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What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go

09-09-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by DDNK
Depends on how long you stay out and how winning you were before leaving. It's definitely doable within 10K hands, I think, to get back to about where you were when you left if you weren't gone for years.

Clearly, it's been for the best, as you seem very happy and comfortable now.

You can still work and go to school, but 50 hours a week is just stupid to do imo. You're supposed to be enjoying college and having fun with your youth, not grinding yourself into a bitter old man at 21. I'm sure you'll end up making lots of money with the work ethic, so good for you. But working hard at school to get scholarships, working only part time during school, full time at home on breaks, you can get through without much debt compared to your expected salary.
I dunno, I didnt exactly grind myself into a bitter old man, I worked in a restaurant, and enjoyed it, its a really up and down environment, the times you are super busy and pissed off, suck so bad, but you leave it there, and feel like you accomplished something, and the rest of the time was a blast because I made life long friends, ****ed a bunch of chicks, and had a lot of laughs, so to me it really wasnt "work" in that sense, and actually probably had the opposite effect than turning me bitter towards grinding; i know this gets referenced a lot, but if you have ever seen the movie Waiting, I mean, that movie is not too far off from real life, so a lot of it is enjoyable
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
Well thanks for the suggestions but I just don't believe anyone can just quit poker and come back to it and expect to be a winning player. Just like how an athelete cannot quit his game and come back and jump right back in. I don't agree with my roi not being sustainable either. I know it will drop when I move up but I have put in a lot of work into my game. I guess I will look hard at my time management and try to figure something out.
I think this has a hint of truth to it, but its not entirely true...

I basically went through what OP is kinda doing... I went to school for 3 years, worked a part-time job (20-30 hours a week) and on top of that I grinded for about 30 hours a week as well... How did I manage? Easy... my sleep suffered entireley for the last 2 years of that... I basically would go to bed at 4, get up at 7 and start my day... school 8-3, work 4-9, poker 10-3... mon-fri, and then of course on the weekends the partitme job was longer hours and so was my poker... its a tough life, and i look back now and wonder how I did it :S

Back to the comment above... I had to quit poker for almost a year after me and my long time gf broke up cause I had lot of mental stuff to work out where I couldnt concentrate... I returned somewhat recently to start taking it serious again and it is definately tough... But I think as long as you had the mentality before you can fall back into it pretty easy. Its not like riding a bike... you cant just get on and do it, it requires more finesse and dedication than that. But you certainly cant expect to come back in and have it all work out...

Anyway, my advice? Ive been on your spot(ish) before, and poker has to go... Still continue to browse the forums, look at hands and stuff but take the needless stress of grinding from your life.

What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by guids
stop being a pussy and continue to do all 3 you little bitch
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
guids are you leveling me? 15 credit hours while working 40+ hrs a week? what was your schedule?
anyone who's not lazy or ******ed can balance full time work and full time school, especially if your job doesn't required after hours work. I also carried 15 credits while working 40+ hour weeks and partying in college, and I'm not particularly smart or motivated.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
Ok, for the purpose of making this as short and painless as possible here is my situation:

I work full time 40 hours a week (usually) and make just enough to cover my bills. I come home from work, every single day, and have loads of homework from school piled up for me. I sit down, grind out a session, and then attempt to do homework (Online classes). Usually I end up browsing the forums/internet until bedtime. I then rush to finish all my papers/assignments very last minute on sundays which is pretty stressful. I am very very determined to become a solid winning player but I also very much want to get a masters degree in my field (one year away from obtaining bachelors). I get about $1300 a month from my student loan, which until recently I have been using to pay off my debt, but now just for various things (schoolbooks, car maintenance, poker software, eating out, etc....) At 40 hours a week I make about $1600 a month, and it's an easy job.
I cannot keep this up anymore. I cannot work, study, and try to become a poker player all at the same time. I have been contemplating quitting my job for a long time. I have an roi at micro/small stakes one table sngs of about 25% (18% adjusted) after about 1000 games but I don't have nearly a big enough roll to quit my job. I am not going to stop playing poker, because I am certain it will pay more than my current job in the future. I am not going to drop out of school. I would probably need $40k for the next two years of living expenses. I just need suggestions.....

