passed a resolution criticizing the Iraq war on a vote of three hundred something to five. It is very blue. My father, who attended, argued that the town should be more worried about local issues — like whether to install curbs on the town sidewalks — than about international politics. Needless to say, his view was ignored.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
I've discussed this hypothetical with 6 friends so far. 1 said random draw. The other 5 took Ohio without much thought. I'm in that camp as well. I've never even been to Ohio, but I wouldn't want to take a chance of being stuck in Alaska or Hawaii. Lots of continental states I have no desire to live in either... Idaho, Montana, ND, SD, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Utah, New Mexico and some of the small ones in the NE.

If you don't want to live in Kansas, you may as well put Missouri on your list too unless you have St. Louis >>> Kansas City.

Lot of places of places I could swing because they're on a border. Omaha seems good enough, so if you get Iowa you can pick a bordering city.
I feel like every state probably has at least one nice suburb/small town that would be OK to live in if you didn't care too much about culture or what the rest of the state was like.

I don't know Mississippi at all and def wouldn't want to have it come up in my random draw... but I can't imagine there isn't a relatively nice town to live there, with tree lined streets, nice old houses, downtown with some decent restaurants, etc. That's probably all I'd need.

Like a lot of people think of NJ as a s***hole but NJ has a lot of very nice towns to live in. I'm sure Ohio does also. Every state does, even if their larger cities suck.

For me weather is the bigger factor. Stick with Ohio, and you know you've got crap weather. Spin the wheel and you really can't get worse weather-wise, unless you draw Alaska.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 07:54 PM
Why is Montana so undesired? It looks perfect for quiet study or online poker.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Why is Montana so undesired? It looks perfect for quiet study or online poker.
I always thought Montreal was the perfect city for online poker players. They have some of the best Summers in the world and then for 6 months when it's cold as **** with snow on the ground you can just grind poker 10 hours a day.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Why is Montana so undesired? It looks perfect for quiet study or online poker.

My mom has a place in Whitefish. It’s a beautiful place. I love to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

I want to live in or near a big city that is easily accessible to LA & Vegas (big airport). Idaho & Montana won’t fit for that

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Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 08:24 PM
Allegiant has you covered! There are 5 cities in Montaho w/nonstops to LA and LV.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Allegiant has you covered! There are 5 cities in Montaho w/nonstops to LA and LV.

I actually knew this. Denver, Seattle, Portland as well go to Glacier National Park airport. Living in the snow the whole season. Nay. Love going there in August

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
Living in the snow the whole season. Nay. Love going there in August
But if Montana is a 90 on the ****ty winter scale, KC is a solid 80..
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage

Lol great sample size to equate the zero chance of making a go at it at zero. Sux Phionex collage didn’t better prepare your homie for the real world. I guess u forgot what walking around Ohio is like. U also can island jump realtivly cheaply
He went to UCLA, which I'm sure you think is a bottom tier college as well.

Care to advise me on what walking around Ohio is like, since you seem to know so much about it?

You should consider pulling back the gaslights. It doesn't work with me.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 09:35 PM
I have no idea what level Fossilkid is on.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
For me weather is the bigger factor. Stick with Ohio, and you know you've got crap weather. Spin the wheel and you really can't get worse weather-wise, unless you draw Alaska.
The weather in the great planes is far worse than Ohio. You also have the winters in Minnesota, the Dakotas, and surrounding states.

Bless your soul if you never experienced a summer in Florida, Louisiana, Arizona, Texas... And oh my, the bugs. The mosquitos, formosa bugs, flying roaches, cicadas, locusts...
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I have no idea what level Fossilkid is on.
I flew Allegiant Airline once...
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Allegiant has you covered! There are 5 cities in Montaho w/nonstops to LA and LV.
I'm not flying the airline run by the former CEO of ValuJet.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 10:21 PM
On the one hand, Allegiant is a pretty bad experience. On the other, flying halfway across the country for a couple hundred bucks is a god damn miracle.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
On the one hand, Allegiant is a pretty bad experience. On the other, flying halfway across the country for a couple hundred bucks is a god damn miracle.
Around 2011-2012 if you flew during the week you could get l.a. to Vegas flights for like $29 each way. You basically couldn't bring anything with you at that price because they charged for everything. It worked out for me though because my gf lived in Vegas at the time so I just had clothes and stuff that I kept at her house. It was pretty crazy. It was cheaper than gas for driving by a good bit.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-05-2018 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I have no idea what level Fossilkid is on.

Fossilkid is on level awesome.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-06-2018 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
Around 2011-2012 if you flew during the week you could get l.a. to Vegas flights for like $29 each way. You basically couldn't bring anything with you at that price because they charged for everything. It worked out for me though because my gf lived in Vegas at the time so I just had clothes and stuff that I kept at her house. It was pretty crazy. It was cheaper than gas for driving by a good bit.
They had this bug in their software where it would suddenly change an individual flight price to $29 or $39 for like 1 day. So we'd have a flight we wanted and I'd check the price every day.

The Sunday February 3rd RST-LAS non-stop flight price:

on Monday: $149
on Tuesday: $179
on Wednesday: $179
on Thursday: $29
on Friday: $189

Then I'd do the same check every day to find the return trip (or the trip out there). It would make the girlfriend pretty nervous to just have a one-way flight booked without the other leg but in probably a dozen Vegas trips i never paid more than $39 for a flight.
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-06-2018 , 08:58 AM
I got Utah. FML
Would You Rather Live in  Ohio or a Random Pick of the Other 49 States? Quote
11-06-2018 , 11:07 AM
What an interesting thread to start and BAM ... responses deluxe.

1) I choose Ohio since I'm already from the Midwest and Ohio keeps me in the area.
2) I didn't read all the comments, but Ohio also offers you the opportunity to 'adjust' your climate a little bit with it being such a tall state.

3) There is live poker in all corners and in the middle!! You can even place yourself within easy reach of Pittsburgh poker action. Don't forget Detroit/Chicago either.
4) I've never played in Columbus but heard good things about those games. LOTS of money in Columbus (and big egos ala 'that' school there). Huntington Bank and JPMorgan, and even Bob Evans, have major employee bases in Columbus.

5) Being in the Midwest you can get 'anywhere' in a fairly reasonable amount of time.
6) Large presence of the "JV" tournament poker tours ... WSOPc/HPT/MSPT ... all have multiple events within the 4-6 state area of Ohio.

7) You should be able to get your groceries without driving an hour to the nearest store.
8) You don't really have to worry about hurricanes or wild fires ... yes, some snow and possible (unlikely) tornadoes, but Ohio is pretty stable especially in the southern parts.

There is it in quick fashion ... GL
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