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Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

05-23-2012 , 11:05 PM
People who say the non-word "heighth" when referring to width and height. Drives me nuts. Shouldn't.

Also when people say "that play is minus EV" instead of "negative EV". Just shut up already you hicks.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:08 PM
The one I hear the most is "Barnes and Nobles"
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:28 PM
Little kids faces, I just ****ing hate them.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 12:40 AM
It pisses me off seeing people that are happy, like truly happy with life. Wtf?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:39 AM
When someone sends a text or an email then feels they haven't gotten a response quickly enough, so they send a follow-up asking if the message went through.

When someone calls and I can't answer right then so I ignore it, then they call back immediately.

Unsolicited dick pictures-- this is the one I hate most. It's borderline sexual harassment, and the fact that so many guys think it's an okay (or a smart) thing to do is revolting.

Job ads that ask for applicants of a specific gender, when the job may be done effectively by either men or women. I understand that Hooters waitresses, etc. should be female, but managers who just have to have females only apply to their entry-level-whatever just come off as discriminatory and creepy.

People who just leave TVs on all the time for the background noise.

People who describe their dreams.

Girls who say, "Most of my friends are guys" because "girls just have too much drama," and think this somehow makes them more fun or laid-back than their peers, rather than just maladjusted and attention-seeking.

Other people's dogs, especially when they stink and are not well-trained enough not to jump all over company.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 09:57 AM
Google instant search
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by capers8
People over the age of 9 who say times instead of multiply
One-upping this.

I tutor college-level math and the number of kids that come in and don't know how to read a problem out loud, or interpret basic terms like reciprocal, "to the Xth power", quantity squared etc.

Also, when people say, "I just don't have a math brain" instead of, "I'm incredibly lazy" which is almost always the truth.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
One-upping this.

I tutor college-level math and the number of kids that come in and don't know how to read a problem out loud, or interpret basic terms like reciprocal, "to the Xth power", quantity squared etc.

Also, when people say, "I just don't have a math brain" instead of, "I'm incredibly lazy" which is almost always the truth.
I used to think that I just didn't have a brain for math. Then I realised that I just didn't fully understand algebra. It made it seem like more advanced concepts came out of nowhere. Left brain / right brain is a BS concept that doesn't actually exist.

Same goes for book smart vs street smart. If you call yourself street smart, you're just dumb.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Also, when people say, "I just don't have a math brain" instead of, "I'm incredibly lazy" which is almost always the truth.
Most people don't have a math brain. Hard work isn't going to change that too much. It just comes easier to some people than to others.

Originally Posted by Khaos4k
I used to think that I just didn't have a brain for math. Then I realised that I just didn't fully understand algebra. It made it seem like more advanced concepts came out of nowhere. Left brain / right brain is a BS concept that doesn't actually exist.

Same goes for book smart vs street smart. If you call yourself street smart, you're just dumb.
It does seem like people who get geometry easier than algebra do better in physics. And those who "get" algebra easier than geometry might be better at chemistry. At least this works out for a sample size of 2 as my wife and I were talking about this the other night over crawfish.

I think there is a such thing as "street smart". Everyone has their own definition but basically if you are very good at getting what you want through manipulation of people around you then I consider you street smart. True many of these people are "dumb" at scholastic endeavors but being "street smart" has a huge place in the real world, maybe moreso than book smarts. Most of my friends are book smart and yet most of the successful people I know are not very smart but are great with people and have a hint of sociopath about them. Lack of morals, etc. But they seem to live charmed lives.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Most people don't have a math brain. Hard work isn't going to change that too much. It just comes easier to some people than to others.
+1. Same with learning a foreign language. It just comes easy to some people and others could spend hours a day practicing and never get that good. Kinda scary that a tutor thinks that anyone who doesnt easily get concepts is just being lazy.

Nothing tilts me harder than kids selling **** outside of grocery stores. If they just sat there quietly and let business come to them i wouldnt mind. But having to answer "no" when they ask me if id like to support their club is bs. I routinely walk a good 1k feet out of my way to avoid the interaction. At least the salvation army people just ring a bell and avoid eye contact.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 01:36 PM
Oh yeah solicitors are the worst. Though I hate the ones who knock on my door way more than the store ones. I get a lot of ghetto fab kids who have no identifying shirt on or card or anything that might actually signify what they are selling for. Just a ****ing box of candy and some story about "I'm selling these for a school contest." DIE. No you are not.

If it's an adult I usually just stop them mid-pitch and say "look, I'm not interested in switching to whatever it is you're selling. Good luck though" then shut the door. It's the only way to get rid of these *******s. Tell them No then shut the door as they are adjusting their prefabricated pitch.

Last little girl who tried to sell me some **** I was just like "no thanks" and of course I get the "You don't want to help out charity fo just a dolla?" Ugggg. GO **** YOURSELF if I want to donate to charity I will proactively choose one now (Gran Torino) GET OFF MY LAWN.

