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Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis

01-26-2013 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
i have a hard time believing drysol won't cure this, it's so absurdly powerful. good luck!
Originally Posted by PimpingRegs
I noticed that when I was fit I never sweated like I do now.
sorry dudes but people who think they sweat a lot and try to relate it to their experiences have a hard time understanding it. If you actually have this, losing weight and drysol could take you from a sweating "10" into an "8". Botox can be effective locally which in OP's case might be worth a try.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-26-2013 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by PimpingRegs
I noticed that when I was fit I never sweated like I do now.
Hyperhidrosis is in your genes. It is not triggered by weight. There are a ton of healthy, fit people with facial hyperhidrosis too. I am overweight, but I'm not some out of shape slob. I am 5'8 230, but also am muscular in my legs/upper body and I workout daily/ play racquetball or basketball at least twice a week. I actually sweat less than alot of my friends when we workout/run, and they all are very fit males who are same age as me. Oddly, my armpits/hands barely sweat at all, even during intense physical activity.

The problem with all of you just saying be confident, play it off etc is that sweating is perceived as lacking confidence, being nervous, and shy, not to mention it is gross. It is very difficult to have all these things working against you and be giving out a completely counter-intuitive vibe. Also, as far as I can tell, every person who has responded in this thread is a dude. I personally couldn't care less if a dude sees me sweating, cause I know in general guys don't give a ****. It's like if you are talking to a chick with massive cleavage showing, and she might be talking about some really interesting ****, but your eyes only wanna wander to one place any chance you get. That's the feeling I get while talking to a girl, except their reaction is the complete opposite of lust.

So it's easy for guys to just say, **** the sweating and go about your business. Women just perceive it so much differently - and I speak from experience. My sample size isn't exactly stellar, but it's all I have to go off of.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 12:52 AM
why did you not order dysol immediately? so many people recommending it and understanding your plight, it seems weird that you wouldn't order it that very day.

also, 5'8" and 230 is definitely fat. not trying to be mean, but being fat and sweaty is a lot grosser than being thin and sweaty.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 02:59 AM
I would imagine you would have to cover the entire scalp,neck, and face with the drysol in order to hope to shift the sweat to a different part of the body? Not sure about you OP but when I start sweating it seems like someone turned on a faucet on my head.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 04:17 AM
I just want to echo the other people who are telling you to acknowledge your condition in social situations. You'll be absolutely amazed at how easy and comfortable that will be.

There are a few reasons why this works so damn well:

1) It is incredibly awkward for people to be sitting around all thinking the same thing, knowing that they're all thinking the same thing, and not talking about it. You're not doing anyone any favors by pretending you're not surprisingly sweaty.

2) This is a bigger issue inside your head than outside your head. You're very sweaty--That's not really objectively that big of a deal, but I'm sure it feels like the worst thing possible when you have absolutely no perspective on it and are constantly wondering what other people are thinking about it. Once you see how other people respond to this when you talk about it openly (as opposed to when it's an awkward open secret), you'll realize that it's not a catastrophe.

3) When you're with other people, it will give you the freedom to move on from thinking about how sweaty you are to something else.

Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by anonymuz
Like I said in my original post, I've had hyperhidrosis since high school, and I used to always sweat immensely, especially from my head, and I'd still talk to girls etc, but once I got a few instances under my belt where I had girls comment specifically about how gross it was (in high school and after), that's where the social phobia developed. Girls taking hats off my head wanting to wear them only to discover in horror it was soaking wet (common occurrence), girls touching my back dripping wet and reacting like they just put their arm in dog ****, negative tones from women asking why I'm sweating profusely, could go on and on. The phobia didn't just pop up over night - like I said, in general when the sweating is at least under control and/or I'm in comfortable environments, I'm a social guy, funny, and confident. I've had plenty of interest from women before. But unless you have walked in my shoes/have legit hyperhidrosis, it's hard to make general comments without having the proper perspective.
First of all, high school girls obviously suck for stuff like this. Like 80% of people have a miserable high school experience because people in high school are so incredibly judgmental.

