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Why the "Jurassic Park" model wouldn't work Why the "Jurassic Park" model wouldn't work

05-27-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Moon as an artificial satellite comes from a bunch of different points due to not knowing how it was formed and its anamolies. Basicslly its improbable that the moon was carved out of the earth. The chance of it forming out of the same debris cloud as the earth also has issues with being completely accepted. The idea that the earth pulled it in as it was passing by runs at a highly unlikely chance of happening.

So the artificial theory comes from the idea that the moon is a spaceship which was parked in orbit. Reasons to believe that it could be a ship are that the crust of the moon is incredibly hard which would make it perfect to survive space travel. The moon is hollow on the inside so there could feasibly be stuff on the inside. The moons location and size relative to the sun is interesting in that it creates eclipses that perfectly block out the sun.

So yup there it is..
Wouldn't this same "logic" (very loose use of the word) apply to every moon in the solar system? Are they all spaceships? Do you apply this kind of thought process to every natural process you don't understand?
Why the "Jurassic Park" model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Being intelligent (unfortunately?) has little to do with being sane.
that's the thing, he's sane. our families know each other lightweight, so I've talked to him before.

it's just this one thing, the moon landing. I don't understand how that's the one thing that's he's gone FULL SHANE on..
Why the "Jurassic Park" model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
haha saw donnicolo was the last reply, started grinning and mumbled "the moooon" to myself..
My man!

Originally Posted by KenoVictoryLap
Ohh... you're one of those tards who when faced with facts just says ******ed things like "But that could be false!"

It's not an argument, it's not factual or evidence based. It's pseudo-intellectual argument style better suited to politics than science. Here, let me try:

You could be a horse, I could be dreaming.

There, I just proved you don't exist in human form.
Tards? Your (incorrect) argument will carry more weight if you refrain from talking like a third grader.

Speaking of science, let's just continue this conversation in the year 2069, when 100 years will have passed since men landed on the moon in 1969 w 60s tech developed in < 9 years and no other entity has come remotely close to repeating said feat despite their ambitions to do so.

What seems more likely? That the USA designed and developed technology circa 1969 that has yet to be replicated by any other public or private entity, or that the USA fudged the details about the Apollo program and is now caught w hand in cookie jar? Take every other facet of life from 1969 and realize that they have improved exponentially and then look at space travel and ask yourself why China is having so much trouble in 2014 doing what the USA did 45 years ago.

Originally Posted by wiper
donninic 100% believes the moon landing didn't happen. we've had convos about it.

I'm always left to scratch my head and wonder how a reasonably intelligent man would absolutely believe it was a hoax.
Originally Posted by KenoVictoryLap
I don't know why you think you have conversations with people who exist only in my dreams and are a horse
This reply made me lol!
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
that's the thing, he's sane. our families know each other lightweight, so I've talked to him before.

it's just this one thing, the moon landing. I don't understand how that's the one thing that's he's gone FULL SHANE on..
gone FULL SHANE...

love it
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:22 AM
What about the photos of the sites that we can now take?

What about the reflectors we set up there?

What about the moon rocks?

What about the LRO camera can see the flags and the lunar rover tracks?
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:21 PM
I don't think trying to get to the moon is a high priority for other countries, the US got there first so it's a little been there done that, and not wanting to spend the money to try and achieve it.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:13 PM
Guess this is a slight derail lol but I have a crop circle question.

I always though they were really cool and all and wanted to beleive they were from sth more, aliens etc.

But weren't they proven to be just a hoax with people strapping wooden planks to their feet and making them or is that not accurate.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:18 PM
Some people admitted to making them and have showed it can be done. But that doesn't mean that all crop circles are man made or proven to be. As far as I know there have sometimes been inexplicable readings at circle sites (e.g. radiation) but I'd be more inclined to think some freaky nature incident rather than aliens tbh.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:29 PM
Yes, _UM, that's accurate.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:35 PM
Here's my order of myths/urban legends that I don't believe to be true at all but if I had to say they might be true, this is them in order of most likely to least likely:

1. Aliens exist somewhere
2. Bigfoot
3. Aliens have been here
4. Crop circles made by aliens
5. Loch Ness monster
999,655. Moon is a spacecraft
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by W0X0F
Wouldn't this same "logic" (very loose use of the word) apply to every moon in the solar system? Are they all spaceships? Do you apply this kind of thought process to every natural process you don't understand?
Trying to answer seriously. Our moon is harder to explain than most in the solar system due to its size and composition relative to Earth. For different reason Mars' moon Phobos is fairly odd.

Doesn't mean I think either is a spaceship but these arguments are more rooted in fact than most that these guys throw out.

Edit: Didn't know this until now but idea was actually originally proposed by Soviet scientists.

Looks like the Soviets loved this idea as they came up with the theory for Phobos as well.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 01:43 PM
I'd say that is definitive proof that RiverFenix is a Soviet sleeper agent.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:07 PM
Clearly some conspiracy theories/similar stuff are at least plausible whereas others are straight up insane. Like, I don't know what might be "fair", but "JFK was assassinated by the US government" or "9/11 was an inside job" type stuff is probably on a 1:10000 or 1:100000 type magnitude, whereas "moon is a spaceship" or "9/11 didn't happen and no one died" or whatever else Shane and River believe is in the billions to logically impossible range.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:14 PM
This all begs the question:

If the moon is really a spaceship...

Why the **** haven't we gone back to see what it's all about!?!?!?
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseNutley26
This all begs the question:

If the moon is really a spaceship...

Why the **** haven't we gone back to see what it's all about!?!?!?
Gone back? You're assuming we went the first time. Which everyone knows, we didn't.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:00 PM
The real question is, if the moon is just a spaceship that aliens flew here billions (thousands?) of years ago, why haven't they come back with another one after all this time? Are we really to believe they were able to do it back then but they've since lost the ability?
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:12 PM
Yeah great hard hitting question there
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
What about the photos of the sites that we can now take?

What about the reflectors we set up there?

What about the moon rocks?

What about the LRO camera can see the flags and the lunar rover tracks?
All of these questions have been answered.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
Yeah great hard hitting question there
I think people are still in shock at the stupidity of your assertion. Once the shock wears off, you still won't get hard-hitting questions because it's ridiculous to even entertain your theory. Now it's just for lols.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:54 PM
I love the moon is artificial argument because it's really showing how feeble your minds are.

Its not unreasonable/improbable to think that the moon is artificial. Why then is it such a far leap to think it's of alien nature? Propose a better theory...
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by RiverFenix
I love the moon is artificial argument because it's really showing how feeble your minds are.

Its not unreasonable/improbable to think that the moon is artificial. Why then is it such a far leap to think it's of alien nature? Propose a better theory...
Lol! I have a theory: it's natural.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 03:59 PM
I think you're still hung up on the moon being artificial thing. River's asking who built it.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:01 PM
I'm still waiting for one piece of hard evidence that the moon is a spaceship.

So far the "proof" given is that it's hard and hollow[citation needed] and coincidentally positioned for eclipses. Oh, and a bunch of scientists at some point marveled that we don't fully understand it.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
05-27-2014 , 04:07 PM
This isn't about hard evidence dip**** it's about connecting dots, thinking and making assumptions. Ya know it's a fun exercise instead of just closing your mind off to anything you immediately disagree with.
Why the &quot;Jurassic Park&quot; model wouldn't work Quote