Monthly liablities: ~$1700
Income w/out work: ~$1300 (Student loan)
so instead of actually doing the work, you slacked, and wonder why you can't fit things in? Why don't you quit the internet for a little while.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:15 PM
In order to be as effective as I would like it would require me to be a robot moving from one task to the next. ppl who say I have done it its easy probably don't have the same views on education as I do. I want to master the field I'm studying. my number one priority is definetely not work. I work because I have to. I don't think ppl realize that you can't just be a working drone you actually do need r & r as well as a hobby for balance. right now it just seems school (my priority) is suffering because of my mediocre 9-5 sweatshop job. poker has major potential for my future and I cannot contain my drive to excel in it.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
In order to be as effective as I would like it would require me to be a robot moving from one task to the next. ppl who say I have done it its easy probably don't have the same views on education as I do. I want to master the field I'm studying. my number one priority is definetely not work. I work because I have to. I don't think ppl realize that you can't just be a working drone you actually do need r & r as well as a hobby for balance. right now it just seems school (my priority) is suffering because of my mediocre 9-5 sweatshop job. poker has major potential for my future and I cannot contain my drive to excel in it.
I have strived to master my field since I was 12 years old, and still continue to do so to this day. You sound like you are just lazy, and probably have hippies for parents. Why the **** would you not listen to the older guys who have done it? oh ya, because you are a lazy 18 year old kid, I probably wouldnt have listened either and regretted that I didnt just suck it up and do it when I turned 22 and wasted all kinds of time. You can either listen to people who have already gone through it, or be a loser until you figure it out for yourself.

please tell me your field is basket weaving or something too...that will make my week
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:21 PM
tell us one mo' time, guidsy boy
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:22 PM
So what exactly are you looking for itt? Someone to jump in here and say they'll bankroll your poker fantasy so you can quit working? Because short of that you either have to 1) suck it up, 2) get a better job, or 3) quit poker.

Also, what are you studying in school?
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:30 PM
Please post major, tuition, and anticipated networking opportunities so we can decide whether or not school (the way you're doing it) is a substantial net negative. Until then all advice is somewhat lacking in contextual usefulness.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:39 PM
People still play sngs? Keep at it, it's a growth industry.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by sledghammer
People still play sngs? Keep at it, it's a growth industry.
No kidding. Last time I checked, apparently 5-6% ROI at like the 27s is now CRUSHING THE GAME. Woooo!

Also, this

Usually I end up browsing the forums/internet until bedtime.
sounds like something you could quit in lieu of the others. Play poker for fun, but at least consider that you're probably delusional if you think you're going to be an SNG grinder for life.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 12:50 PM

i find it odd that you say you are passionate about your education but you also say you slack off at your schoolwork and are taking online classes only.

oh, and lol sngs.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
ppl who say I have done it its easy probably don't have the same views on education as I do. I want to master the field I'm studying.
No. If you wanted to master the field you'd be taking real classes instead of online classes and you wouldn't be putting your schoolwork off until the last minute.

Edit: should have read citanul's post
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
In order to be as effective as I would like it would require me to be a robot moving from one task to the next. ppl who say I have done it its easy probably don't have the same views on education as I do. I want to master the field I'm studying. my number one priority is definetely not work. I work because I have to. I don't think ppl realize that you can't just be a working drone you actually do need r & r as well as a hobby for balance. right now it just seems school (my priority) is suffering because of my mediocre 9-5 sweatshop job. poker has major potential for my future and I cannot contain my drive to excel in it.
Most people do as well. It's what puts a dry roof over ones head and food on the table. Everyone would prefer a trust fund monthly stipend without effort, yet reality has a nasty way of interrupting your dreams.