Second, situations like these go differently if you just sort of own the problem. (E.g. laugh when someone takes your hat and realizes it's really sweaty. That's funny.) Some people who aren't high school girls will suck just like high school girls suck. Those people suck, though, so whatever.

Reasonable mature people aren't going to make tons of judgements about you just because you have a condition that makes you extremely sweaty--unless you don't talk about it, in which case they'll correctly recognize that you're uncomfortable and probably speculate about what's making you so sweaty.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 07:10 AM
OP, I have no advice but i'm glad that you seem to be getting help in this topic.

Honestly, i've never heard of this and am really surprised about the number of people ITT who have had experiences with this condition. I mean, yeah, i've met people with clammy hands or whatever but I never really thought of it as being a possible result of a medical condition. Always assumed it was due to nervousness, weather, etc.

Always interesting to see the problems others have to deal with in their lives and the ways they overcome them.

Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
First of all, high school girls obviously suck for stuff like this. Like 80% of people have a miserable high school experience because people in high school are so incredibly judgmental.

Second, situations like these go differently if you just sort of own the problem. (E.g. laugh when someone takes your hat and realizes it's really sweaty. That's funny.) Some people who aren't high school girls will suck just like high school girls suck. Those people suck, though, so whatever.

Reasonable mature people aren't going to make tons of judgements about you just because you have a condition that makes you extremely sweaty--unless you don't talk about it, in which case they'll correctly recognize that you're uncomfortable and probably speculate about what's making you so sweaty.
I think people scoff a lot at the "be you your own person" mantra because it seems so after school special and cliche'd. Yeah, obviously, a medical condition that affects you like that isn't quite as standard as most people's situations, but it still applies imo. There may be *******s or whatever who will laugh at you (probably behind your back ldo) and do as *******s will, but really any decent people worth knowing are going to value you for what kind of friend/person you are.

It sounds cheesy, but it's true. Yeah, people in general can suck and do some mean-spirited things, but there's no reason a decent guy (as I presume you are) shouldn't be able to get along just fine socially. I understand being embarrassed and that constant feeling giving you social anxiety, but that's something you just have to separate from the condition and deal with on its own. It's not easy, but being able to enjoy yourself and be your own person is imo the biggest factor in leading a happy life by far.

I hope you can find a solution to your problem that works out. And after that I hope you won't let that anxiety continue to overwhelm you. I know a lot of people have hard times adjusting after going through such things, hell, I'm not exactly a perfect specimen of mental/physical health myself, but the biggest thing you can do for yourself is to just be comfortable with your situation and build on your strengths as a person.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 04:12 PM
LotF, thank you for your last two posts, they were great.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 04:29 PM
so have you ordered it yet?
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
so have you ordered it yet?

1 Drysol Mild 6.25 % - 35 ml x 2 boxes - $45.73

Shipping : $13.00
Grandtotal: $58.73

Got two boxes as was recommended. Really looking forward to trying this!
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 09:33 PM
I feel you OP.

I have the same condition except under my armpits. Thankfully that's a lot easier to hide by wearing vests but it is still incredibly annoying always having to wear vests or bringing extra clothes. I also understand the social/anxietal aspect. When you notice that you are sweating you get conscious about it and it becomes even worse.

I haven't tried Drysol but it uses the same active ingredient like every other anti-perspirant, aluminium chloride. Unfortunately for me that only worked for a month so now I have scheduled an appointment with a dermatlogist to discuss botox. I'll let you know how it goes.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by anonymuz

1 Drysol Mild 6.25 % - 35 ml x 2 boxes - $45.73

Shipping : $13.00
Grandtotal: $58.73

Got two boxes as was recommended. Really looking forward to trying this!
Curious how it works out... didn't realize the mild has less than 1/3rd the potency of the other option.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-27-2013 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by IPlayDonkaments
I feel you OP.

