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Tipping Tipping

12-02-2013 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Byrung

As for a $2 tip on a $50 order of good service, thats pretty insulting but not much you can do aside from clench your teeth and tell them to **** off in your head. I usually give them the tax and add an extra $2-$4 on bills between $35 and $80. Works out to be 15% usually
After I handed in my two weeks notice at the corporate restaurant, I started refusing service to people I recognized who had given me bad tips. I would say "I'm sorry, you didn't pay me for my service last time you were in here. You can go into the kitchen and get your food yourself if you want. Good luck!" It was super satisfying.
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12-02-2013 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Waiting tables is a ****ing stressful job. If someone gives you bad service, they still are probably running around, making salads, doing side work, and countless other things without which your meal wouldn't end up on your table, all for $2 an hour. Unless someone is actively ignoring you, tipping 20 percent or more ought to be standard. And if you're that dissatisfied with the service, you should ask to see a manager and complain about the server.
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12-02-2013 , 01:01 AM
is it standard to tip for takeout? More and more I am seeing the credit card receipt show up with the tip section blank and they want you to fill it out and sign.

In years past I don't remember seeing this.

What is standard or customary here?
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12-02-2013 , 01:03 AM
You should never leave pennies or nickels imo. I mean if the server was honestly that bad that you felt compelled to honestly straight stiff a person and be insulting about (IE leaving change instead of nothing) then just talk to the manager. You can easily get stuff knocked off the bill as it's much better to void a $100 meal than to have one bad review on yelp etc etc. I guess for me to honestly truly hate tip someone they'd have to honestly be the biggest douche ever. Like I'd wave them over while no one is there and they're shooting the **** at the bar with their co-worker and ignored me and then rude the whole meal etc.

We used to do burger night on Tuesdays at this bowling alley I worked at that was like a Dave and Busters. So it was 3 bucks for a burger and fries. So this guy comes in with like 8~ people or whatever. They all order burgers and what not of course. His party is also ordering these mid priced beers that are usually around 12-15 a piece. His bill was like 100 and he left me 2 bucks. I honestly thought I was going to stab someone. The next time he came in auto gratted him (same group essentially). He asks about the auto grat and I informed him that it's groups over 6 and I told him I remembered him from before.

Had another lady, huge bitch for no reason. They sit on a lane and order drinks that take a second to make (margaritas etc). I'm legit at the bar standing there waiting for the drinks and she's like craning her neck looking at me wondering what's taking so long even though it'd been like 2 minutes after I rang them in. I bring them over and ask if everything was ok as I saw them looking over and seemed upset. They inform me everything was fine. I take their food orders and it includes potato skins. Now the main thing with those is it had crumbled bleu cheese and that's obviously not for everyone. She doesn't ask me the ingredients etc and just orders it. They're mid meal and I do the standard check-in. Everything's great they said. I come back at the end of the meal to bus the table and she like is facing towards the lane with her back to me kinda and was like "I didn't like the potato skins....I'm not paying for them". Now she'd eaten 3/4 and made no prior mention of it being bad. So I inform her that I'm not taking it off the bill cause I was just thinking **** this lady. So I drop the bill and they're not really paying the bill. I stand to where I can see them but they likely can't see me from one of our server stations. I see them drop it and ninja out. I run up and see a hundred dollar bill in there. The bill was
97 and change

Edit- My pony is slow as wutang just said what my initial part said. Also I realize I said it's better to just void it and then did the opposite with that lady.
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12-02-2013 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by ServingAces
is it standard to tip for takeout? More and more I am seeing the credit card receipt show up with the tip section blank and they want you to fill it out and sign.

In years past I don't remember seeing this.

What is standard or customary here?
At the restaurant I work at, tips on carry out orders go to the owner even though the servers process them, which includes answering the phones, taking the order, and giving the order to the kitchen. As a result, I will put next to no effort into doing the carry out stuff, because doing so hurts my ability to wait on tables who are actually going to tip me. I'm personally going to start asking to whom the tips go in carry out situations, because I don't really want to tip the owner, but I do want to make it worth my server's while to process the order if they keep the tips.
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12-02-2013 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by ServingAces
is it standard to tip for takeout? More and more I am seeing the credit card receipt show up with the tip section blank and they want you to fill it out and sign.

In years past I don't remember seeing this.

What is standard or customary here?
I think 10% is fine on takeout. The server has to tip out based on his sales so if you don't tip they're basically paying for you to get take out. If you go there a lot give like 15-20 since they'll likely start making it rain on you for being cool.
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12-02-2013 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by ServingAces
is it standard to tip for takeout? More and more I am seeing the credit card receipt show up with the tip section blank and they want you to fill it out and sign.

In years past I don't remember seeing this.

