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What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole.
View Poll Results: In your opinion......
Normal fly, imo
6 18.18%
Maybe it's a prop bet
4 12.12%
Fly is acting very strangely
5 15.15%
There's something strange going on but it ain't the fly
10 30.30%
I like you
8 24.24%

09-11-2016 , 01:09 AM
Is this your pool or someone elses?
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Is this your pool or someone elses?
I wish it was my pool but it's the Saturday pool party at Talking Stick and, as I understand it (not knowing a thing about it) they hire famous DJ's. The first party was by someone named Diplo, apparently he's a big deal. So many bought tickets they couldn't fit into the pool area so the party spilled over into the casino. And, WOWZERS!, these girls were not wearing much. And I approve!
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 03:09 AM
My cousin posts pics all the time at the pool there, and there are tons of hot chicks in the photos
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 03:38 AM
Why haven't you sicced Andy on the fly?
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
My cousin posts pics all the time at the pool there, and there are tons of hot chicks in the photos
He posts them on 2p2?
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Why haven't you sicced Andy on the fly?
Andy is only interested in lizards. I have a decent Andy/lizard story but that's for another time.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-11-2016 , 01:43 PM
Here's a short vid of a Talking Stick pool party. The good part is that many of these women walk through the casino proper in their swimsuits.

What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 12:16 AM
Another quality HB thread.

Flying insects in the desert = water lying about somewhere close.
But not in that pool in the video. Even flies couldn't survive that chemical cesspool.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Andy is only interested in lizards. I have a decent Andy/lizard story but that's for another time.
Wat? It's always time for an Andy story.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Wat? It's always time for an Andy story.
I came out into the yard and there was Andy w/ a big 'ole chunky lizard in his mouth. I yell 'ANDY, DROP THAT LIZARD!' which, surprisingly, he did and it fell to the ground on it's back w/ legs splayed, unmoving, obviously dead, and I bring Andy into the house while I get the dust pan and broom to sweep up the lizard. When I get back out it's not there! I search around and find it eventually, sweep it into the dust pan, hold it in place w/ the broom, and dump it over the fence into the wash where it lands on it's back w/ legs splayed and I realize it's playing dead. Sure enough it was gone 10 minutes later.

Actually what Andy would REALLY like is to get hold of a duck which are plentiful at the Town Lake. I had to buy a harness for him bec he'd choke himself, legs frantically scrambling, in his attempt to get one. Sometimes we get quail in the yard and he's got no chance of getting one of those either, try as he does.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 01:02 PM
Pic of Andy getting outfitted in the hopes of catching a duck:

What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 05:04 PM
Wow, he caught the rare Possum Lizard. Don't see those much.

Maybe you should let him try a duck sometime. They're mean and will whack him with those big wings and maybe bite him too. Then he won't want to chase them any more.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 05:53 PM
Ducks know better than to mess with a dog wearing hunting boots.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 06:05 PM
Andy v duck, who wins?

I'd set the money line at Andy +200. I mean he can't out-fly 'em, can't out-swim 'em and likely can't out-**** 'em.

Need video of the contest, too.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 06:13 PM
I'd make Andy to be a big dog.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 06:35 PM
Andy thinks he's ten feet tall and bulletproof.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 08:45 PM
Disappointed that this thread isn't about FlyWf
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-12-2016 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Disappointed that this thread isn't about FlyWf
The fly would have had to rant incoherently against the man, then crash through the shower door, tip over a lamp, puke on the rug and tear thru the screen door.

But he'll be back.

What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
Ducks know better than to mess with a dog wearing hunting boots.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 06:04 AM
The fly is a contamination and you should get rid of it before you shower there again
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
The fly is a contamination and you should get rid of it before you shower there again
Damn fly is still in the bathroom! Today's plan is to do exactly what you say I shouldn't and hope that when it comes for me the shower water will sweep it away.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:21 PM
Time to get a buddy for Andy.

What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 10:58 PM
Fly's gone after, what, 6 days? Does anybody know if that's the record?
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 11:23 PM
Did he have a name? Should have had a leash. You need to pepper the neighborhood with lost pet flyers.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
09-13-2016 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Did he have a name?
'Death wish', most likely.

Hah, saw the edit so I'll add that this is a very sad town when it comes to lost pets. I see the posters up at Starbucks regularly and the bad part is that, what w/ the enormous numbers of coyotes here none of these missing pets is likely alive after just one night. Very sad. But it also ticks me off that people are so careless.
What kind of dumb-ass fly is this? Pics and pole. Quote
