I know I know. I used the search feature and didn't find this topic or show.
I watched season 1 & 2 on Netflix and they finally put seasons 3, 4, and 5 on instant view. I'm in the middle of season 3 and it's AWESOME!
I love this show and it's so cool to chill out and watch 4 or 5 episode at a time. Yes, I have been partaking in the "substance" that makes you post some crazy s h i t but I apologize if this show has been brought up on OOT. Like I said, I used the search function and didn't find it. Is it me, the beer or the substance that makes me want to talk/chat about how bad ass this show is and how fun it is watching Nancy work her mojo on "WEED"?
Sorry if I'm rambling, just a great show! If there is another topic on this someone with knowledge show me the way! I couldn't
find it.
Come on now. I know I just got leveled. It's on Showtime but I watch it on Netflix Instant View. Ease up slick. I really found nothing on the search feature.