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Wimpy, Sensitive Men Wimpy, Sensitive Men

05-20-2016 , 11:13 AM
I've heard drum circles can be pretty fun.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
wait, im it the jew fro in PJs cradling his organic coffee that is a wimpy, or the standard issue meme that doesn't make any sense and is just a whiney regurgitation of the posters facebook echo chamber?
PJ boy. My quick internet search didn't provide an immediate pic of him sitting alone, so I used that meme.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 11:37 AM
sounds like Felicia needs a safe space from all this triggering male behavior
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
yeah, but they have voodoo donuts and Powells, I can put up with annoying homeless kids and hipsters for that
The Raspberry Beret donut to honor Prince was Out ****ing Standing.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
I blame it on easy divorce laws.

Too many boys are raised by single moms and aren't taught how to be a man.
All joking aside this is true and it's a huge problem, so many boys are raised with no fathers in the home and are coddled by mommy.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 03:57 PM
yep that's definitely the fault of divorce laws and coddling mommies, not deadbeat loser dads
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 04:32 PM
correct, 100% of divorce is the result of deadbeat loser dads who beat their wife and kids till dinner is done to perfection.

every last one of them.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by FeliciaLee
I read something once that at least once in our formative years we are challenged. A bully in school, seeing someone be beaten, a woman being abused, etc. If we do no rise to that challenge, we will probably never will.

I was always the one wading into the fights of five guys picking on one. Or a man beating his wife. I don't know why, I just rush in. Yes, I could get killed, but that is something I never consider when I rush headlong into a dangerous situation.
Sounds like some old timey Fruedian psuedo-psychology bull**** where everyone is doomed to be forever a victim of their own childhood.

That's how wussies think imo. A real man doesn't give a **** if he had a good childhood or not.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by tread lightly
Sounds like some old timey Fruedian psuedo-psychology bull**** where everyone is doomed to be forever a victim of their own childhood.

That's how wussies think imo. A real man doesn't give a **** if he had a good childhood or not.
Maybe it's less about a bad childhood and/or junk science and more about if you haven't stood up for something by the time you're 13, you're probably never going to? IDK.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 05:54 PM
OP has only half a point. She should look at society as a whole and consider how M and F roles have changed over the past x decades, and how western women have also changed. Maybe that hasn't been totally to the satisfaction of men?
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 05:58 PM
I have a female friend with an 8-year old son and the Dad is not really in the picture. She is a "great" mother by traditional standards. Takes good care of the kid, very loving, etc. But is way overprotective and coddling and will do the whole "oh my poor baby!" routine any time the boy picks up a minor scrape.

Anyway, I saw the 8-year old playing soccer with his 4-year old cousin and at one point they both kicked the ball at the same time and the 8-year old falls down screaming and crying and mommy rushes over. It was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. My parents would probably have disowned me if I'd done something similar.

There is almost zero chance that the kid grows up to be a non-wuss in adulthood, I fear the damage is already done. So yes, I would agree that our formative years have a massive impact on whether we carry the victim mentality with us for the rest of our lives. I think kids need to face boredom, need to overcome adversity on their own, and not have mommy or daddy there every second to kiss their boo boos or give them an iPad.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 06:14 PM
I feel pretty bummed I don't know the secret in having a thread instantly stickied. That's some big respect. It's making me feel very inferior.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
I feel pretty bummed I don't know the secret in having a thread instantly stickied. That's some big respect. It's making me feel very inferior.
thank you for sharing with the group. we hear your truth
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
I feel pretty bummed I don't know the secret in having a thread instantly stickied. That's some big respect. It's making me feel very inferior.
I have no idea why they stickied it. Maybe because I had the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking these days?
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-20-2016 , 09:42 PM
Stop appropriating male culture.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-22-2016 , 01:11 PM
I actually had no idea some guys sit down to take a piss in the middle of the night. Bet they kiss hookers as well! Doesn't bother me, but I find it pretty strange.

