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Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole)
View Poll Results: When you get pulled over, how often do you get a ticket?
Less than 20% of the time
37 16.74%
20-40% of the time
23 10.41%
40-60% of the time
42 19.00%
60-80% of the time
36 16.29%
More than 80% of the time
83 37.56%

06-18-2008 , 02:06 PM
As some of you may know, I have a bit of an affinity for speeding, and have been pulled over probably 15+ times for same in my 10 or so years of driving. However, I've only actually been issued a ticket on four of these occasions, and the rest of the time been let off with a warning.

I mentioned this to a couple friends at lunch today and they were shocked by this "low" ratio and said I was insanely lucky not to have gotten more tickets, and that they have gotten tickets either most or all of the times they have gotten pulled over. I was surprised to hear this because (obviously) I was under the impression that getting off with a warning was completely standard.

So am I lucky/doing something right or are my friends unlucky/doing something wrong? Am I just really sexy? FWIW, I am always courteous and polite with the cop, but I assume my friends are too. What is your "ticket ratio?" Is ~30% unusually low? Also feel free to post cool stories of talking your way out of tickets.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:10 PM
Where is the "Never" option?

Are you going to make me settle for < 20%?

What car do you drive? (curious)

Last edited by angryj; 06-18-2008 at 02:13 PM. Reason: car q
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:20 PM
I've driven a pretty conservative sedan for the past 4 years, but for 5 years before that I drove a 2-door V8 car that could definitely be considered a "cop magnet," especially with someone my age behind the wheel. Oddly enough, I didn't get pulled over any more back then than I do now.
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06-18-2008 , 02:20 PM

are you a hot chick? If not, then you have been running ridiculously good.

Last edited by DannyOcean_; 06-18-2008 at 02:21 PM. Reason: In my hometown they are speed nazis. They finance all kinds of **** with speed traps.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:23 PM
I'm not sure exactly how many times I've been pulled over total. It was a lot more common when I was 16-21, but in the past year I've been pulled over 3x that I can remember and gotten no tickets. I've been written up 3x lifetime in maybe 15 or 18 stops, but one of those was for a parking ticket that a cop pulled me over for after I used a handicap parking space to TURN AROUND in a parking lot, so I dunno if that counts. I was pulled over and arrested once too, but not for a moving violation so that prob doesn't count. I'm guessing right around 20%, maybe a little lower.
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06-18-2008 , 02:30 PM
I just got pulled over last weekend at 2am. Gave me something to make me fix my front right headlight (not a ticket), and a warning for speeding. I utilized all anti-ticket procedures: immediate safe pulling over, turn off engine when stopped, turn on interior lights, calling him "sir", being overall excessively polite.

I don't get pulled over that much, maybe 6 total in my life. I've gotten 3 tickets. But those 3 were when I was young and stupid and driving 85 all the time.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:41 PM
I've been pulled over probably 10-12 times in my life and I have never gotten a ticket. In fact I got pulled over twice in two different vehicles a day apart, just one month ago. Both times I was given just a warning.

First time I was "accelerating too quickly and then clocked me at 42 in a 35.

Second time I was going about 60mph in a 25mph construction zone (I thought it had ended, plus it was a weekend = no construction workers present). He let me off with a warning because I didn't lie when he asked how fast I was going.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by GuyOnTilt
Ione of those was for a parking ticket that a cop pulled me over for after I used a handicap parking space to TURN AROUND in a parking lot, so I dunno if that counts.
Wait like you pulled in the spot for a second, only to back out immediately? How did he justify ticketing you? Must have just been a dick hole on a mission. Still, completely absurd.

In regards to OP, I've been pulled over twice. Got tickets both times. But the first time I was doing 80 in a 40, and he reduced it to 75 in a 50. To be fair it was only a 40 (normaly 50) because of some bogus construction work, and it was midnight so no one was working.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:45 PM
My wife got stopped for "rolling" through a stop sign in LA last week. She's enormously pregnant, had a screaming three year-old in the back seat, and cried hysterically. The cop gave her a ticket anyway.

OP, you are very lucky.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by starvs
In regards to OP, I've been pulled over twice. Got tickets both times. But the first time I was doing 80 in a 40, and he reduced it to 75 in a 50. To be fair it was only a 40 (normaly 50) because of some bogus construction work, and it was midnight so no one was working.
It probably bears mentioning that I've never been insanely over the speed limit like this. I think the most over I've been caught doing was 54 in a 30 (got a ticket for that one). Other than that they've all just been typical stuff like 72 in a 55, 42 in a 30, etc.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
My wife got stopped for "rolling" through a stop sign in LA last week. She's enormously pregnant, had a screaming three year-old in the back seat, and cried hysterically. The cop gave her a ticket anyway.

OP, you are very lucky.

ah, women and their crying.

