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Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

04-19-2015 , 02:34 AM
People who say "Photo op"
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-19-2015 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
DIB seems to be obsessed with thinking people are obsessed with him. Kind of like TGreeeear and Custer. There's got to be a name for that. If there isn't it would piss me off.
Narcelusional? Jackass?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-19-2015 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
Maybe I'm not familiar enough with NPR, but that seems really specific to Ira Glass. Are all NPR podcasts like that?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-19-2015 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by johnny 187
I live in downtown portland a block off a very nice street. There is dog **** everywhere. I can tell who the tourists are because they are willing to walk in the dirt/grass along the sidewalk. Dog **** everywhere. I ****ing hate people who don't clean up after their animals and have confronted people multiple times. I don't have a dog, I don't want my neighborhood infested with feces. Clean up after your animals you ****ing *******s.
If it's worth it to you, and you have the time, record the ****ers who don't pick up after their dogs, and bring the matter to your city councilperson's attention. Publicly shaming them by posting the videos on Liveleak or youtube is a good idea as well.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-20-2015 , 06:08 AM
Or just plant signs with 'WARNING - POISONED DOG FOOD FOUND HERE'.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 06:57 PM
People talking about being 90s kids. What is so special or admirable about growing up in the 90s? You drank squeezits and watched Rugrats. Big ****ing deal.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 06:59 PM
Well, I feel awesome for being an 80s kid. 80s were the best!
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by David91722
If it's worth it to you, and you have the time, record the ****ers who don't pick up after their dogs, and bring the matter to your city councilperson's attention. Publicly shaming them by posting the videos on Liveleak or youtube is a good idea as well.
0% of the population would expend this effort as opposed to either doing nothing and letting the weekly grass cutting take care of it, or assertively telling the guy to pick up after his dog.

Well, some people ITT would commit felonies against those who don't pick up after their dogs, so I take it back.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 07:27 PM
I absent mindedly walked into a gas station still holding my dog's poop in a bag today.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 09:09 PM
Websites that lag when loading on a smartphone, so you click things but then second later a different link opens.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 10:01 PM
That kids are more and more reliant on technology and just getting super obese because they don't get physical activity
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trollstoy
That kids are more and more reliant on technology and just getting super obese because they don't get physical activity
Obvious solution is robot bodies
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-21-2015 , 11:54 PM
Guys named "Guy".
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:30 AM
When my boss gives a patronizing speech about how millennials are our future.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
When my boss gives a patronizing speech about how millennials are our future.
We like overflowing amounts of praise
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 08:30 AM
Dudes going out in public rocking a hoodie and shorts
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 09:25 AM
People with windshield wipers too fast for the current rain speed.

People with it too slow should piss me offf since it's noticeably more dangerous.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trollstoy
That kids are more and more reliant on technology and just getting super obese because they don't get physical activity
Did you post this from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone ?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:25 PM
I dictated it to my nude wife who was typing it on the laptop in between making me food, tough life.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:35 PM
underwear > nude
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:38 PM
Thong + bra + heels = sexiest
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Moe Danglez
underwear > nude
Life fish.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 01:04 PM
This is me every night, dude. Just staring at buttholes and getting my buzz on.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
04-22-2015 , 01:16 PM
Feminine hygiene product commercials on TV. Especially the ones that go ´Got an itchy fungus box ?? BUY THIS **** AND FEEL TOTALLY BETTER'.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
