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Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

03-04-2018 , 04:33 PM

It's my opinion that you are putting way too much mental power into this.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 04:58 PM
The good ole "Mooots-za-ray-yah" My favorite is the "Saw-seigch". These are the same people who throw in unnecessary "Yo's" and "Brotha's" when they talk to black men, like they're stuck in the same early 90's period of slang as themselves.

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Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 06:36 PM

But does that piss you off?

Btw, I didn't spend any significant amount of mental power sitting around thinking about this stuff, it was very stream of consciousness.

I was posting in the FF thread and had a thought about stinky tofu that was relevant to something somebody else said. After posting about stinky tofu there, I realized that using that name didn't bother me. Which made me think of this thread. And then I posted here about it.

The Wiki links may make it look more thought out than that, but those are only bc I had the Stinky Tofu Wiki page open already from the FF thread, and I noticed that was the title of the page, and I already knew the "soup dumpling" vs XLB Wiki page difference.

Anyway, even this explanation is too long, but I basically just get long-winded sometimes when I have a thought and write in stream of consciousness. I can try to edit down in the future if that's annoying to people (although perhaps appropriate for this thread).
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 07:23 PM
Bad knife skills on cooking shows.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 10:14 PM
"Join the conversation."

No, you overpaid talking head. I tuned into the news to see what your crack investigative reporters have uncovered in the past six hours. If I wanted every idiot's opinion, I could fire up any number of social media sites.

Lazy SOBs.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 10:14 PM
Is there a thread about things that should piss you off and do?
How long will it take for people to begin saying 2018 as TWENTY-eighteen instead of two thousand and eighteen? This has been irking me for 7 years...
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-04-2018 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by stevepra
When someone is talking and they suddenly feel the need to say a single word with a foreign accent. It's common on cooking shows. The person says something like "and then you add a handful of mozzarella," where every other word is normal but mozzarella is in a thick Italian accent.
This is why I can't watch Giada.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 02:02 AM
In grade 7 I said out loud that I was pissed off. Teach scolded me asking if I knew that meant urinate.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 02:06 AM
Also in grade 7, in poetry class, a guy named Clay had a journal titled, 'Shades of Clay'.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by stevepra
When someone is talking and they suddenly feel the need to say a single word with a foreign accent. It's common on cooking shows. The person says something like "and then you add a handful of mozzarella," where every other word is normal but mozzarella is in a thick Italian accent.
drives me nuts too. mozzarella is the most common culprit too

Originally Posted by Deal!
Is there a thread about things that should piss you off and do?
How long will it take for people to begin saying 2018 as TWENTY-eighteen instead of two thousand and eighteen? This has been irking me for 7 years...
I feel like "two-thousand eleven" was the last year we said like that. It's been "Twenty-blank" since Twenty-twelve.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 03:25 AM
Really wish we could've brought the word "aught" back during the 00s.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 03:01 PM
Coworkers married, guy's white girl's black. They legally changed their last name to "Grey". This pisses me off enough that they're both about to be blocked on SM since they can't help but tag themselves as GREY THIS or GREY THAT and it always tilts me.

Now if they named their first child Grey, that'd be funny. This last name stuff not so much.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Coworkers married, guy's white girl's black. They legally changed their last name to "Grey". This pisses me off enough that they're both about to be blocked on SM since they can't help but tag themselves as GREY THIS or GREY THAT and it always tilts me.

Now if they named their first child Grey, that'd be funny. This last name stuff not so much.
I know a woman who has the legal last name "Gay" but the school district that she teaches in has her working under the last name "Mrs. Gray", without the legal name change. I'm guessing it was done to curb the immaturity of middle schoolers, but it seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Not as ridiculous as the aforementioned post though.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
Beautifully ironic.

I do not think you quite know what “ironic” means.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
The good ole "Mooots-za-ray-yah" My favorite is the "Saw-seigch". These are the same people who throw in unnecessary "Yo's" and "Brotha's" when they talk to black men, like they're stuck in the same early 90's period of slang as themselves.

