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Thoughts about drug use Thoughts about drug use

03-13-2011 , 08:08 AM
I think there great. I take 2-5 vicodiens before I go play a session. It helps me relex and I have no back pain and I tend to tilt alot less. It does suck that it cost me about $50-100 but hey its +ev IMO
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Heya

Do you understand how cocaine affects your brain?
No, how? Pretty sure it is super addictive
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03-13-2011 , 08:41 AM
i think you would only look down on friends/worry for them if its a problem, like they cant seem to control themself or w/e
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03-13-2011 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by elendil200
Doesn't know what his talking about.
Hm, I've been around it all enough, I should know what I'm talking about. I guess I've just never seen weed ruin anyone's life. I've never heard of a pothead pulling a gun on someone for pot money. I agree it's bad for your social life.

Do people really think drugs open your mind and make you a better person? That's pretty amazing because every drug I've tried I've come down from completely unchanged but slightly more depressed at being my old boring self again.
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03-13-2011 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by RikkiDee
I've read OOT for years and have never really gotten a clear understanding of the OOT groupthink on illegal drug use.

You hear the term "hookers and blow" and you read about peoples encounters with drugs now and then but what do you guys really think about drug and people who "abuse" them?
I don't want to get all PSA here, but since you're inexperienced and using the terms in similar contexts: Use and abuse are two very different things. There are some people who want to say that drug use is always abuse (unless the drug in question is prescribed by a doctor). These people are either supporting a political agenda or are idiots.

Many drugs are quite safe (moreso than most over-the-counter pharmaceuticals), others are nasty (speed, meth, coke/crack, heroin, generally if it's a "street drug" it's going to be bad news). In order to use a psychoactive substance safely and responsibly, it's best to get as much information as possible before you partake.

I don't want to link to anything, but if you use Google to search for information about psychoactive drugs, you should be able to find sites (one in particular) that have comprehensive information.

Start slow, be aware of what you can handle (and what you want to handle), and do your homework, you'll be fine.
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03-13-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Do people really think drugs open your mind and make you a better person? That's pretty amazing because every drug I've tried I've come down from completely unchanged but slightly more depressed at being my old boring self again.
You have to guide the process somewhat. Meditation will help. (In fact, meditation is probably a better way to go to "those places" if self-improvement is your goal. Psychedelics are just fun rides. But they can be tools if you know how to use them.)
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 09:21 AM
The answer to this depends very much on who we are talking about. I have no issues with drug use and see drugs as a positive but at the same time there is a very high correlation between pathetic and / or horrible behaviour and drug use that you can't ignore that. I'd like to say it is the person's fault and not the drugs but I'm not sure if making this distinction is really all that relevant to how others view it -- especially given society doesn't really share my views on agency.
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03-13-2011 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by madnak
You have to guide the process somewhat. Meditation will help. (In fact, meditation is probably a better way to go to "those places" if self-improvement is your goal. Psychedelics are just fun rides. But they can be tools if you know how to use them.)
Meditation is a lot of work and drugs aren't.

The OP reads like the beginning of a sad story to me. He's doing it more than his friends and he's worried they're looking down on him. Maybe they are or maybe he just thinks they are but there's nothing positive or life improving about it but yay, paranoia. If he's worried that his friends (who use drugs) think he's doing too many drugs he probably is.
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03-13-2011 , 09:49 AM

Take care of yourself and good luck.
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03-13-2011 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Meditation is a lot of work and drugs aren't.
Sure, can't get something for nothing.

The OP reads like the beginning of a sad story to me. He's doing it more than his friends and he's worried they're looking down on him. Maybe they are or maybe he just thinks they are but there's nothing positive or life improving about it but yay, paranoia. If he's worried that his friends (who use drugs) think he's doing too many drugs he probably is.
Yeah, there are some red flags. He really wants to lump E and blow together. Looks like a developing cocaine problem hiding behind MDMA use. "Yeah, I only do light drugs, weed for instance, and heroin."
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:02 AM
Its all about moderation. People who do lots of drugs tend to become boring from my experience, especially people who smoke lots of weed. I go to a big dance night every 6 weeks or so, and whilst drugs are not necessary to have a good time the do make for a good night.
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03-13-2011 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by RikkiDee
I'm pretty lucky in that I'm married to a straight edge awesome chick who will ultimately keep me in line. Shes accepted that its a part of my/our life now but any more and she'll kick my ass. If single I could see this being a serious problem, and I imagine this is where most peoples bad experiences come into play.
This sounds like some hardcore rationalization here. The two obvious questions: how sure are you she has really accepted it? (If straight edge is a reasonably accurate descriptor, I bet she hasn't.) And, how sure are you that when the time comes you'll choose to respond to this "ass kicking" rather than say "f that, let's do some more blow?"

I don't have any experience with coke personally or socially, but to me the quoted post just looks like a major clash waiting to happen in the next year.
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03-13-2011 , 10:19 AM
twice a month seems okay although xtc is fuxxing with your brainchemistry
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03-13-2011 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by RikkiDee
I'm pretty lucky in that I'm married to a straight edge awesome chick who will ultimately keep me in line.
You are the only person keeping you in line.

It's not your wife's job. She has her own life to lead.