I have the same condition except under my armpits. Thankfully that's a lot easier to hide by wearing vests but it is still incredibly annoying always having to wear vests or bringing extra clothes. I also understand the social/anxietal aspect. When you notice that you are sweating you get conscious about it and it becomes even worse.

I haven't tried Drysol but it uses the same active ingredient like every other anti-perspirant, aluminium chloride. Unfortunately for me that only worked for a month so now I have scheduled an appointment with a dermatlogist to discuss botox. I'll let you know how it goes.

No youre wrong. I used every antiperspirant and they usually made things worse.

Drysol stopped all my armpit sweating and trust me, i sweat a lot there.

Give it a try before botox, other antiperspirants have nothing to do with it.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-28-2013 , 12:40 AM
Are there girls out there with a sweat fetish? Anyone else old enough to remember Porky's?
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
01-28-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by MikkeD
P.S. OP - I will spend some time making some notes re: hints and tips to make things easier for yourself in general and make a post in the next few days.
Sorry for the delay in this - I've been making a few notes and discussing stuff with my wife and also have a tax return to complete by the end of the month.

I won't be posting anything earth-shattering, just some honest advice. I'm one of the older people here, so I have actually quite a lot of experience as a sufferer of this condition, so if I am going to post about it, I want to make sure I try to do it well.

I'll post by the weekend at latest.

Btw - I have not tried the lower rated stuff you have ordered, only the 20%, so I cannot comment on that.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-03-2013 , 11:42 PM
I haven't been able to put all of the stuff together yet.


Perhaps that might be a good thing, as this thread has died out since I last posted.

Rather than just make a massive post about my experiences, it might be better to just make a smaller post and take questions and people talk about things and we can chat and go forth.

I am 52, and have suffered from this condition all of my life. So I have a lot of lifetime experience.

Let's go.

Number one advice - try to be prepared.

Last edited by MikkeD; 02-03-2013 at 11:49 PM. Reason: I'm making this into a kind of a well for the condition as far as I reply to this thread - hope that is OK.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-04-2013 , 03:21 AM
I haven't posted in over a year since hitting 2,500 posts, but I want to share how I've dealt with facial hyperhidrosis.

Background Info
I am in decent shape and always seemed to sweat more than my peers when playing sports. My dad, who is in great shape, sweats a lot as well. The excessive sweating was limited to physical activity until two years ago, until I developed facial hyperhydrosis. It is completely unrelated to fitness level.

Facial Hyperhidrosis Hits Out of Nowhere in My Mid 20's
Like anyone else, I would get socially uncomfortable sometimes, but I would be able to shrug it off and continue. In 2010 I started sweating. Most cases would involve me sweating uncontrollably on my face during dinner when asked about something that me feel a bit uncomfortable, but not nearly uncomfortable as I looked. The absolute worst part, as anyone with hyperhidrosis will tell you, is that sweating for no/little reason leads people to make you feel more awkward, leading to additional sweating. It's a helpless pathetic feeling that I dread.

My savior was, and still is, Drysol. Start with Drysol Mild, and apply it properly. Drysol worked like a charm when I applied it overnight because I knew I would be in some social situation the next day. There were some instances where I applied an excessive amount because I had a social situation in a few hours, and it seemed to work. Unfortuately, this may have led to Drysol Mild no longer working for me near the end of the first bottle. I switched to Drysol Regular.

The first time I applied Drysol Reg it stung/burned my forehead a lot. After that, it was no longer painful. This really does the job for me. I can feel my forehead wanting to release sweat, but the aluminum chloride rejects it. Being able to "conquer" (I use this term loosely) is a great feeling obv.

General Tips, because Drysol can't solve everything
- Have a cold drink in hand. Not sure if it's psychological, but having one prior to facial hyperhidrosis hitting you at a restaurant/bar makes things less bad after returning from the washroom.

- Make sure you apply Drysol correctly. I haven't researched this, but your skin could adjust to Drysol and sweat as it used to. This is what I think caused Drysol Mild to no longer work for me.

