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Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Weigh in:  Is Person C correct?

02-24-2011 , 01:26 AM
I don't get people saying A should have done something in the 30 seconds. If some dude fell between the front and back seats getting into my car I could totally see just chilling there for a minute and enjoying the moment while everyone figures their way into the car.

A normal or slightly firm pull should not rip the handle of a late model Civic, I call bs on the writeup and vote that OP is person C and that he pulled way too hard rather than what he's letting on and instead of just being mindful of the situation. He should pay and apologize for not respecting his friends things, but he probably can't afford it so they'll probably end up not being friends any more which kinda sucks for person B cause he seems like a hilarious guy to hang out with.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 02:21 AM
Person B and C should pay for it and then piss in driver A's gas tank and call it a day.

A is an asshat
C is a ******

A should of pulled away, C should of stopped ****ing with a stuck door. B has no fault just cause he fell but being a good dude wants to help and that's fine.
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02-24-2011 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by meleader2
Your argument is what I exactly used. Yes I'm person C. I was not malicious.Yes, you were, you can downplay it all you want but you RIPPED A PREVOUSLY UNDAMAGED DOOR TO PIECES!

Let me also try to clarify how much of a piece of **** this door is.

blahbitty blah "I don't wanna pay" blah blah. While Civics aren't exactly top-o-the-line, Honda is fairly well known for NOT making crap ass products. The door handle is where it is because that's where it is most easily reachable by your average person getting into the front seat.

Person B's deal was yes, he tried to get in ass first because he was mesmerized by the snow drift. he was not in the right state of mind. nor was person A. I, however, was 100% in the right state of mind.
Also, as another possible test of your douchiness, since i'm assuming "not in the right state of mind = drunk/high/whatever, and you were the only one who WASN'T, did you even offer to drive your impaired buddies around, or just figured he could deal with the ramifications of possibly getting pulled over? (not to mention the obvious point that you, being the only sober one, should have been the one to think through the whole situation before you reverted to yanking the **** outta that mutha)

Originally Posted by meleader2
...I sincerely doubt you all go around during your day and stop to consider every possible outcome for your actions ... even those that are as mundane as closing car doors.

If the car door was COMPLETELY buried in snow/ice I'd agree I'm the idiot. It was the end of the metal on a long 2 door car that was stuck, not the bottom half of the entire door.

It was negligible in my mind how "buried" it was. Not even worth thinking about at the time I attempted to close the door.
You don't need to stop and consider every possible outcome to say "hey, buddy "A", do the standard-not ******- move and pull forward a bit so's I can shut the door without destroying your property"

And was it still negligible, and not even worth thinking about after your so-called 30 seconds of trying?

A deserves a lot of responsibility for being a slow pony in his own car and not taking charge of situation that anyone whose had a license for more than a week should be able to remedy, but you definitely broke his door, and should be doing a lot more as a friend than trying to worm your way out of it.

Last edited by Cherry MrMisty; 02-24-2011 at 04:48 AM.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 05:19 AM
The doorhandle broke because person C yanked it too hard.

Before anything else, person C should apoligize to person A and offer to pay for the damage.

If the group are just acquantainces, he should offer to pay for all the damage plus some sort of compensation for all the time and hassle.
If the group are friends, C should offer to 'take care of all the damage', as in making all necessary arrangements with the repair shop, taking and returning the car at a time somewhat convenient to person A, and paying for the repairs.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 10:13 AM
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone start a thread, find out the vast majority thinks they are wrong, admit they maybe were wrong, and do the right thing. Once.
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02-24-2011 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
Once, just once, I'd like to see someone start a thread, find out the vast majority thinks they are wrong, admit they maybe were wrong, and do the right thing. Once.
I am wrong. B & C split the bill.
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02-24-2011 , 11:47 AM
Grunch: just make life easy and split it three ways, rue the day this happened, and remain friends.

These three people are obviously under 25 years old.
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02-24-2011 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by meleader2
I am wrong. B & C split the bill.
haha, now that he gets dozens of responses saying "it's all your fault" he goes "oh, I should take up B on that offer to split it."

you're kind of a dirtbag.
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02-24-2011 , 02:41 PM
Person C sounds like a careless dumbass who does not respect others.

