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Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson?
View Poll Results: If you were a juror in the OJ case, how would you have voted?
285 81.20%
Not guilty
66 18.80%

05-03-2008 , 10:28 PM
Anyone remember when the verdict was read?

I was in Art Class, 9th Grade of HS in The Hamptons, Virtually all white. They literally pumped the verdict in on the TVs and the PA system. When they read the verdict i was literally the only person jumping up and screaming YES!!!!! Everyone else got pissed off and started moaning and complaining. Such a classic scene.

Again, did he probably do it? Yes, i don't think anyone with a brain would disagree with this. But the Police, Prosecution, Judge Ito etc. messed up the case so bad, i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty. Just way too much stuff got messed up.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-03-2008 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Anyone remember when the verdict was read?

I was in Art Class, 9th Grade of HS in The Hamptons, Virtually all white. They literally pumped the verdict in on the TVs and the PA system. When they read the verdict i was literally the only person jumping up and screaming YES!!!!! Everyone else got pissed off and started moaning and complaining. Such a classic scene.

Again, did he probably do it? Yes, i don't think anyone with a brain would disagree with this. But the Police, Prosecution, Judge Ito etc. messed up the case so bad, i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty. Just way too much stuff got messed up.
There could be the part about how his blood was at the murder scene in five different places, and his bloody glove was found there. And that he had no alibi for where he was during that time. And that his blood was also all over his car and house. And that he tried to run from the police for two hours. That could tell you he was guilty.

Or, you could believe that one maybe-used-to-be-a-racist cop means everyone conspired against OJ. Really, his blood was at the scene in five spots. Three different bloods, Nicole Ron and OJ. He says he wasn't there, and has no alibi for where he was at the time. How exactly did his blood get there? Just based on this alone he's close to 100% guilty, before you even throw in the rediculous amount of stuff the prosecution never bothered to introduce.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-03-2008 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
But the Police, Prosecution, Judge Ito etc. messed up the case so bad, i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty. Just way too much stuff got messed up.
The jury had the DNA evidence. The extent to which the prosecution ****ed stuff up does not negate this. You cannot use mistakes of the prosecution to explain away the existence of the DNA.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-04-2008 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty.
Wow. Here's hoping that if I ever kill someone in really obvious fashion that you are selected to be a juror.

I was working a job at the time that I had some weekdays off. I was off that day and maybe someone called me or something but I turned on the TV in time for the verdict to be read. I remember the chick botching his name. Her one moment in the spotlight, she knew millions were listening and she botched his name! OrenJAL, not OrenTHAL. She choked.

I was and still am astonished at the verdict but only in hindsight did I see what a huge issue race was, not to mention how stupid jurors are (to begin with, they're too stupid to get out of jury duty).
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-04-2008 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
Wow. Here's hoping that if I ever kill someone in really obvious fashion that you are selected to be a juror.
Reminds me of that episode of Deadwood where Jack McCall shot Wild Bill Hickok from behind, in front of several witnesses, yet was still acquitted.

Newspaperman AW Merrick offered the following sarcastic toast in the saloon:

"Should it ever be your misfortune, gentlemen--or mine--to need to kill a man, then let us toast together the possibility that our trials be held in this camp."
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-04-2008 , 03:47 AM
"Again, did he probably do it? Yes, i don't think anyone with a brain would disagree with this."

"But the Police, Prosecution, Judge Ito etc. messed up the case so bad, i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty. Just way too much stuff got messed up."

with this logic you basically need him on film killing someone and then extensive evidence that the film has not been doctored with a computer/look-a-like, etc. Can you ever be 100% sure? I guess nobody should ever go to jail.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-04-2008 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
Black people are as a whole the most racist group in America. obviously they came out on the side of OJ. if he was white and his wife was black, would johnny Cochran have represented him? No...
"slavery, crack epidemic, blah blah blah"...
lol what?
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-05-2008 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
"Again, did he probably do it? Yes, i don't think anyone with a brain would disagree with this."

"But the Police, Prosecution, Judge Ito etc. messed up the case so bad, i don't see ANY way possible anyone could vote guilty. Just way too much stuff got messed up."

with this logic you basically need him on film killing someone and then extensive evidence that the film has not been doctored with a computer/look-a-like, etc. Can you ever be 100% sure? I guess nobody should ever go to jail.

If it's acceptable to let the occasional innocent person go to prison in order to protect the public, then why is it unacceptable to let the occasional guilty person go free in order to hold prosecutors to a reasonable standard of professionalism? We're all pragmatists.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-05-2008 , 06:32 AM
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-05-2008 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
pick up Vincent Bugliosi's book "Outrage: The Five Reasons Why OJ Simpson Got Away With Murder".
I already own it and started rereading it this weekend thanks to this thread.

It's a biting polemic fueled by his disgust for a process that let a murderer walk.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-05-2008 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
lol what?

racist ban plz
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-09-2008 , 01:23 AM
If you're like me, and you'd love to spend 40 minutes watching Bugliosi talk about his new JFK assassination book, click here.

"Reclaiming History" just earned VB yet another Edgar Award last week, for best True Crime book of the year.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-09-2008 , 01:33 PM
Yeah OJ is guilty. (What I'd like to know is how they found OJ "liable" for the kids death and how the hell that equates to $35 million to the kids family!)

I'd vote not guilty if I was on the jury, mainly because his ex-wife was a ho and that kid she was banging who also died looks like a pedophile in all the pictures I've seen.
Their story is as dodgy as OJs.

*insert controversy*
Given that if OJ was the one who was killed the woman would have been found not-guilty by default. I don't see why OJ shouldn't get the same treatment.

how about... the kid killed Nicole. OJ caught him in the act and then killed him.
That or it was colonnel mustard, in the kitchen, with a wrench.
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
05-10-2008 , 10:21 PM
Pretty sure this guy thinks OJ is guilty:
Would you have voted to convict OJ Simpson? Quote