If things go bad, she may decide that she can't afford to dive off the cliff to save you. Ultimately, she could leave you.
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by RikkiDee
think on illegal drug use.

what do you guys really think about drug and people who "abuse" them?
My thoughts? Stupid... and stupid. But, since I'm generally that way on the legal drugs as well (alcohol to excess, cigarettes).... my teetotaling ideas are a HUGE outlier.

And as for your idea that your wife is going to accept this, long-term..... :rollseyes:

The only fear I have is the degenerate nature of them.
That, and the addictive nature of illegal drugs (whether physical or mental).... and the fact that you're not going to be in too many groups (how about your kids, if you eventualy have any?) where you can stand up and proudly say "I"m a happy user of xxxx "..... and the job risks.....

I'll find other fun things to do, thanks.
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:34 AM
<---- Drug-tested at work. *sigh*
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03-13-2011 , 11:45 AM
****ing fascists test me at work so I stick to things that are out of my system pretty quickly like Heroin, Cocaine, and Meth but I only do them maybe 3-4x a year on special occasions. I try to limit my alcohol intake because im a fitness model on the side and cant afford the calories.
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 11:52 AM
Which side?
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03-13-2011 , 12:07 PM
OP, you sound like the repressed kid who discovers booze at college for the first time and everything starts nicely, but over time it turns into an out-of-control-mom-and-dad-cant-tell-me-what-to-do-anymore-fest. The main differences being that mom and dad are, in your case, your own repression, and instead of booze you're ****ing around with cocaine and amphetamines. I'm generally pretty favorable of responsible drug use, but in my experience it's a rare person who is capable of using them as such. Just stop while you can; you're throwing up so many red flags.
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03-13-2011 , 12:27 PM
lol using mdma every 2 weeks is far from safe your tolerance is going to build up super fast, your highs are going to last less longer and you're going to crash harder every time you pop.

cocaine is one of the worst street drugs there is, it's cut with so much **** and it's one of the most addictive thing there is, I've never met anyone who told me cocaine was beneficial for them
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Hm, I've been around it all enough, I should know what I'm talking about. I guess I've just never seen weed ruin anyone's life. I've never heard of a pothead pulling a gun on someone for pot money. I agree it's bad for your social life.
People whose lives are ruined by drugs are f*cked up individuals who were going to ruin their lives anyway b/c their morons with no self control. Some cokehead who pulls a gun on someone for coke money is just a POS human being, it's not the coke. I know plenty of people who use drugs on a semi-regular basis who are all normal functioning human beings with good jobs, family, friends, etc. This is because they have half a brain, are decent people, and have some self control.
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03-13-2011 , 12:32 PM
Hey hey, hey hey, smoke weed every day.
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03-13-2011 , 01:02 PM
MDMA is not a drug you use every 2 weeks, your tolerance will build up too fast, you'll start crashing so hard you will start getting dependant. Even on the biggest junkee forums I can find the consensus is that MDMA is a drug for special occasions, doing it a weekend or 2 weekends after eachother if you must 3 to 5 times a year. More than that and imo you will run into problems. It's also never been truely proven that such high usage doesn't affect your brain. The lower frequency use seems to be safe.

I don't know much about cocaine but what I do know as just the same with MDMA it's a drug to be treated with respect and if you want to remain independant from the drugs you take, once every 2 weeks is just too high.

It's right up there with meth and heroine as the most unhealthy and addictive drugs, but yet people find it such a standard drug to use for some reason. I don't necessarily disagree that it is not the worst drug to use occasionally, but if you do it once every 2 weeks really make sure you know everything there is to know about the drug, which types to avoid and which are the "safest", make sure you have a good connect, etc. Also don't use it if there is no one to help/calm you down should things go bad.

edit: obv my main advice for both drugs is: drop the frequency drastically. But maybe you're not looking for that kind of info, junkees gonna junkee, so I put some other stuff in there.
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03-13-2011 , 01:06 PM
I've been taking pure MDMA recently AKA molly when I go to desert parties. It's generally only once a month or less.

It's a lot of fun I must say. One major draw back though is if you do enough of it getting it up becomes pretty difficult .

One thing i'd like to say is weird is that a lot of people talk about a " crash " or coming down the next day. I've yet to experience any of this. Only come down I've had is being extremely tired from being up all night & day dancing my ass off.

FWIW I've probably done it around 20 times total.
Thoughts about drug use Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
I've been taking pure MDMA recently AKA molly when I go to desert parties. It's generally only once a month or less.

It's a lot of fun I must say. One major draw back though is if you do enough of it getting it up becomes pretty difficult .

One thing i'd like to say is weird is that a lot of people talk about a " crash " or coming down the next day. I've yet to experience any of this. Only come down I've had is being extremely tired from being up all night & day dancing my ass off.

FWIW I've probably done it around 30 times total.
Amongst my friends I am the only one who has a significant feeling of a come down too, and even that is not that significant, I just feel a bit depressed for a few days and sleep a little more. What I read about it on some drugs forums is that come downs become more apparent if you start using more on one night, with multiple refills etc, and develop a bit of tolerance to the drug, ie use it often.

So if you don't develop a tolerance and can keep with the relatively low dosages, meaning not being on it for like 12-16 hours straight or longer with refilling, you should be fine when it comes to crashing.
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