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Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Wife and I need to get into sleep sync.

08-31-2011 , 06:20 AM
+1 on sleeping separately. Whenever Im in a relationship its nice to sleep with the person but I like a bad to myself so this arrangement would work perfect for me. Maybe its weird by I have grandparents that have done this a good amount of my life and they even take vacations from each other which is something Im definitely keeping in my playbook in case I ever get married. IM single now and can only see me getting sick of not having my alone time.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 07:10 AM
get an Ipad - do the background black / letters white thing and it gives off very little light.

- OR

start modifying your sleep pattern to go to sleep at 10 instead of 12. It will take a bit of time - but it will be better in general.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 07:37 AM
give her xanax. ur booklight wont wake her up anymore.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 08:12 AM
If you can get into bed without waking her, you can probably get away with putting a facemask on her before reading.....
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 08:19 AM
tell her to not put the sleep timer on the tv and that you'll turn it off when you go to bed .that way your kindle doesnt bother her and she wont notice the tv since shes sleeping through it anyways .
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 08:43 AM
get two beds instead of one or sleep in different rooms
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 09:11 AM
The solution is pretty obvious I think? Tell her not to turn the sleep timer on. That way when you get into bed the TV (and light from the TV) is still on, and your book light shouldn't bother her. When you're sleepy, shut off the kindle, turn off the TV, sleep.

Other options are changing your routine including going to bed earlier, audio books or pzizz. If you want to try pzizz PM me and I can make you a 1hr track to try. I think they also have a free trial.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
This is something I don't understand about married couples. Why can't you sleep in separate rooms, on whatever schedule you like, so you aren't disturbing each other? Obviously same bed when you're having sex, but when you're literally just going there to sleep, what's the point of sharing a bed?
Originally Posted by saltine
If anything could make the OP's married life even more depressing sounding, this would be it.
Studies have shown married couples who sleep in separate beds are just as happy, if not more happy, compared with couples who always sleep in the same bed.

Either way, how is it depressing to get a good nights sleep in a separate room than your wife who you will still see every waking hour you're together?
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 09:43 AM
Sleep sync can be a many-fauceted problem.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 10:04 AM

how long has this been a problem for?
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Synchronized strenuous physical activity shortly before bed time should do the trick nicely.

Not sure if two treadmills are in your budget though.
hahaha you are my fav poster
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 11:24 AM
Just add a baby to the household.

It'll be amazing how this sleep issue will pale in importance to your new sleep issues.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 11:44 AM
Read next to her in bed while she's watching TV, then turn the TV off when you're done.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Sleep sync can be a many-fauceted problem.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:12 PM
When I have trouble sleeping I do shots of whiskey. Works better than reading IMO.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Synchronized strenuous physical activity shortly before bed time should do the trick nicely.

Not sure if two treadmills are in your budget though.
At first I was like lol, but then I really lol'd.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by 72winner
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 01:47 PM
I have tried to read in bed while she is watching TV, but it takes away from the lulling feeling when I have to focus hard enough to drown out Kim Kardashian, or Snookie.

As someone mentioned earlier, not using the sleep timer and me coming when tv was on worked pretty well. I would just steadily lower the volume and the tv light diluted the Kindle light. It is not perfect, when she rolls towards Kindle light it is bright enough to wake her. But this is our best option at the moment.

We are okay sleeping in separate rooms, but it becomes too easy. Im wary of falling into the habit of where it is every night. THere is still a lot to enjoy of sleeping together.

And to another poster, we have an 8 month old, so yeah I know hat you mean. This is actually when the sleep controversy started. I had to relent on my reading habits, as she needed her sleep and get on our daughter's schedule. I sleep in other room if I want a good sleep, or I take an ambien and go into the bedroom. But I would like to try to get into a decent sleep schedule with her. Though at this point she doesnt seem to mind too much when we sleep apart
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 02:20 PM
Seriously, start taking melatonin and stop taking ambien. Melatonin is for changing sleeping cycle ambien is for insomnia and messes you up.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 06:29 PM
One word: chloroform
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by jaxtraw
She gets into be early, like 10pm. She needs mindless TV to lul her to sleep so she sets the TV to some show like the kardashians, and sets the sleep timer on remote for about an hour. 15 mins in, she is sound sleep. Now I am in my study, not tired, but will enter the bedroom around midnight. I get there, jenn is peacefully asleep, but I can just slip into the sheets and snooze. No, I need to read before I fall asleep. This started by me using a bed light,jenn woke up.Then a small clip on the book light, still no good.Now im using a kindle light, still not good. THe sleeps we have apart in the house are restful but lonely...suggestions?
Buy an Ipad. You can read in the dark
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 09:03 PM
God I love sleeping alone
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 09:22 PM
This is pathetic
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
08-31-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by OrlyNow
Seriously, start taking melatonin and stop taking ambien. Melatonin is for changing sleeping cycle ambien is for insomnia and messes you up.
Ambien is a helluva drug.
Wife and I need to get into sleep sync. Quote