- For me at least, the instance of hyperhidrosis would end after 20-30 minutes as long as attention was somehow diverted away.

I hope Drysol works for everyone suffering from hyperhidrosis. If you've got it anywhere but your face - you got off easy!
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-04-2013 , 05:46 AM
I had an anxiety related 'illness' for close to 3 years where I couldn't work as it was so severe (chronic nausea). Now I would say that I am close to 95% cured. I am saying this because it seems to me to be very similar eg feel anxiety, symptom, think about symptom, gets worse etc. For me I didn't even have to consciously feel anxious for symptoms to over take me.

I stumbled upon my cure by chance and read about someone who suffered from chronic illness suddenly after being healthy and it had changed him, it seemed very familiar to me. I stumbled upon it that same day in a different site so I decided to download it and listen to it. Up until this point I had believed I had a medical condition, not a mental one. I had been to many doctors who had given me basically a general diagnosis. I had an inkling that anxiety made my illness worse, but never that it was the complete cause of it.

Anyway, I began to listen to these audio books. They're not very long and there's not many of them but after listening to the first one she described my symptoms better than I had been able to; it was like a light bulb had gone off. I tried everything she said and after a while I slowly noticed improvements. Improvements were slow but steady. I feel like I had one big set back where I had to listen to it again and trust in it, but now close to a year later I've been 95% symptom free. Small things like being able to eat my lunch every day without worry or go to work are possible.

Here is a link to the amazon page but there is an ebook floating around if you look.

Also, I know this reads like a infomertial but I have nothing to gain, I just hope I can save someone going through what I went through.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-04-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by yellowjack
I haven't posted in over a year since hitting 2,500 posts, but I want to share how I've dealt with facial hyperhidrosis.

Background Info
I am in decent shape and always seemed to sweat more than my peers when playing sports. My dad, who is in great shape, sweats a lot as well. The excessive sweating was limited to physical activity until two years ago, until I developed facial hyperhydrosis. It is completely unrelated to fitness level.

Facial Hyperhidrosis Hits Out of Nowhere in My Mid 20's
Like anyone else, I would get socially uncomfortable sometimes, but I would be able to shrug it off and continue. In 2010 I started sweating. Most cases would involve me sweating uncontrollably on my face during dinner when asked about something that me feel a bit uncomfortable, but not nearly uncomfortable as I looked. The absolute worst part, as anyone with hyperhidrosis will tell you, is that sweating for no/little reason leads people to make you feel more awkward, leading to additional sweating. It's a helpless pathetic feeling that I dread.

My savior was, and still is, Drysol. Start with Drysol Mild, and apply it properly. Drysol worked like a charm when I applied it overnight because I knew I would be in some social situation the next day. There were some instances where I applied an excessive amount because I had a social situation in a few hours, and it seemed to work. Unfortuately, this may have led to Drysol Mild no longer working for me near the end of the first bottle. I switched to Drysol Regular.

The first time I applied Drysol Reg it stung/burned my forehead a lot. After that, it was no longer painful. This really does the job for me. I can feel my forehead wanting to release sweat, but the aluminum chloride rejects it. Being able to "conquer" (I use this term loosely) is a great feeling obv.

General Tips, because Drysol can't solve everything
- Have a cold drink in hand. Not sure if it's psychological, but having one prior to facial hyperhidrosis hitting you at a restaurant/bar makes things less bad after returning from the washroom.

- Make sure you apply Drysol correctly. I haven't researched this, but your skin could adjust to Drysol and sweat as it used to. This is what I think caused Drysol Mild to no longer work for me.

- For me at least, the instance of hyperhidrosis would end after 20-30 minutes as long as attention was somehow diverted away.

I hope Drysol works for everyone suffering from hyperhidrosis. If you've got it anywhere but your face - you got off easy!
This post is pretty much spot on with regard to this condition. I bolded the part that is the worst thing.


Going to the dentist and so on has already been mentioned by myself and another poster. This is when you should definitely use a solution (Drysol etc.) in advance so that you can try to eliminate at least part of the stress that can lead to further excessive sweating.

