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Westboro Baptist Church is coming to my school tomorrow, whats my play OOT? Westboro Baptist Church is coming to my school tomorrow, whats my play OOT?

02-05-2010 , 03:42 AM
I don't understand how anyone can take them serious enough to be offended, they're too ridiculous to treat as anything other than a joke.
02-05-2010 , 03:56 AM
ya they're obv just trolls...I don't know how, but they affect me.
02-05-2010 , 03:57 AM
I'd love to fight one of them. I think I'd try to get one of them "away from the spotlight" and fight him. Lotta cops would look the other way if it were out of the limelight.
02-05-2010 , 04:00 AM
I go to UCD myself, if you give me an idea of where they're gonna be on campus I'm totally going to have to check it out.

To belittle them of course, let me know.
02-05-2010 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by DJ Sensei
Clear opportunity to beat them at their own game imo.
This is my favorite answer.

If it was me, I would either organize this, or I would get a group of my friends and I to dress flamboyantly gay and dance around their allotted protest area. Get some speakers, blast some techno, and dance around in the most stereotypically gay way ever. There was a group of people who did this to a another group of wackos at UGA and it owned them. They danced for like an hour and were getting applause from passerby every 5 minutes. Basically a WBC version of Jackass's "Party Boy".

Plus, there's a non-zero chance of being attacked by one of them and they could actually go to jail, which would be soooooo +karmapoints.
02-05-2010 , 04:53 AM
These people are professionals at getting into confrontations with counter protesters and then suing them. You're not gonna beat them at that game.
02-05-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by oleo
I go to UCD myself, if you give me an idea of where they're gonna be on campus I'm totally going to have to check it out.

To belittle them of course, let me know.
The aggie said they are going to be at hillel which is on A st just north of that same street the MU is on.
02-05-2010 , 06:56 AM
Why hasn't anyone killed these trolls yet?

Just sniper style.
02-05-2010 , 07:14 AM
because then they become martyrs.
02-05-2010 , 07:50 AM
It makes you wonder if they really believe that or they are just attention whores.
02-05-2010 , 08:31 AM
How do they get to the protests - and more importantly, do they leave their cars/buses unattended while acting like jackasses?

PS: This seems like the type of group that would be googling their name every 6 hours to see what kind of media attention they get - if you are going to be doing anything nefarious, don't be planning it here/bragging after the fact.

PPS: One way to make these people look like chumps (albeit giving them some exposure) is head to the protest with some big blank sheets of paper and a marker. Make some counter-protest signs, get your friend to take pictures of them. Make sure what you write has a tie-in to your school: then you'll get into the school paper and probably get a few free drinks out of it also. Oh, and if you can get a devil costume like the one from a few posts ago, for sure wear that.
02-05-2010 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
These people are professionals at getting into confrontations with counter protesters and then suing them. You're not gonna beat them at that game.
These are not the brightest people...I would think they could be beaten at their own game with a well planned out strategy. They seem like idiots to me, and idiots can be beaten at most things, sometimes even if they do those things all the time.
02-05-2010 , 09:20 AM
these guys are hilarious, I'd love to see them live
02-05-2010 , 09:25 AM
I think if I ever actually saw them protesting a funeral it would take every bone in my body not to beat the **** out of them.


I too, also vote for passive aggressive signs and general mockery.
02-05-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by 1C5
These are not the brightest people...I would think they could be beaten at their own game with a well planned out strategy. They seem like idiots to me, and idiots can be beaten at most things, sometimes even if they do those things all the time.
They are idiots, but they're also all lawyers (at least the base family that accounts for most of the church). Most of them have been disbarred at one point or another, but the average person is not going to have the knowledge to compete with them on the "lawsuit" level.
02-05-2010 , 09:31 AM
Find local gay bar. Have them make an announcement tonight. Have bunch of gay guys and gals turn up and have gay sex near them. Film reaction for youtube hilarity.
02-05-2010 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
these guys are hilarious, I'd love to see them live
they seem quite reasonable to me lol

and the wikipedia link had me loling for last 20mins

just ignore the idiots
02-05-2010 , 09:46 AM
Just don't go anywhere near them. I'm sure Friday night is a big weekly gathering for your Hillel group, but just skip it if you'd have to be near the protesters.
02-05-2010 , 09:50 AM
Watching the documentary at the moment, crazy stuff.
02-05-2010 , 09:59 AM
Daughters are hot.
02-05-2010 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Daughters are hot.
02-05-2010 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by RosieTheGreat
They are coming to protest outside of hillel, an organization which i am a part of. Here is the article printed in our daily paper:

So people dont want us counter protesting, and usually i wouldnt care about a bunch of morons protesting on campus, but they are specifically targeting my friends and i because we are Jewish (even though not religious at all).
what is Hillel if it is Jewish, but it isn't a religious group? some kind of racial activism like the Black Panthers/KKK/etc? (can't really think of a non-violent equivalent, but I'm sure they exist).
02-05-2010 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
what is Hillel if it is Jewish, but it isn't a religious group? some kind of racial activism like the Black Panthers/KKK/etc? (can't really think of a non-violent equivalent, but I'm sure they exist).
02-05-2010 , 11:17 AM
After watching that documentary, I actually feel sorry for them. It is still really funny and everything and I support all of the counter protesting and think they aren't worth anyone's time, but seeing the young people is really sad.

It is interesting how everything that happens bad to us normal folk is "God's wrath." The one question I wanted the guy to ask was "if your daughter got killed at a picket by a passerby, would it be god's wrath?"

Also, LOL @ Fred Phelps. Unlike most cult leaders, who are often unusually persuasive and brilliant in a demented way, he just seems to be a dumb old angry man who feigns intelligence by not answering questions.
02-05-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by POKEROMGLOL
It is interesting how everything that happens bad to us normal folk is "God's wrath." The one question I wanted the guy to ask was "if your daughter got killed at a picket by a passerby, would it be god's wrath?"
God's plan for the daughter was that she should experience his kingdom in heaven right away. What could be more glorious? As for the father, God was testing him. The faithful must be tested sometimes, it makes them stronger in the long run.
