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**** Welcome to 2013: This year we get new hats- OOT January LC Thread **** **** Welcome to 2013: This year we get new hats- OOT January LC Thread ****

01-28-2013 , 02:02 PM
jmakin, I agree it is unlikely he will become the next Brad Pitt (or anyone remotely famous), but I think he probably is really good looking, did do a photoshoot for A&F, has a rich dad, and picks up hot chick in LA clubs.
01-28-2013 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
giz, do you know of any posters who had their accounts basically removed from the 2p2 servers/history prior to Ed?
Ed is the only person *I* know of going poof. My old posts are still on the forum, same thing with Pogue's old posts.
Originally Posted by El Diablo
LL: my hunch is BG's posts are largely grounded in truth.
When I was in second grade, my mom bought me this really pretty tiara. It was made from pretty nice crystals, and was kinda expensive for a "dress-up" item. So, when I went to school the next day, I started telling people I was a princess. I had a tiara, so obviously I was a real princess.

That's what I think BG is doing, but it still means he's lying his ass off. (and for the record, anyone who spells ass "asse".. well...)
01-28-2013 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
LL: my hunch is BG's posts are largely grounded in truth.
My read is that his only real success was A&F, which as he says focuses on 14-18 year olds and is trying to milk that. Seems like he dropped out of whatever school he went to or transferred around and didn't get a degree. Hes a drug habit away from losing total control.
01-28-2013 , 03:02 PM
degen had all his stuff nuked
01-28-2013 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
jmakin, I agree it is unlikely he will become the next Brad Pitt (or anyone remotely famous), but I think he probably is really good looking, did do a photoshoot for A&F, has a rich dad, and picks up hot chick in LA clubs.
Being "really good looking" and "the most attractive person on Earth once the general population is allowed to look at him" are a little different.

Also picking up hot chicks in LA clubs while having a rich dad and being really good looking is like shooting fish in a barrel. You realize that pornographers absolutely crush in LA clubs.

There's a story of a girl who I never knew but met several friends of who went to LA to become a model. Now she blows guys several at a time for $50/each.

There's enough wannabees who will be impressed with BG, plus he seems like a good liar.
01-28-2013 , 03:32 PM
I find it strange he stated multiple time he receives like 5500 a month and then recently denied it. Can't wait for the final act. I think it just began.
01-28-2013 , 04:12 PM

I had a flare up of the gout and it made me think of you.

01-28-2013 , 04:26 PM
Larry, I don't think anyone in OOT is impressed with BG, except with regards to his ability to make threads very entertaining.

27o, the $5500/mo from parents was as of last March
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
My parents give me $5500 a month. I make about 1500 from promoting and 3500 from my day job in TV....
As of December
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I need about $10,500 to stay afloat. Sometimes I hit the $10,5000, sometimes its only like 8k. I been working my asse off these months, so I have needed a lot less.
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
I have been pulling down through the club promoting, day job, and new modeling stuff about 9000 a month on average since April. So my parents most months are just giving me the difference most months.
Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
My parents haven't given me a dime in 5 months, so the whole them giving me money things has been over for a while.
Now, in addition to his job at CBS, he is a club promoter and a model. He grosses $18k/nets $12k per month.
01-28-2013 , 04:37 PM
But, he needs to borrow small amounts of money to play poker, IDK...
01-28-2013 , 04:40 PM

you should go study his posts.
01-28-2013 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

you should go study his posts.
I have studied his posts a little bit and I actually do kind of like him. I think he really, really believes what he is saying, so it's true for him. There are grains of truth in there, with everything else built around that. Interesting...
01-28-2013 , 04:47 PM
You should study them more.
01-28-2013 , 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by BonafiedGreat
Hi, my name is JJ. I am a United States player currently living in Los Angeles California. I am a Stanford graduate and currently work for CBS.

I am selling this bankroll at face value. I am selling 100% of it.

In the event we end the stake in profit, I will take a 30% cut of profits after stakeback.
01-28-2013 , 04:49 PM
27, that is good advice, which I shall also take to heart. I haven't read any of his posts in the staking forum or Survivor thread. As Larry's posts shows me there is much I don't know yet.

Larry, I'm not sure what I am supposed to take away from that quote, though, or are you just suggesting there is important info in that thread I am missing.

edit: Larry, are you suggesting that someone with a father with a $10mil annual income would not need to solicit on 2p2 for a $500 bankroll?

Anyway, I don't want to continue to hijack this thread posting about BG. The details in his posts are flexible; and his likability (which is never high) and the credibility of his stories varies in inverse proportion to the amount of hate he is getting at any one time. I still believe his dad is rich, he is very good looking and has modeled, he bangs hot chicks, and works at CBS is some capacity. I find his threads very amusing, both because of his posts and the hate they generate.

Last edited by gregorio; 01-28-2013 at 05:05 PM.
01-28-2013 , 04:51 PM
Yes you need to add professional LSMTT horse to the list.
01-28-2013 , 05:07 PM
It's strange, but when I do a quick study, taking some of his posts down to the grapheme level, he has an uncanny similarity with that stev guy. Almost as if he's a relative or something, my numbers must be wrong.
01-28-2013 , 05:13 PM
People that are good trolls know enough to hide their traits if they're trolling their own board. Stevdoro was not that. BG could be, but he would have to have had some backing or even been one of those posters saying they knew him but I did zero checking into it, because who cares. Why spoil a fun thread.

I bet Rei could pick it up. Greg, Others.
01-28-2013 , 05:17 PM
I hope I'm right in assuming that the whole of OOT has just been trolling bonifiedgreat all along and nobody actually thinks he's an attractive, successful young man. I'd have to re-evaluate a lot of my core beliefs if people were actually buying his stories..
01-28-2013 , 05:21 PM
Grapheme is an awesome word that I was unaware of til now. Thanks!
01-28-2013 , 05:23 PM
I looked it up and still dont know what it means.
01-28-2013 , 05:26 PM
I think BG truly believes what he is saying. Even if it is not true as of this moment he is convinced that it will be at some point in time, and that is good enough for him.
01-28-2013 , 05:29 PM
I kinda always thought BG was totally fake... but I haven't read any of the recent developments in his ratings thread.
01-28-2013 , 05:29 PM
I know a few people like that. They are so convinced of their lies they don't even know they are lying.
01-28-2013 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
I kinda always thought BG was totally fake... but I haven't read any of the recent developments in his ratings thread.
I think theres about 10% truth to what he says.
01-28-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
I know a few people like that. They are so convinced of their lies they don't even know they are lying.
True story - I had a student who was always saying how great he was at everything he ever did. One day he went out for football (I was head coach), but only lasted for a couple of days.

For years after that he would always come up to me at school and remind me of how he starred on that team and what great times we had. I could see in his eyes that he completely believed what he was saying, so I never argued with him.

A couple of years ago he introduced me to his two sons. I couldn't help myself, I told those kids what a great player their dad was and how he quarterbacked us to many wins. When I saw how happy it made them, I started believing it too. With enough belief, plenty of good stories become true.
