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08-20-2016 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
If you guys are going to do 30lbs, anything goes, you need to get rid of this 30 days bull****.

30 lbs is doable over a 3 day weekend.
30 lb is doable in like 6 hours
Weight Gain/Loss Prop Bet Quote
08-20-2016 , 07:14 PM
Alobar, sparks:

When are you starting?
Weight Gain/Loss Prop Bet Quote
08-21-2016 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Sparks
Alobar, i'm willing to make the bet for 54 lbs in less than 30 days if waiting 30 days will be an annoyance. Anything less than 30 days is fine, you pick the duration.
What do you mean by "you pick the duration"? Are you saying anthing less than 30 is fine, but he needs to guess the day before he starts? Hopefully I've misunderstood.
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08-22-2016 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Sparks
Alobar, i'm willing to make the bet for 54 lbs in less than 30 days if waiting 30 days will be an annoyance. Anything less than 30 days is fine, you pick the duration.
thats not really any different. The spirit of your thread start and the bet you offered is how much weight can I swing in a month, not how good am I at being a particular weight for a weigh in that happens exactly at some specified time. That's a different bet, so I'm not taking the same weight or odds on a weight swing than the original bet you suggested.

If you think you are getting an edge by me having to deal with it for a whole month, then we are probably arguing over nothing, because chances are thats how long im going to take, I just want some leeway because I have no idea wtf I'll be doing 30 days from a weigh so maybe I end up doing it a day or two early, or maybe not I dunno.

If you are looking to get an edge because I have zero experience cutting weight and so forcing me calculate it out so I hit a weight at exactly 720 hours from my weigh in, well then like I said, thats a different be than what you started out with and Im not taking that at 54lbs.
Weight Gain/Loss Prop Bet Quote
08-22-2016 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Sparks
I'm in no rush to get into a bet a I think I'm an underdog in, so yeah, do your stuff and check back in here if you want to get it going.

Alobar, if you knew me in person you'd know I'm not about angle shots, at all. I just like betting. For example, if some crazy thing happened to you during this bet, like family stuff or something medical or whatever, I'd cancel it and try it again later. So don't worry about that. I'm more interested in if you could actually do it, as we both understand the bet.

Regarding the 54 lbs, my intent of the bet would be you weigh-in live on video using like Periscope or something, then weigh in again live when you gain 27 lbs, then do a weigh in on day 30, also live. If you weigh the same or less on day 30 than you did on day one, that would be 54 lbs, and you'd win.
Sparks, this is what you said earlier. But your latest proposal, as stated, looks exactly like an angle shot. You've completely changed the nature of the wager.

Let's ditch the angle shot and get back to the point of this thread.
Weight Gain/Loss Prop Bet Quote
08-22-2016 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by frommagio
Sparks, this is what you said earlier. But your latest proposal, as stated, looks exactly like an angle shot. You've completely changed the nature of the wager.

Let's ditch the angle shot and get back to the point of this thread.
Re-read my very first post. Not only did I state it twice, and say when you weigh in and weigh out, I used the word "exactly." STFU with your claim of an angle shot. It's insulting, not to mention wrong.


As for the bet, no problem with Alobar negotiating the particulars, including revising the exactly 30 days part. Very valid comments. I'm considering it, but it's not going to happen immediately. I'm in a rather non-liquid situation right now with big dollar (for me) home renovations going on.
Weight Gain/Loss Prop Bet Quote
08-23-2016 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Sparks

As for the bet, no problem with Alobar negotiating the particulars, including revising the exactly 30 days part. Very valid comments. I'm considering it, but it's not going to happen immediately. I'm in a rather non-liquid situation right now with big dollar (for me) home renovations going on.

Need a new roof?

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