Farewell "friend".
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02-24-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Boris
Given that the car is a relatively new Honda Civic and there had been no previous damage to the door handle, C pays. And it's not even close imo.
This, I have no idea how anything else is really an option.
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02-24-2011 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by meleader2
I am wrong. B & C split the bill.
You're kidding right? Why should B spend a penny here?
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02-24-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by meleader2
this logic is so far off - i'd like to hear your reasoning for person C having 100% obligations here.
B's did not do anything that led directly to the damage — the damage was directly caused not by the doors having been inadvertently opened all the way into the snowbank, but by a moron yanking so hard on the handle to extricate it that he ripped it off. In legal terms, he was at worst negligent (and maybe not even that) and more importantly, his actions were not the proximate cause of the damage. In moral terms, all he did is slip and that's not what broke the door.

As for C, unless the door was already in terrible shape he's the one that caused the damage. Moreover, his actions were intentional (unlike B's) and the damage that resulted therefrom was entirely predictable, as clearly he was yanking much harder than is normal for a car door. And there was an obvious alternative — get out of the goddamn car and push — that would not have entailed the clear and obvious risk of damage to the car, not just because pushing is safer for the door than pulling, but because C knew or should have known that the door was stuck in part because of his (C's) weight being in the car. Yet he lazily, stupidly pulled on the handle hard enough to rip it out, without getting out of the car.

In legal terms, B was grossly negligent and his actions were the proximate cause of the damage.

Only if the door was already ready to fall apart is C off the hook. But I suspect in real life the best A can get out of C, who clearly is either not bright or not considerate, is partial payment.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
B's did not do anything that led directly to the damage — the damage was directly caused not by the doors having been inadvertently opened all the way into the snowbank, but by a moron yanking so hard on the handle to extricate it that he ripped it off. In legal terms, he was at worst negligent (and maybe not even that) and more importantly, his actions were not the proximate cause of the damage. In moral terms, all he did is slip and that's not what broke the door.

As for C, unless the door was already in terrible shape he's the one that caused the damage. Moreover, his actions were intentional (unlike B's) and the damage that resulted therefrom was entirely predictable, as clearly he was yanking much harder than is normal for a car door. And there was an obvious alternative — get out of the goddamn car and push — that would not have entailed the clear and obvious risk of damage to the car, not just because pushing is safer for the door than pulling, but because C knew or should have known that the door was stuck in part because of his (C's) weight being in the car. Yet he lazily, stupidly pulled on the handle hard enough to rip it out, without getting out of the car.

In legal terms, B was grossly negligent and his actions were the proximate cause of the damage.

Only if the door was already ready to fall apart is C off the hook. But I suspect in real life the best A can get out of C, who clearly is either not bright or not considerate, is partial payment.
from the OP:

"Is Person C in the right to split 3 ways instead of 2?"

I never asked to be off the hook.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by meleader2
from the OP:

"Is Person C in the right to split 3 ways instead of 2?"

I never asked to be off the hook.
Person A is clearly pissed. Later Person B ends up apologizing and offering money for the door, Person C does not.

Person A is mad at Person C for not apologizing or offering money.
These two lines led me to conclude that person C was not apologizing or offering money when it was clearly his fault and thus is a giant d-bag who tried to get out of responsibility.
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02-24-2011 , 04:48 PM
I blame his parents.
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02-24-2011 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by meleader2
Two people are getting a ride from a friend.

Car is a two door, parked on the side of the road with 2 foot buildup of snow/ice on passenger side of the road.

Person A is driving, enters car.
Person B is getting into the car to sit in the back, not paying attention and misses the seat, falling into the area between the backseat and the front passenger seat, causing his feet to push the open passenger door into the snowbank.
Person C gets into the passenger seat and goes to close the door. It is stuck in the snow bank.