What is standard or customary here?
Ive rarely tipped for takeout. Tipping should be for service ie: bring your **** to the table and running back and forth when you need stuff, asking if you need things etc. Im pretty sure this just goes to the owners anyways
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12-02-2013 , 01:35 AM
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12-02-2013 , 01:40 AM
I tip a few bucks if I see waitstaff/hosts preparing my takeout. Managers/owners get zilch from me.
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12-02-2013 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
believe it or not, not many people tip on take out

It is def not standard
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12-02-2013 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
At the restaurant I work at, tips on carry out orders go to the owner even though the servers process them, which includes answering the phones, taking the order, and giving the order to the kitchen. As a result, I will put next to no effort into doing the carry out stuff, because doing so hurts my ability to wait on tables who are actually going to tip me. I'm personally going to start asking to whom the tips go in carry out situations, because I don't really want to tip the owner, but I do want to make it worth my server's while to process the order if they keep the tips.
Not being part of the service industry, I can't really understand this stance. If I made a decent wage, I'd still be doing aspects of the job that are related to it even if it weren't my primary designation.

I'd take on a coworker's slack or correct a mistake that wasn't mine even if meant more work for me even though I'm not going to get paid any more/less for it. Why is the service industry special in that every act should be to maximize their wages? If you are satisfied, or at least realize it is a somewhat fair compensation for the work you're doing, some extra work here and there or a stiff now and then shouldn't make you so angry -- every industry has equivalent late nights, over time, or work that wasn't technically yours that they aren't compensated for. Just seems like the problems of having a boss/job.
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12-02-2013 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by bearz
Not being part of the service industry, I can't really understand this stance. If I made a decent wage, I'd still be doing aspects of the job that are related to it even if it weren't my primary designation.

I'd take on a coworker's slack or correct a mistake that wasn't mine even if meant more work for me even though I'm not going to get paid any more/less for it. Why is the service industry special in that every act should be to maximize their wages? If you are satisfied, or at least realize it is a somewhat fair compensation for the work you're doing, some extra work here and there or a stiff now and then shouldn't make you so angry -- every industry has equivalent late nights, over time, or work that wasn't technically yours that they aren't compensated for. Just seems like the problems of having a boss/job.
I would be more than happy to do the extra work without any extra compensation. However, what winds up happening is I do the extra work for less compensation than if I hadn't done it, because my service to other tables decreases in quality. I always do it eventually, because it's part of my job. But I wait until I'm sure I have a free moment where none of my tables are going to ask me for anything, because work I'm getting paid for takes precedence over work I'm not getting paid for in my mind.
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12-02-2013 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I would be more than happy to do the extra work without any extra compensation. However, what winds up happening is I do the extra work for less compensation than if I hadn't done it, because my service to other tables decreases in quality. I always do it eventually, because it's part of my job. But I wait until I'm sure I have a free moment where none of my tables are going to ask me for anything, because work I'm getting paid for takes precedence over work I'm not getting paid for in my mind.
That's fair enough, but I still think it applies to other fields. Taking on extra work leads to less attention and detail to your current clients, makes you more prone to mistakes that lead to lower performance reviews etc but it is just less immediate than servicing.

I am not taking a shot at servers, but sometimes there are complaints and and attitudes that seem excessive.
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12-02-2013 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Byrung
meh no need to lock my thread..time for a new one anyways

Guess Ill bump a 4 year old thread since the rest are years old too and not been posted in for years

Weird posting under the above poster

Last month I was with a few friends and we were pretty drunk. I called pizza nova about 10 minutes before closing and ordered a pizza and the guy said to me...If I deliver this pizza I better get a good tip. Im like whatever man you arent even closed yet, Ill tip ya what I can and if thats not cool then forget the pizza. He took my order.

I think we had about $25 cash on us and the pizza was $22 total. So I used my credit card instead and gave him an $8 tip plus a $2 delivery fee.

He mad.

He said "if I knew this is all you were going to give me, youd be getting a raw pizza" I called the guy a few choice words, took the pizza and told him to get the **** outta here.

1 month later I get my credit card bill and see the total for the pizza for $85. The guy was so furious about my tip he tried to scam me for an extra $55 hoping I wouldnt check my bill and I was too drunk to remember. I guess they did a pre auth or something but didnt put the actual sale through til later on.

I called the manager and spoke to him and let him know what happened. He was polite and said he would fix it and said he would call me back,

Two days later he calls me back and said that the sale should stick because I told the guy I would give him a nice tip and that instead I have him a measily $8 on a $22 sale.

Im like yeah right on, so you think I should have tipped the guy over $55? Well theres a couple choices here, you can refund my money and this can end here or I can give you a ride home after work and we can discuss it.

In the end he ended up returning my money but wasnt happy about it.

Should I have tipped more or something, I thought I was reasonable.
Pretty sure if you tip more than $8 on a $22 order he legally owes you a BJ. If the guy was really going to be so tilted over delivering the pizza that he felt justified in trying to scam you, he should have just told you to **** off when you called.

