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Texting and driving Texting and driving

02-29-2012 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
So you do agree that some people are better drunk drivers, and texting drivers than others right? So it is possible for me to text and drive and be safer than some airhead who is oblivious to their surroundings. It is also definitely possible for me to be to can 8 pints, then drive better than the average 17 year old girl sober.
thats like arguing that your **** doesnt smell as bad as someone elses.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 10:46 PM
I haven't seen anyone mention the option of simply calling the person texting you, it's certainly much safer, and I think that I know the reason why. The few ppl that I text w/ (exception leo doc) apparently don't like phone calls. The times that I've gotten texts while driving and called instead they were clearly uncomfortable. That might make a good thread on its' own. 'Text v. Call' what's your preferance?
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 10:55 PM
No problem at all with demanding he stop. Texting while driving is really dangerous. As someone else said - I tried it once and realized how ****ing stupid and dangerous it was and never did it again.

The long-term solution is to not depend on others and get your own car. But you still will have to deal with other idiot drivers hitting you.

Anytime I see some girl with her head straight down texting while driving I want to lay on the horn to wake her the **** up and scare her. But I've never done it, as I assume she'll swerve and crash which defeats the purpose. Will have to find another way to save the world from itself.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar

You cant say drunk driving is dangerous for everyone, and then say that texting isnt because "well some people are good at texting and driving!". You can just as easily say "well some people are good at being **** faced and driving!". Only you realize that latter statement is laughably stupid, so you know better than to use that in an argument.

Well im sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you arent a combination of dale Earnhardt and the worlds greatest court reporter. Your texting and driving is dangerous, regardless of the fact you think you drive and text better than some 17 year old girl who does it.

Its the same stupid reasoning that has like 85% of people thinking they are better than average at driving and a host of other things. You think you are good at it cuz you do it all the time without having had any repercussions. Ive driven drunk a **** load of times and havent had a single incident, so what?
I said drunk driving is dangerous for everyone because the physical effects of alcohol make it impossible to drive safely while hammered and that those physical effects aren't present wrt texting. Which means the danger in text-driving has something to do with one's mental state and general awareness on the road. So say you receive a text at some crazy-ass rotary...the bad text driver checks the text right then and there while also trying to traverse this difficult stretch, the good one waits for a straight, familiar road.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by wild will
I said drunk driving is dangerous for everyone because the physical effects of alcohol make it impossible to drive safely while hammered and that those physical effects aren't present wrt texting. Which means the danger in text-driving has something to do with one's mental state and general awareness on the road. So say you receive a text at some crazy-ass rotary...the bad text driver checks the text right then and there while also trying to traverse this difficult stretch, the good one waits for a straight, familiar road.
uh, pretty sure the physical effects of not watching the road and focusing your attention on your cell phone make it impossible to drive safely as well. So what if you are better at it than someone who does it at the worst possible times, its still unsafe.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
So you do agree that some people are better drunk drivers, and texting drivers than others right? So it is possible for me to text and drive and be safer than some airhead who is oblivious to their surroundings. It is also definitely possible for me to be to can 8 pints, then drive better than the average 17 year old girl sober.
Lol I don't have time or patience right now to express my full disdain at some of the posters high-level ******ation (or structure anything i say properly) but good god man, i had a long tirade planned in my head but im gonna have to cut it into this mini tirade because you just crossed the line

Also Wild will what ****ing planet are you on
Or is it just a principled "texting while driving is wrong"
. lol at "principled". are you real? Should we assign a positive connotation to texting and driving? Perhaps start a "texting while driving is good, but in moderation, and only if it's to a hot girl" campaign?

It's amazing that just like in the Drunk-Driving HSNL debate where the hidden host of drunk drivers suddenly appeared to blindly defend their actions, there is a horde of self-unaware text-drivers who just choose to ignore the fact that they put others lives at risk so they can text some stupid ****** whatever moronic thought is in their head(cant even wait til they're at a red light) . I mean if you took a sample size of texts that are sent while driving how many of them do you think would be necessary (people are arguing that texting is an important "everyday activity")? Even by the people who are "REALLY GOOD AT TEXT DRIVING"? Or do the guys who are really good text even more because they've mastered the art so thoroughly?

Taking a special moment here too for my largest most mocking laugh for the people who look at the stats and are like "well ummmmmMMMM DA TEST DIDNT ACCOUNT FOR DA PPL WHO DONT LOOK AT DEY PHON WHILE DEY TEXT AND I MEAN IM A MIDDLE AGE MAN AND DA TEST INCLUD SOME PPL WHO NOT MIDLE AGE MAN SO LIKE Y WOULD DAT TEST HAVE ANY STATISTIKUL VALIDIDTY?" I mean really now.

Yeah, my english sucks, sorry. Alobar and Atakdog seem to be killing every point anyway.