Person C exclaims "wow this is stuck" after using normal strength to try to close the door. After a few unsuccessful tugs, actually pulls on the door to close it. Successful closure leads to broken interior door handle.


The door handle itself is more of an arm rest / door bar. The rest contains some electronic controls like the door locks and window buttons. It ends up being split in two. Closer inspection reveals there are no clips. It was glued together.


Person A is clearly pissed. Later Person B ends up apologizing and offering money for the door, Person C does not.

Person A is mad at Person C for not apologizing or offering money.


After speaking with Person C, Person C apologizes that the door is poorly designed and is willing to split the cost 3 ways as opposed to two. Person A states that he doesn't care how it's paid but is not paying.

Person A also states the metal rivets that hold the door onto the frame has been RIPPED OFF. Curious as to why they are rivets and not clips, Person C asks and Person A does not know.

The entire panel needs to be replaced.


Some convo:

Person C: ok. i'll give u enough to split 3 ways
Person A: you can give it to Person B
Person A: i'll tell you the same thing i told him, i don't care how it gets paid, but i'm not paying it
Person C: lol y the **** not
Person A: because it was you two being stupid that broke the door
Person A: if i was ****ing around with a baseball in your house, and broke a window, would you expect me to pay for it to get fixed?
Person C: yes because throwing around a baseball inside is being stupid
Person C: sitting in and closing a door in a car that a door should be closed is not ****ing around
Person C: its being a ****** door
Person A: you yanked the door handle unnecessarily hard, and that's what broke it
Person C: if Person B & i were purposefully being malicious that's one thing
Person C: unnecesarily? it was stuck in the snow
Person C: i even stated before i did it
Person A: alright
Person C: "this door is pretty stuck"
Person A: i'm done with this conversation now
Person C: ok

Is Person C in the right to split 3 ways instead of 2?
I had no idea crackheads still posted in OOT
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 08:39 PM
A should put in a small potion and B/C should chop up the majority. Like 40/40/20 since your all tards
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-24-2011 , 11:59 PM

Why the **** would anyone besides Person A pay a dime? It's Person A's vehicle, and he is a moron for parking so close that the door would get stuck and then when it does he just stands there and watches his idiot friends break the door.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy

Why the **** would anyone besides Person A pay a dime? It's Person A's vehicle, and he is a moron for parking so close that the door would get stuck and then when it does he just stands there and watches his idiot friends break the door.

Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Wires
If I were Person A I wouldn't expect a dime. I also wouldn't expect a dime if I had people over to my home and they broke something.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy

Why the **** would anyone besides Person A pay a dime? It's Person A's vehicle, and he is a moron for parking so close that the door would get stuck and then when it does he just stands there and watches his idiot friends break the door.
yeah, i prefer to leave my vehicle in the middle of the road instead of the side
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 03:22 AM
i don't even see how anyone is claiming that b's actions got the door stuck in snow? how does dude falling in to the car get the door stuck? it's far more likely that the additional weight of person C (or even just the weight of B, followed by C) is what gets the door stuck. so yeah, I see no reason that B should have to pay anything aside from him being a good dude who feels bad about situation. A and C should make restitution with C paying at least half and usually all, since well, C broke the door.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by citanul
i don't even see how anyone is claiming that b's actions got the door stuck in snow? how does dude falling in to the car get the door stuck? it's far more likely that the additional weight of person C (or even just the weight of B, followed by C) is what gets the door stuck. so yeah, I see no reason that B should have to pay anything aside from him being a good dude who feels bad about situation. A and C should make restitution with C paying at least half and usually all, since well, C broke the door.
i thought i explained it pretty well, but i'll reiterate:

i open the door and place it against the snow bank (not above - against), B falls into the car, resultant is he kicked his feet out and drove the door into the bank.

the amount the door was buried though didn't seem like a large amount. if you can imagine the door's outer lower corner, that is the metal - then there's the seal of the door further up the door. it wasn't to the seal, it was just the metal corner buried. only the corner.
Weigh in:  Is Person C correct? Quote
02-25-2011 , 11:20 AM
You should be a little embarrassed taking advantage of B's generosity.
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