If you can't park your "passion" for an hr to complete an assignment, and can't ( or won't) put in the hrs to survive, what exactly is it you want? There are some sugar mommies out there that may enjoy the company of an up and comer. Check out the man whore thread.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
ppl who say I have done it its easy probably don't have the same views on education as I do. I want to master the field I'm studying. my number one priority is definetely not work
No. You likely are just not that bright. Undergrad is a joke. If you can't handle the three things easily then you likely should get use to making $11/hr as that is likely in your future.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:39 PM
I appreciate the response even if most of it is in the form of bashing me. I do respect the opinions of those who have done this (minus the "its so easy" bs). to be honest I haven't gotten much sleep this week but I still feel strongly about work getting in the way of school. idk what happened to it but I did post earlier that I am a certified fiber optics tech. which starts at 17+/hr but there are no openings in my area. my lease is up next month I was thinking of gtfo out my city and looking for work in a better area which has been on my mind forever as well. I didn't mention that my social life is close to nothing because of my schedule. I don't get how taking online classes is somehow not going to let me master my field.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:41 PM
will post tuition degree etc. after work.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:54 PM
How do you see a loan as income?
Why are you playing poker if you're in debt?

Why do you believe the following statement?
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
I am not going to stop playing poker, because I am certain it will pay more than my current job in the future.
Obviously quit poker.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 07:47 PM
So, maybe some of you are right and I just need to stop being a lazzy bezatch, but as far as poker goes, I am NOT quitting.
Todays graph:

8 hours of work= $ 88 before deductions

2.2 hours of poker= $ 50

hmmmmm, i'm starting to see something here......oh wait, no I SHOULD QUIT.

Thank you, that will be all.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
Todays graph:
I think STTF decided to make a gimmick account to trolling other forums.

Also, if you're even remotely serious OP, then you need to start posting on non-poker forums if you want people to tell you to keep playing (at least I think that's what you're hoping for with this thread, if you're honest with yourself) That's my advice.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by zipppy
I think STTF decided to make a gimmick account to trolling other forums.

Also, if you're even remotely serious OP, then you need to start posting on non-poker forums if you want people to tell you to keep playing (at least I think that's what you're hoping for with this thread, if you're honest with yourself) That's my advice.
I just don't see how you can't grind sngs, I mean I have seen players' graphs on SS that climb into the sky, all just playing STTs. I don't get why everyone bashes them?????
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Donk_Vader
So, maybe some of you are right and I just need to stop being a lazzy bezatch, but as far as poker goes, I am NOT quitting.

8 hours of work= $ 88 before deductions

2.2 hours of poker= $ 50

hmmmmm, i'm starting to see something here......oh wait, no I SHOULD QUIT.

Thank you, that will be all.
so you come in here asking for advice, you get told by numerous people, with years more life experience than you the solution, deny your problem and get defensive. you also managed to extrapolate an hourly rate from 12 sngs, which are a brain-dead tragedy of the commons game anyway.

just grow a spine, stop wasting your life on the internets and do your ****ing school work. school work clearly isn't your priority if you piss away your time on the net.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 09:09 PM
Pretty impressive graph OP. Forget my advice and get totally rich on $50/day. SICK LIFE BRAH.

I don't know why I even got involved with the ultra common micro stakes going pro troll thread. Just update us in a year please.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
09-09-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ***
Pretty impressive graph OP. Forget my advice and get totally rich on $50/day. SICK LIFE BRAH.

I don't know why I even got involved with the ultra common micro stakes going pro thread. Just update us in a year please.
I'm trying to build a roll right now, was not planning on spending any of it. you don't have to tell me 50/day is garbage I just wanted to show you I wasnt totally dreaming. Will update in 365 days.

I started this thread because I knew other people have been in my spot and would have an answer. Well, the answer I got was, quit your favorite hobby, school is easy, and you are not very bright. Reason to get defensive maybe?

Last edited by Donk_Vader; 09-09-2010 at 09:25 PM.
What to do: School+Work+Poker, One has to go Quote