Oh yeah the adult "Let me ask you a question, do you have a copy of your latest energy bill?" "Somewhere." "If you go get it I can show you how you are being overcharged by your company." "Yeah, no thanks. Good luck though." Door shut.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 01:39 PM
Public Parks putting double-rimmed basketball goals. I end up chasing the ball all over the place when it bounces 100 feet on a brick
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 02:36 PM
going to physical banks. i have 90% of my networth (which isnt that big to begin with) in online banks , and still everytime i go to my local bank where the only reason i still have an account is because my electric bill gets charged there, i get srsly FORCED to make a meeting to talk about my finances and stuff.

but it doesnt stop at that, after i got called like twice a month , because they wanted to convince me to buy ****in risky bonds i gave them a fake number.
today i get a letter that theres something wrong with my telephone.
go f y s.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 02:51 PM
That should piss you off. They're banking (HAH!) on the fact that you won't switch banks b/c of the hassle. Threaten to switch banks if they don't stop harassing you. Of course this won't do anything but hey it's fun to get pissed off sometimes.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerzhard
Public Parks putting double-rimmed basketball goals. I end up chasing the ball all over the place when it bounces 100 feet on a brick
negative reinforcement to shoot better
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 02:58 PM
Adam Sandler continuing to make movies after 1998 or so. Is he trying to reach a new low in dignity with each new movie he's behind? Seriously Adam please stop - you've done irreparable damage but I guess you think having a net worth of 320 million is way better than 300 million.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by New Kid
When someone sends a text or an email then feels they haven't gotten a response quickly enough, so they send a follow-up asking if the message went through.

When someone calls and I can't answer right then so I ignore it, then they call back immediately.

Unsolicited dick pictures-- this is the one I hate most. It's borderline sexual harassment, and the fact that so many guys think it's an okay (or a smart) thing to do is revolting.

Job ads that ask for applicants of a specific gender, when the job may be done effectively by either men or women. I understand that Hooters waitresses, etc. should be female, but managers who just have to have females only apply to their entry-level-whatever just come off as discriminatory and creepy.

People who just leave TVs on all the time for the background noise.

People who describe their dreams.

Girls who say, "Most of my friends are guys" because "girls just have too much drama," and think this somehow makes them more fun or laid-back than their peers, rather than just maladjusted and attention-seeking.

Other people's dogs, especially when they stink and are not well-trained enough not to jump all over company.
I agree with all of these other than the TV one. I keep my TV on all the time, like literally 100% of the time I'm home.

WTF with unsolicited dick pics? Is this a thing now? I'm 35 so I'm sure I'm about 15 years older than the average 2+2er but is that something that's done frequently now? That seems outrageous to me.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
negative reinforcement to shoot better
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:04 PM
People who put themselves in the Cc: field of their own email messages (to verify the message got delivered I assume)
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by wlrs
People who put themselves in the Cc: field of their own email messages (to verify the message got delivered I assume)
Why not just BCC yourself so others don't see that you did this? I agree that's kind of weird and annoying.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:43 PM
I put my name in the Cc: field. I don't know what Cc stands for so I don't have a good reason for thinking I should put my name there.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-24-2012 , 09:22 PM
carbon copy I think. That's a great submission for this thread though as there is literally no reason for this to bother anyone.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-25-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
+1. Same with learning a foreign language. It just comes easy to some people and others could spend hours a day practicing and never get that good. Kinda scary that a tutor thinks that anyone who doesnt easily get concepts is just being lazy.
I think 95+% of people can learn high school level math. When I tutored people most of the job was just having them actually work hard. So I'm not surprised that another tutor apparently thought the same.

In particular, in my experience people who are struggling with a math class typically have problems with the prerequisite material. They can't learn calculus well if they are struggling with basic algebra. This makes it seem like they "just don't have a math brain" but really it's just that they need to review the prerequisites (which obviously requires a lot of hard work). The fact that math classes rely heavily on prerequisite knowledge is a big contributor to the gap between those who "get it" and those who "don't have a math brain" since the people who struggle with the prerequisite class will always struggle with the following class.

I get pretty frustrated when people attribute everything to "being smart" rather than hard work because this attitude encourages laziness, both among the high achievers who think "I'm smart so I don't need to work hard," and the low achievers, who think "I'm dumb so I'll never do well even if I work hard." I'm not saying that genetics play absolutely no role but I certainly think it's a bad idea to emphasize being smart over working hard.

The fact that you're supposed to put punctuation inside the quotation marks even if the punctuation isn't part of the statement that you're quoting annoys me.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-25-2012 , 02:27 AM
What are you considering "high school level math"? Algebra I or Pre-Cal? IIRC, the former is the standard freshman class and the latter, the standard senior level class. If you think 95% of people can learn pre-calculus through hard work you are sorely mistaken. Or you live in China.

Math is hard, and anyone born lucky enough to have it come easy to them is exactly that: lucky.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-25-2012 , 03:31 AM
I think a lot of the reason they seem to not want to work at it is because they dont get it. Its a lot easier to put in time and effort into something when you understand and enjoy it. Some people's minds just cant make the connections and grasp the concepts that others can. I think almost everyone can learn up to some level of math, but assuming people who are having trouble learning are lazy and not trying is a mistake imo.

Ive never tutored math but Ive tutored Spanish and some people's brains are just better equipped to learn a foreign language. I assume it's the same with math.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
