Hi,in my country there are people who are so dumb at literature and math and they represent the highest authority
A few examples
That woman is called Elena Basescu and she was the daughter of Traian Basescu our ex president and she spoked in an interview that you can have ,,suxeses'' and ,, failores''
in romanian that would be ,,succesuri'' and ,,esecuri''
This guy is called Marian Vanghelie and he represents the 5th sector of Bucharest
and he was an ex mayor.
He can't spell Google and yet he is a politician.
I don't know how he graduated highschool considering he was a gypsy but my point is that I find it unfair that he accomplished something with his life while others struggled.
Valentin Popa
This guy has no idea how to pronounce ribbon but he was the Minister of Education.
Why are stupid people promoted in life? How do they contribute to society?