Also, as mentioned, make sure you have some cold drinks, and I also make sure I have several handkerchiefs or a small towel in my pocket (face flannel is ideal) so that you can wipe your face when you need to.

Tell the dentist/medical person about your condition - they will probably have heard about it anyway, and will tell their staff too, especially if you ask them to. All of this will relieve the stress in the long term.

Any time you are putting yourself in a situation where you might end up sweating a lot, take along a spare shirt. Knowing that you have a spare shirt ready will make things easier. Prepare for the worst and you will feel more relaxed anyway, and the worst will hopefully not happen.

Last edited by MikkeD; 02-04-2013 at 10:40 PM.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-05-2013 , 02:58 AM
Haha at dentist reference. Reminds me of last time I went and had to bite on a thing for some xray and have a root canal done. my shirt was totally soaked front and back.

It was ridiculous. Just freaking dripping. I wasn't really THAT nervous about it. Not overjoyed and definitely not pleasant. But just go and do it. Body/insticts wouldn't listen though. The dental hygenists and
then the dentist guy were all noticing my sweat. Impossible not to. A couple made comments about it.

I went back to waiting room after to make my follow up appointment and all the other patients are looking at how sweaty I was and must have been freaked.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-05-2013 , 08:47 AM
Drysol isnt supposed to be used on an occasional basis. You put it on everyday and after a while it becomes permanent then you need to apply it more rarely.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-05-2013 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Haha at dentist reference. Reminds me of last time I went and had to bite on a thing for some xray and have a root canal done. my shirt was totally soaked front and back.

It was ridiculous. Just freaking dripping. I wasn't really THAT nervous about it. Not overjoyed and definitely not pleasant. But just go and do it. Body/insticts wouldn't listen though. The dental hygenists and
then the dentist guy were all noticing my sweat. Impossible not to. A couple made comments about it.

I went back to waiting room after to make my follow up appointment and all the other patients are looking at how sweaty I was and must have been freaked.
I feel for you!! Had a similar thing a number of years ago - I had prepared well beforehand (for a root canal) and was fine - until I had the injection - and then while the dentist was away I stated sweating like crazy - no reason at all because I have no fear of the drill and stuff and have a high pain threshold anyway.

When he came back and I was swathed in sweat was the time when I told him about my condition. Because I was surprised at my sudden sweat (when I was relatively OK at the time just beforehand) I looked some stuff up afterwards and found out that you can sometimes react badly to the injection, which may have made things worse.

This memory reminded me of another tip to mention with regard to regular visits such as the dentists. Try to schedule them in the Spring/Autumn to avoid getting landed with a very hot summer day, or a cold winter day when they bang the heating on high.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-06-2013 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Haha at dentist reference. Reminds me of last time I went and had to bite on a thing for some xray and have a root canal done. my shirt was totally soaked front and back.

It was ridiculous. Just freaking dripping. I wasn't really THAT nervous about it. Not overjoyed and definitely not pleasant. But just go and do it. Body/insticts wouldn't listen though. The dental hygenists and
then the dentist guy were all noticing my sweat. Impossible not to. A couple made comments about it.

I went back to waiting room after to make my follow up appointment and all the other patients are looking at how sweaty I was and must have been freaked.
My dentist wanted to see my condition before he prescribed me medicine for my visits. I went in there for a cleaning/consultation and within 3 minutes in the chair my head was pouring sweat. What makes the dentist situation bad is it's hard to just get up and leave in the middle of getting a teeth cleaning, but I have left while in the waiting room because I could just tell it was going to be a bad visit.
I have had to pay 450$ for sedation dentistry a couple times now just so I don't have to deal with it.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
02-06-2013 , 05:46 AM
[quote]but facial hyperhidrosis is rare and doesn't have a cure, short of botox injections and deodorants[/quote]

Wait, what? Wearing deodorant doesn't seem like the end of the world.
Therapeutic rant about living with facial hyperhidrosis Quote
