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***** Thank you, sir... ah, you know the rest LC Thread ***** ***** Thank you, sir... ah, you know the rest LC Thread *****

05-08-2014 , 09:45 PM
it's cute every other year or so when you try to troll me. stick to sup level imo
05-08-2014 , 10:47 PM

Not trolling; it legit baffles me when native English speakers/writers can't get apostrophes right.
05-08-2014 , 11:03 PM
maybe you have adhd? check with niss
05-08-2014 , 11:10 PM

That doesn't even make sense.
05-08-2014 , 11:14 PM
Thin just admit you're not that sharp and we can all move on.
05-08-2014 , 11:27 PM
de captain - If you know you're going to be pulling an all-nighter or two, get your doctor to prescribe a 1/2 dozen Provigil pills for you. Works great and keeps your mind from getting that foggy feeling. Also, it doesn't keep you awake if you want to go to sleep after taking them (unlike caffeine).

Fighter pilots and Long Haulers use them as standard issue.

Last edited by Mark_K; 05-08-2014 at 11:42 PM. Reason: Fixed to allow peace in the community.
05-08-2014 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Minimalist
Long Hauler's what?
05-09-2014 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Not trolling; it legit baffles me when native English speakers/writers can't get apostrophes right.
Maybe it's part of a campaign to be a mod
05-09-2014 , 12:31 AM
I'm hoppin' on El D's apostrophe abuse train. I swear to God, some people use them for simple pluralizations, like they're getting paid royalties or something.
05-09-2014 , 12:40 AM
Not understanding possessives is like straight up guessing on there, they're, their. Always funny.

I remember making a thread on Who's Parking Spot Is This? or something and was mortified when someone(El Diablo obv) pointed out the error. I felt bad and I should have felt bad.
05-09-2014 , 02:04 AM
I find using "welching" instead of "welshing" to be pretty tilting for some reason. Probably because IIRC, OG language nit p_j used "welch"
05-09-2014 , 02:08 AM
When I saw that the Robert Wone thread had sprung back to life, for a brief moment I thought that they had finally, after 20,000 posts, run out of things to argue about in the Amanda Knox thread.
Nope, still going strong. I'm guessing Henry's recent posting hiatus was due to an intensive fact-finding mission in Italy

Last edited by Minimalist; 05-09-2014 at 02:17 AM.
05-09-2014 , 02:19 AM

"Welching" is absolutely fine, if not more correct in modern language.
05-09-2014 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
If I remember correctly from my youth, farmers work like crazy for a few weeks in the spring and then again in the fall. The rest of the year is spent going to town for coffee and bitching about stuff to other farmers.

Of course the ones with livestock work like crazy all year. Wouldn't want to be those guys.
pretty much true lol..
05-09-2014 , 05:39 AM
I know my their they're there but wouldn't have a clue on apostrophe's (lol). I could google obv and I'd know in a sec but where's the thrill in that ? I thought welching was the correct for, e.g. welching on a bet. Welshing sounds like something Welsh people do.
05-09-2014 , 05:54 AM
I believe that's the etymology.

Princess Superstar said "I'm gonna own everything like I'm an apostrophe". You also use them is in contractions, like in "I'm". The exception to the owning is with "its".

Helpful eh?
05-09-2014 , 06:24 AM
Always have used welch, but the I'm a lot closer to Wales than most of you and they're an easily offended bunch.

Last edited by Gin 'n Tonic; 05-09-2014 at 06:25 AM. Reason: Yak has the faster pony.
05-09-2014 , 06:44 AM
apostrophes are reaaaaaly hard for words that end on an s iirc

like Douglass' glasses' glasses

does that even make any sense?
05-09-2014 , 08:15 AM
I don't make apostrophe mistakes but I consistently blow lay/lie when I'm speaking. Mrs. Treesong has corrected my usage 2103948203948230948 times but I still often don't get it right. I'm not sure why I have a mental block on:

After loosening my belt, I'm going to go lie down.
I loosen my belt, take it off, and lay it down.
05-09-2014 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Minimalist
When I saw that the Robert Wone thread had sprung back to life, for a brief moment I thought that they had finally, after 20,000 posts, run out of things to argue about in the Amanda Knox thread.
Nope, still going strong. I'm guessing Henry's recent posting hiatus was due to an intensive fact-finding mission in Italy
I was actually tempted to try to count the number of times in that thread that Oski, 239, or KEN DINE have called one another liars or shills. A thousand, maybe?
05-09-2014 , 09:01 AM
I don't like where apostrophe is on the keyboard so I skip them a lot. My hatred of red lines makes me use them. I find myself leaving words out of sentences sometimes even after I proof read. I wonder what that is about.

I just got 10 free online casino dollars. The catch is I have to 100x it before I can cash out. Im going to make them regret giving me money.
05-09-2014 , 09:35 AM

I understand people leaving out apostrophes sometimes. It's adding them into plural word's that I think is super odd.

What's the big deal with the bonus? Just go black black black red black black red and you should be good to go.
05-09-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
my money is on it being a 'long time resident' (read: old), female, who is stick and tired of 'all these new people' ruining the neighborhood with their dog's.

long time sf resident's are some of the biggest elitest *******'s that walk the earth.
05-09-2014 , 10:00 AM
I was going to just keep pressing craps but I couldnt figure out how to put odds on my practice bet. Roulette it is.

I always thought online casinos were a scam. A few years ago I was hanging out with these girls and they had this younger dude as a roommate. I helped him bink second place in a poker tourney for like 4k, just helping him play better pre flop and basic ****. I felt really good about helping him get a decent roll and went and played beer pong in the living room. I came back and he gave it all back playing online blackjack.
05-09-2014 , 10:13 AM
There is a surly, obese woman in sweatpants at work who won't talk to me. Not really threadworthy, but if it was I want you guys to know the thread title would have been Codename: Frontbutt.