I've definitely been told to **** off when I try and order ten minutes before close, no big deal. I don't really need a kid showing up and expecting a handjob and Apple stock options for bringing some General Tsos chicken or whatever.
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12-02-2013 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
And thus re-enforcing that ****ty service.

I tip very well for good service. I have also insult tipped on purpose in one instance of the worst service ever. I think I left like $0.36 or w/e change I had in my pocket.
I've opened up my tipping range over the years from 15-20% to about 8-35%. Since there is huge variance in the level of service provided (sometimes even at the same restaurant,) why not reward those who really care about doing a good job, at the expense of those who don't?
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12-02-2013 , 03:37 AM
If you want to tip on takeout throw a couple bucks at the cook so he can buy a white owl after he gets off, he did 95% of the work anyway.
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12-02-2013 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by J0hny
Bought 1 beer at a party yesterday which cost 2.5$ and tipped 1$.
Standard buck a beer
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12-02-2013 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
And thus re-enforcing that ****ty service.
Well he said mediocre, and a service industry employee re-enforcing 20% as a standard tip despite non-perfect service is kind of the idea.

Just as it is unrealistic to expect anyone working an office job to be doing an A+ job 100% of the time, so to is it unrealistic to expect Grade A service 100% of the time. Unfortunately, most servers do not have the benefit of receiving a livable hourly wage that mitigates this fact. It also does not help that a large majority of individuals seem to treat the service industry as if it is the one arena in life where the above is actually not the case, and I don't care to know or wonder and well I just don't care if you're having an off day where the **** is my merlot???

Last edited by dcm91; 12-02-2013 at 06:06 AM.
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12-02-2013 , 08:44 AM
take out just depends. Some places have dedicated take out people. I knew someone who once did that. Her entire job was to put together take out orders and most of her income was from tips. And other places will have the regular staff put together your order. They deserve to be paid for it. I always tip about 10% for take out.
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12-02-2013 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
After I handed in my two weeks notice at the corporate restaurant, I started refusing service to people I recognized who had given me bad tips. I would say "I'm sorry, you didn't pay me for my service last time you were in here. You can go into the kitchen and get your food yourself if you want. Good luck!" It was super satisfying.
If this happened, I'm pretty sure it only happened once and you were then told to leave.
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12-02-2013 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
I tip very well for good service. I have also insult tipped on purpose in one instance of the worst service ever. I think I left like $0.36 or w/e change I had in my pocket.
36 cents is too much. I will leave a mother****er 2 cents when I have to go that route. That way they cant even pretend like I forgot. They have to be ****in up though.
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12-02-2013 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I have often wondered how much this happens. I worked at a corporate restaurant for a few months and I often contemplated self adjusting ****ty tippers' tip amounts.
Does it count if you work behind a bar and add a couple of extra drinks unknowingly to a tab that you can drink after work?
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12-02-2013 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by dcm91
Well he said mediocre, and a service industry employee re-enforcing 20% as a standard tip despite non-perfect service is kind of the idea.

Just as it is unrealistic to expect anyone working an office job to be doing an A+ job 100% of the time, so to is it unrealistic to expect Grade A service 100% of the time. Unfortunately, most servers do not have the benefit of receiving a livable hourly wage that mitigates this fact. It also does not help that a large majority of individuals seem to treat the service industry as if it is the one arena in life where the above is actually not the case, and I don't care to know or wonder and well I just don't care if you're having an off day where the **** is my merlot???
I'm a pretty agreeable person. For me good service is mostly about communication. If I get sat in a restaurant, and I can tell the server has a busy section, mostly what i'm looking for is to be acknowledged. A simple "Hey, I'll be back in a few minutes to take your drink order" goes a long way. Same thing with food mistakes, if the server messes up (or the kitchen) and he/she takes care of it right away, that doesn't affect my service (or potential tip).

My wife and I went out one night, and each ordered some flat bread pizza or something. My wife orders some pizza that is supposed to have sun dried tomatos on it. She asks for it with fresh tomatos instead of sun-dried. The server goes into this long explanation of how they ran out of sun dried tomatos so it wouldn't be a proble.

Obviously the pizza comes covered in sun dried tomatos. When the srever brings it, my wife reminds her that she asked for fresh instead. The server says she'll take care of it. She comes back maybe 2mins later , with what is obviously the exact same pizza, with the sun dried tomatos picked off (but still buts here and there) and fresh one's put on top.

This didn't sit well with my wife.
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12-02-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
She comes back maybe 2mins later , with what is obviously the exact same pizza, with the sun dried tomatos picked off (but still buts here and there) and fresh one's put on top.

This didn't sit well with my wife.
lol - i can see the chef doing this
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