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We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything?

09-19-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by J-Mac
Hypothetical: An unavoidable future cataclysmic event is discovered that will wipe out all life on earth, from bacteria on up, in 300 years.

You will not live to see it happen, nor will your immediate descendants or anyone else you meet in your lifetime.

What do you change in your life, if anything?

how does this situation differ from my current situation?

wtf do I care about ppl 300 years from now
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by J-Mac

Why would lawlessness happen in our lifetime?

The Earth is going to end at some point in the future after we and our children and our children's children are dead. That's already a given. How does "exactly how far after that" affect our view of law?

Even if you're twenty now, and you have your first child at fifty, and through modern medical advances they father their first child at 80, and that child dies at 120, they still missed the apocalypse by seventy years.

Why does this news produce lawlessness now?

If this scenario incontrovertibly produces lawlessness, does that imply that humans are constantly but unconsciously thinking about the welfare of their children's children's children's children, and beyond?
No, it implies that the society is made of glass and based on hope. People are more than well known to over react to bad situations and there will be dumb decisions made.

I mean a few people have considered littering to be their response, what makes you think a few thousand wont consider rioting and looting.

The most logical short term response will be rioting. The most logical medium term response is they will come up with a plan for humanity to survive in some sense (moving and terraforming mars etc) and long term the lucky minority will survive on when the majority perish. The in the last 30 years those majority will kill each other off and very few will be on earth when this event takes place.
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:25 PM
invest in space travel stock and then sell
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:31 PM
i would start hunting
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:37 PM
just saw that 2012 trailer and it looks laughably bad... in fact probably bad enough that it wouldnt be a bad idea to watch it drunk for comedy value
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:40 PM

2 chicks at the same time
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:41 PM
I'd change my plans on getting cryogenically frozen.
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
09-19-2009 , 11:43 PM
probably post less on 2+2.

maybe try and be helpful to work towards colonizing the moon or something?

I'd change my plans on getting cryogenically frozen.
or at least use it to negotiate a discount.
We receive incontrovertible evidence that the Earth ends in 300 years. Do you change anything? Quote
