Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Chart and facts courtesy of Winslow Life Raft Company
Not exactly an unbiased source, what with all the insistence at getting in the life raft
Originally Posted by JaredL
The chart says that 60-70 degrees will kill somebody in 2-40 hours. For the low end of that I can see it but it seems extremely weird to me that one could die of hypothermia being in air that is 60 degrees, though apparently that is possible according to the "26 times faster" line if you are in 60 degree weather for a very long time. Is that just a simplification or accurate for temperatures at the low end and not the high end?
If you're naked, it could be a problem. I once saw an elderly lady in the hospital who had hypothermia. She had fallen in her garage during April or May and couldn't get up. She was stuck there for a day or so and just laying on the cool concrete did it. Admittedly elderly people are probably the reason the low end of that range exists.