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Vegetarian-vegan thread Vegetarian-vegan thread

06-12-2016 , 04:04 PM
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 04:05 PM
wow i thought nothing could be worse than feminist comics thanks for this
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 04:11 PM
What's wrong with his eyerows? Is that another side effect of eating soy?
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 04:27 PM
That IG account is pretty amazing. The logic burns are tight. Because veganism is all about logic.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 04:30 PM
there's just no arguing with this. Srsly thinking about going vegan now.

Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:06 PM
Oh my god @ that site, its like amazin logic x 1000. ****s terrible.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:08 PM
Diddy, I saw that as well. Wouldn't expect them to say anything else
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:14 PM

Are you vegansexual? Just curious.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Which of these two people would you rather be? Which do you think respects the value of all lives more?

1) a vegan, let's call this person vegan x

2) a person who makes choices and lives a lifestyle that results in 10% of the total animal suffering and death as vegan x, but includes some meat/fish in their diet

Why do you ignore the questions that show what a true hypocrite you are?

You care about yourself, not the animals.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:26 PM
I've entertained enough of your asinine questions. You just bore me
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by tread lightly

Are you vegansexual? Just curious.
Ya. Wasn't for the entirety of the time I've been vegan though

Well in reality I'm not any kind of sexual. This is another hypothetical :-(

Last edited by amazinmets73; 06-12-2016 at 05:45 PM.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:28 PM
A vegan poker player just liked one of my Instagram pics, which one of you is it lol
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:31 PM
Definitely wasn't me
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Definitely wasn't me
Of course not , he said "vegan poker player."
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by amazinmets73
I've entertained enough of your asinine questions. You just bore me

Lol, run away when confronted with the tough questions.

Real vegans think poseur vegans like you are a complete joke, because they care about having the most positive impact possible on animals and the environment.

Poseurs like you just circle jerk within your own community, rather than actually producing positive change.

You're an embarrassment to the very ideals you claim to represent.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:29 PM
I'll betcha
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:33 PM
I don't think I've ever seen El D so mad.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:35 PM
Thus sayeth the corpse munching malzoan who speaks for all vegans while living the antithesis of the lifestyle they promote.

If anyone has credibility it's him
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by tread lightly
I don't think I've ever seen El D so mad.
Awweee poor little fella. He can take comfort in his plate of hot, steaming, pig face flesh while his imaginary vegan friends wipe his tears and assure him the actual vegans he meets are worse than him
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:42 PM
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:45 PM
Whatever amounts to the least amount of damage you do to others/the planet is obv the most ethical choice
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 06:48 PM
But if he really wants consensus opinion from vegans who aren't weary of his act, he should try veggieboards (I've never posted there but it seems to be relatively active) or a vegan FB group
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
My wife likes the "cruelty-free" label on eggs, but it seems like having your children stolen is at least somewhat cruel.
It's more like having your tampon stolen.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
06-12-2016 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
My wife likes the "cruelty-free" label on eggs, but it seems like having your children stolen is at least somewhat cruel.
You're thinking of balut

Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
