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what is on my leg? what is on my leg?

04-14-2008 , 04:12 AM
i've been travelling around SE asia for 4.5 months without any medical problems. i had a bad bite on my leg about 2 weeks ago that hasn't gone away. it's a big red bump. it has also spread and now there are about 6 bumps. they hurt to the touch. when i wake up my leg really hurts and i can't put any weight on it. after walking around for it bit it gets better almost to the point of not being able to feel it. if i stop for a bit. ie. to order a subway sandwich, or sit down to use the internet, when i resume walking my leg starts to hurt again.
normally i'd go to the doctor right away, but i'm in australia now, and i'm canadian. i went to the clinic today and they wanted $60 for a quick consultation with the doctor so i told them i'd tough it out.

it hasn't been getting better in 2 weeks though. should i cough up the $ and see a doc? i think it's bug bites (maybe spiders) and hope they will just sort themselves out.

04-14-2008 , 04:22 AM
You should cough up the $ and see a doc.
04-14-2008 , 04:23 AM
a knee imo

ah ah ah
04-14-2008 , 04:24 AM
Well, if it gets really bad and you catch it soon enough, they might only have to amputate below the hip.
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