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Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder

11-11-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Lazy Meatball
talk more about reducing your shoulder dislocation. Did you tell your friend to just give it a big yank?
I laid down prone on a table and let my arm dangle straight down. Then I asked my friend (a nurse with some experience in the ER who has seen a shoulder reduced before) to pull straight down on my arm toward the floor. This is how I learned to reduce a shoulder during an ER rotation back in med school and fortunately it worked.

It is a very gratifying experience because having your shoulder out of the socket is extremely painful and the instant it is back in place the pain is reduced by at least 50%.

Also, for the record, I don't actually feel that any revenge is in order. I just want some funny ideas for things I can do to de captain on videotape.

Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 12:41 PM
Upon closer inspection, in reference to your questions:
1)There at atleast 5 women in this video
2)This completely juxtaposes my view of 2+2
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by LOLDONKBETZ
people actually...

wait let me rephrase..

there are actually rollerskating rinks still to be found in the united states in this millennium? or was this from the 90s?
your times coming my friend
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 01:05 PM
I'm with LM and LFS. Falls under the **** happens. Is it one of those situations where someone went "to far" I dont think so he didn't close line you or anything. Miscalculated perhaps but not intentionally out to harm.

With that since de captain opened him self up for revenge its only right that you do so to help alleviate his guilt.

The tazer idea seems to be building steam and as such i give my vote to this. Obv a video is required.
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:04 PM

de Captain's actions are completely justified under the standard retaliation practices between friends in such a situation. If one friend decides to take physical action in order to mess with another friend, the acted upon party is entitled to retaliate. This retaliation is supposed to be dialed up one notch only in intent. Since the retaliatory action was completely justified (and the 100% correct play in his shoes, btw), all is fair. While it is unfortunate that you got injured as you did, you guys are completely even. Anyone who feels otherwise is a pussy and not worth hanging out with.

de Captain,

You were in the right, all the way. He took a risk messing with you, and you reacted in kind. Fair enough. You are a truly good friend to feel bad, which is also justified, but you both know that his injury was "just one of those things." You both know that things are all good. No further revenge is necessary, nor appropriate. If you really feel bad, serving as his butler while he is laid up for a day is completely reasonable, but not neccessary. In fact, just offering to do it would be more than enough.

As others said, a bro hug and a beer should make the world right again.
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by J.A.Sucker

de Captain's actions are completely justified under the standard retaliation practices between friends in such a situation. If one friend decides to take physical action in order to mess with another friend, the acted upon party is entitled to retaliate. This retaliation is supposed to be dialed up one notch only in intent. Since the retaliatory action was completely justified (and the 100% correct play in his shoes, btw), all is fair. While it is unfortunate that you got injured as you did, you guys are completely even. Anyone who feels otherwise is a pussy and not worth hanging out with.

de Captain,

You were in the right, all the way. He took a risk messing with you, and you reacted in kind. Fair enough. You are a truly good friend to feel bad, which is also justified, but you both know that his injury was "just one of those things." You both know that things are all good. No further revenge is necessary, nor appropriate. If you really feel bad, serving as his butler while he is laid up for a day is completely reasonable, but not neccessary. In fact, just offering to do it would be more than enough.

As others said, a bro hug and a beer should make the world right again.

I agree with everything you said except the parts where you try to make de captain act like a homosexual.

Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:21 PM
how many kids did the guy in teh foreground w/ the fanny pack and bike shorts molest that night?
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Irieguy
Obviously there is no "30 and up" age group at the lollerrink so I asked the DJ if he would announce a special race for us. He obliged and we had a little one-lap race. Our group had maybe 15 people and included 2+2ers Zernowski, Mcpherzen, de captain, The_Usher, and myself.
WTF? How did Usher sneak into the 30+ race?
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:35 PM
If its something he is not going to expect, one we've used at work is to put a tire jack the rear axle of the targets vehicle and raise it so the rear tires are just centimeters off the ground. Pretty good video of them trying to drive away but not realizing what was happening was the result. Obv, RWD only for this otherwise it could do some damage.
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-12-2009 , 12:36 AM
taser+videotape seems like the right amount punishment
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-12-2009 , 01:16 AM
1) You get to run over a finger of his choosing with skates on at the rink, or
2) You get one free kick to the shin of your choosing with a skate on your kicking foot
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-12-2009 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gobias Ind.
Upon closer inspection, in reference to your questions:
1)There at atleast 5 women in this video
2)This completely juxtaposes my view of 2+2

Also I think an appropriate and funny retaliation would be to go golfing with him, but then he has to putt with a 1-wood. That is enough to make anyone mad!
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-13-2009 , 12:02 AM
I recommend mild revenge just because the pain factor ended up being different. I propose the Cinnamon Challenge as punishment. de Captain has to put 1 tablespoon of dry cinnamon in his mouth and swallow it as fast as possible. Videotape and link here. This is not much fun but pretty unlikely to damage him and obv funny for everyone else.

Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
11-13-2009 , 01:56 AM
Irieguy: Don't be a vag. Had you taken care of business the first time, he wouldn't be standing to retaliate. As is, de Captain was fully justified. Sucker summed things up well, other than the crap about being a personal biatch.
Trip Report (with brief video): de captain pushes me down and dislocates my shoulder Quote