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Or how about the black men that throw in too many "boss man"

I used to throw in too many "dogs" in my younger days till I just
went with some advice my old man used to give me

"You wont go wrong with just calling men sir"
So that is my go to, even for younger guys,although it tends to
throw the little punks off a bit
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by patron
I assume that you mean:

and not

Or does the 2nd girl piss you off as well?
I don't know how much that photoshopped, but #2 is practically perfect imo
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
I know a woman who has the legal last name "Gay" but the school district that she teaches in has her working under the last name "Mrs. Gray", without the legal name change. I'm guessing it was done to curb the immaturity of middle schoolers, but it seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Not as ridiculous as the aforementioned post though.
In sixth grade, my English teacher was Mrs. Wooters.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 04:40 PM

I can answer your dudes shaving armpit question from a personal standpoint.

When I lived in my car for a few months, I found I could stay stink-free longer by using an alum block for deodorant on bare armpit skin. I think the reduced surface area for bacteria growth helped. Now that I'm under a roof again, I continue the practice. Fight me?

Also in rural west central Illinois, home of my dear departed mother, goulash is what VR says it is.

Faux sophisticates complaining about what food is called is pissing me off.

But that might be due to sitting in the dmv, because my car registration is due today, and I thought I had all month, but ****ing California wants its money now, and my address history has been a mess the past year and I can't have the sticker mailed.

Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 04:46 PM
For my entire life I've struggled with sweaty pits. Well, since puberty anyway. I've tried it all and nothing worked.

Then one day I noticed how bushy my pits were and realized maybe the antiperp not reaching my skin could be at least partly to blame.

Shaved it like 90% down, now it's been a month and I'm effectively cured. Don't even need the high alum deodorant anymore.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:19 PM
I've worked with a woman whose last name is Lady, so I presume she has either a husband or a father named Mr. Lady.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Coworkers married, guy's white girl's black. They legally changed their last name to "Grey". This pisses me off enough that they're both about to be blocked on SM since they can't help but tag themselves as GREY THIS or GREY THAT and it always tilts me.

Now if they named their first child Grey, that'd be funny. This last name stuff not so much.
As someone who doesn't know these people, I find this amusing. If you know them and see those tags all the time, I can see how that could be tilting.

If their last names were somehow "White" and "Black", I think a change to "Grey" could be appropriate and amusing. But assuming they just have random normal last names, it's not as good.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by btc
I don't know how much that photoshopped, but #2 is practically perfect imo
I don't think it's super-photoshopped, but I think she's supposedly known for doing makeup and hair really well, and that's also supposedly her natural hair color.

I didn't know anything about her before randomly finding that pic just for example purposes. But now I know that her name is Park Hye Min, also known as Pony, and she was one of the original ulzzangs.

What's an ulzzang? I didn't know that either, but apparently it means "best face" or "good-looking" in Korean, and its status is attained through online beauty/popularity contests.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by patron
As someone who doesn't know these people, I find this amusing. If you know them and see those tags all the time, I can see how that could be tilting.

If their last names were somehow "White" and "Black", I think a change to "Grey" could be appropriate and amusing. But assuming they just have random normal last names, it's not as good.
They had normal last names and weren't going for humor. I think they think they're super edgy and cool for being different races and romantically involved so they wanted to put their edginess as on blast as humanly possible.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:49 PM
This reminds me that I really enjoy Korean flicks and am amazed how "American looking" the Korean girls are.

But what really pisses me off is that I still find it very hard to differentiate faces quickly and I either get lost in the story trying to figure out who did what and who is this guy again.

I often have to watch with a wiki page open.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
03-05-2018 , 05:56 PM
Dyed hair is , particularly when it's not 'scene' or anime cosplay. When I fantasize about being a girl it's often with blue hair. Bright red hair, as with Hayley Williams here, looks somewhat strange though. There are some colors that don't really work.

Originally Posted by magking1
Or how about the black men that throw in too many "boss man"

I used to throw in too many "dogs" in my younger days till I just
went with some advice my old man used to give me

"You wont go wrong with just calling men sir"
So that is my go to, even for younger guys,although it tends to
throw the little punks off a bit
Sir has always felt cold and overly formal to me, although I guess it's better than many of the formal alternatives ("greetings, my lord" "yo comrade!" "what's up, human").

Originally Posted by magking1
This reminds me that I really enjoy Korean flicks and am amazed how "American looking" the Korean girls are.
Plastic surgery (often of the Americanizing sort) is not too uncommon in South Korea. (Possibly not in North Korea either, depending on how people are executed.)
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