I've gotten pulled over three times-- for a rolling stop, for running a red light, and for an illegal turn. I've gotten a ticket twice- for the stop and the red light.

Coincidentally, the one time I didn't get the a ticket (the illegal turn). I was completely hammered during Mardi Gras while driving myself and three other drunks about a block to the Harrah's parking lot.

I've gotten my other two tickets in the SF bay area and I think that most cops here are pretty strict with the tickets, and I doubt I'll ever be able to get out of one.

Where do you live OP? I think this can be a factor.
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06-18-2008 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by wizardplow
you live OP? I think this can be a factor.
all the times I've been pulled over have been in Maryland, except one in Pennsylvania.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:02 PM
Every single time except once for speeding but I don't try to talk myself out of it since I'm usually going so much over the speed limit that I know I have no chance. The one time I got let go I have no understanding how it happened. The officer was actually waiting for me as apparently people had called it in yet he let me go with a warning.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:03 PM
Been pulled over six times for speeding, and been issued six speeding tickets.

Almost without fail they have been in some podunk town (including my hometown) in either Texas or Louisiana whose sole source of income seems to be that generated from speeding tickets.

**** the police.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
My wife got stopped for "rolling" through a stop sign in LA last week. She's enormously pregnant, had a screaming three year-old in the back seat, and cried hysterically. The cop gave her a ticket anyway.
Damn man she made a California Stop and got a ticket in California! Brutal.

mia, this thread is obviously one huge brag by you because I've never heard of the likes of that. While I have gotten a ticket 0% of the time for several non-speeding pullovers (most of which were bogus profiling anyway based off of time of day/night, etc.) I have gotten a ticket all four times I've been pulled over for speeding.

*It bears mentioning that in all four instances the police were specifically doing speed/radar duty on the side of the road, where they're basically just looking to write tickets. I suspect most of your escapes involve cops driving around because it would be weird for them to let you off for speeding when they're specifically looking to write tickets for that.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:34 PM
pulled over 3 times, no tickets.

once was total bs. cop said I wasn't wearing my shoulder belt. I was driving the type of car where the shoulder belt automatically came across my chest when I closed the door. I pointed this out to him. he didn't admit he was wrong, but I'm pretty sure he realized it.

the other times were for an illegal left turn and blowing a red. I didn't do anything special, cops just let me off.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:35 PM
I added them up a while back but I forget the number, but Ive been pulled over like 17 times Ive had 4 tickets. Im an excellent bull****ter and im super polite. Maybe its varience, but I think its pretty easy to get out of a ticket.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:54 PM
1 for 3 here
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:05 PM
I usually get about a ticket a year and am pulled over 3 times a 30% seems right.
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06-18-2008 , 04:11 PM
Never. My old man is a cop so I carry a small stack of his business cards in the glove box.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:15 PM
Been pulled over for speeding 3 times, got 1 ticket..and it was on Thanksgiving day at the bottom of a huuuge hill where the speed limit drastically plummets. Not everyday you get a speeding ticket when you haven't hit the gas for about 1/2 mile. B.S. I also got pulled over for doing 75+ in a 75. Got an official warning for that one. The only time I actually think I deserved a ticket was when I was pulled over for doing 35 in a 15 school zone. AZ cop (surprisingly) was really nice and actually said these tickets are so expensive he fills bad giving them to broke college students and let me go with a verbal.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:17 PM
Been pulled over 20 times in the last decade for miscellaneous infractions (speeding included).

I've received one ticket, and that was driving back from Foxwoods.

How I do this:
1: Don't ****ing move until he approaches car.
2: Don't bitch or cop a gay attitude.
3: Own up to what you were doing when he asked you. Excuses are like *******s...
4: Don't be a 'boot-licker' (their term, not mine)

I have a routine I go through every time I get pulled over that works pretty well.
I'll elaborate if interested, but I'm short on time at this second.

PS - don't be drunk or reeking of icky.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 05:13 PM
27off - elaborate, I will need these in the future even with my current success.

Been pulled over like 6-8 times, 1 ticket, got out of a complete blown-through stop sign while going over the speed limit through the stop sign and not tapping breaks, got out of a couple 10-15 overs, and successfully fled from the cops the one time I've tried cause I saw the guy turning and he was stuck behind some traffic so I got away with his lights blaring behind me and me taking some quick/sharp turns and flying into a driveway that happened to be able to pull around the back so he couldn't see me from the road.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
3: Own up to what you were doing when he asked you. Excuses are like *******s...
I was under the impression that this is a bad idea.
Warning vs. speeding ticket (w/pole) Quote
06-18-2008 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by schundler
I was under the impression that this is a bad idea.
Me too, until I realized it got me out of my 60+ in a construction predicament.

Obviously if they know your speed and you lie they will ticket you for sure.
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