I think a lot of the sensitive 'wimpy' type guys these days are a result of the push for equality. The stereotypical old-fashioned brutish guy is as outdated as the stay at home, cooking/cleaning housewife.

A lot of guys don't want to be the stereotypical tough man 'because that's what men are supposed to be like.' I think they agree with the general idea that women shouldn't be expected to fall in line with old-fashioned ideals and in the strive for equality, have re-evaluated who they want to be outside of societal expectation.

Not to sound misogynistic or anything, but if you want equality for women (which I assume you do) you can't really turn around and expect men to follow a certain order. By definition, the two can't co-exist.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-22-2016 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by FeliciaLee
OOT is non-pc and rocks my world!
FU, I poast here whenever I want
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Swwiinn
I actually had no idea some guys sit down to take a piss in the middle of the night. Bet they kiss hookers as well! Doesn't bother me, but I find it pretty strange.

I think a lot of the sensitive 'wimpy' type guys these days are a result of the push for equality. The stereotypical old-fashioned brutish guy is as outdated as the stay at home, cooking/cleaning housewife.

A lot of guys don't want to be the stereotypical tough man 'because that's what men are supposed to be like.' I think they agree with the general idea that women shouldn't be expected to fall in line with old-fashioned ideals and in the strive for equality, have re-evaluated who they want to be outside of societal expectation.

Not to sound misogynistic or anything, but if you want equality for women (which I assume you do) you can't really turn around and expect men to follow a certain order. By definition, the two can't co-exist.
Luckily there are still a lot of countries where the traditional male/female relations still exists, where OP can go to. I believe that in a lot of those countries you even get arrested and hung for being wimpy as a man
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Swwiinn
I actually had no idea some guys sit down to take a piss in the middle of the night. Bet they kiss hookers as well! Doesn't bother me, but I find it pretty strange.

I think a lot of the sensitive 'wimpy' type guys these days are a result of the push for equality. The stereotypical old-fashioned brutish guy is as outdated as the stay at home, cooking/cleaning housewife.

A lot of guys don't want to be the stereotypical tough man 'because that's what men are supposed to be like.' I think they agree with the general idea that women shouldn't be expected to fall in line with old-fashioned ideals and in the strive for equality, have re-evaluated who they want to be outside of societal expectation.

Not to sound misogynistic or anything, but if you want equality for women (which I assume you do) you can't really turn around and expect men to follow a certain order. By definition, the two can't co-exist.
I want to be strong. And I am. And I want a guy also to be strong. That is not inconsistent. I want to work and earn my living and I don't want a houseman. I want to cook and keep my house clean and tidy, and I don't want a guy threw his dirty socks on the TV. I want to work-out and be in shape and I don't want a guy with hanging gut and a posture like he roots in front of world of tanks.

The only thing with which I am totally against the equality - spiders. I don't want to deal with spiders, I want a guy to do it.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 05:07 AM
I eat spiders for breakfast
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by lapka
The only thing with which I am totally against the equality - spiders. I don't want to deal with spiders, I want a guy to do it.
My hubby hates spiders, so I am generally the one who has to deal with them.

Oy, the tree hugging prog SJW trolls itt have totally proven my point. I wonder if they will ever grow up? Naw, just move to Canada where now people who hurt the feelings of a transgender get a two year prison sentence. Kumbaya
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by FeliciaLee
My hubby hates spiders, so I am generally the one who has to deal with them.
So that's where all your anger comes from. Does your pussy husband at least let you step out to get a good dicking?
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
So that's where all your anger comes from. Does your pussy husband at least let you step out to get a good dicking?
Oh, that is really hot. So tempted.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by FeliciaLee
Oh, that is really hot. So tempted.
Not by me, I hope. I don't **** women. They're too soft and feminine. I'm a man and I **** men. Seems kinda gay to want a woman.
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
05-23-2016 , 12:28 PM
I **** myself because im the only one man enough for the job
Wimpy, Sensitive Men Quote