Last edited by Deldar182; 02-29-2012 at 11:31 PM. Reason: potentially expecting some serious flaming here, especially if i wrote something more silly than usual ^_^
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:25 PM
If you are trying to make an argument about people's relative abilities of driving while texting, you're pretty transparently an ******* who texts while he drives and should knock it the **** off. It's pretty damn binary. If you do it, then you're putting people at risk.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by PingClown
I regularly text, post and read books/newspapers on my iPad while driving. But if someone's not cool with it, of course you put it down. You're endangering their life.
But if I'm in another car around you and I'm not cool with it because you are endangering my life... **** me?
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
Obviously texting and driving is a horrible decision, that I AMguilty of (but include everyone else to make myself feel better about it), but the decision to drink and drive is much harder to make, you almost have to make plans to do so, where texting is a instantaneous, every day activity. because it's really hard to go 30 minutes without sending a text

Like I said, and I reiterate: texting and driving is terrible.... but I'm not going to judge someone the same way who texts and drive as someone who drinks and drives Yknow, because I gladly engage in one, and not the other (on the dangerous side of your spectrum) the same.
foeifsdfj sdlkf uncontrollable rage itt
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
foeifsdfj sdlkf uncontrollable rage itt
Huh? I was commenting on the comparison between driving intoxicated and texting. I wasn't denying that I've done either, or accusing anyone else.

I literally admitted to it 2 posts before.
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
Huh? I was commenting on the comparison between driving intoxicated and texting. I wasn't denying that I've done either, or accusing anyone else.

I literally admitted to it 2 posts before.
You said it was something we are "probably all guilty of".

I also think your comparison was rather poorly made, and feel like it is generally satisfying the fact that you do text and drive, but don't drink and drive. That's how I read into it, anyway. I suppose I'm getting unnecessarily hostile, heh...

Last edited by Deldar182; 02-29-2012 at 11:57 PM. Reason: upon review, I have taken your comments out of context =/ I still think your point is poorly argued, however..
Texting and driving Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
You said it was something we are "probably all guilty of".

I also think your comparison was rather poorly made, and feel like it is generally satisfying the fact that you do text and drive, but don't drink and drive. That's how I read into it, anyway. I spose I'm getting unnecessarily hostile
Weird, either I made my point poorly, or you just swung and missed horrendously at understanding it.

Yes, I think a vast majority of people itt are guilty of texting and driving at some point - would you disagree?. If you want to nit it up and say I shouldnt say the absolute of "everyone" thats your thing, but its a waste of time.

I never said I don't or haven't drank and drove, just that I would judge someone more harshly who drives extremely drunk than someone who texts. I qualified the statement by saying they are both bad decisions, which you somehow interpreted as me being both sanctimonious and deceitful at once.

As far as my own personal behavior, like I said, I try to limit my texting in the car to when I am at a red light or in heavy traffic, and, while I used to, I do not drink and drive, ever, anymore.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:04 AM
I think the point txdome is trying to make is that alcohol goes straight in your blood and everyone has blood, whereas texting affects you mentally and not everyone has a brain.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:16 AM
I 24 tabled Omaha of course I can text and drive while listening to heavy metal on headphones. Never been close to getting in an accident in my life.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
If you are trying to make an argument about people's relative abilities of driving while texting, you're pretty transparently an ******* who texts while he drives and should knock it the **** off. It's pretty damn binary. If you do it, then you're putting people at risk.
We can definitely agree that doing it is putting people more at risk then not doing it. Some of us are just saying there are places and methods of texting that aren't any more dangerous then things that wouldn't be vilified by people itt, imo.

If you're a conscientious enough person that you never drive tired, distracted, spacey, etc., that's awesome. I know I try and avoid such things but when I'm honest with myself there's plenty of times I wasn't driving with my full focus on the road.

Whatever, this is a silly argument. Most everyone agrees texting while driving is dangerous and it's likely more dangerous then we realize. It's 100% acceptable as a passenger to ask a driver not to text and any driver that doesn't apologize and stop is a giant douchebag.

edit. I've only drank and drove one time. I had 2 beer (that's actually significant for me, I'm buzzing when I finish 1 ) and ordered a pizza. Realized I had no money and they didn't have debit at the door so I jumped in the car to run to the atm. When I got there I felt a little lightheaded and remembered about the beers, oops. :P

I drove high quite a few times when I was younger, though.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by WCGRider
Sort of branching out into people's tilting driving habits, but one thing I find really annoying is when you are on a long drive and there is some car that for absolutely no apparent reason likes to alternate between 60 and 85 mph. I pretty much always just always cruise control a speed that I think Is the fastest I can reasonably go without a ticket, and sometimes the same car will mix it up between aggressively tailgating me and going like 10 under. Then whenever I switch over he slows down and I pass him and this just happens over and over. Why do people drive like this?

Good point. Also sort of branching out: when I stay at a friend's place for a few days I might sometimes make the bed and other times I might not. If one of the members of the household digs for my dirty clothes and does my laundry I consider that to be a really nice gesture but also kind of weird.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:48 AM
I understand why it happens but I hate when someone is driving under the limit but then speeds up in a passing zone. Have some self-awareness/consideration people. Just because the road is now straight and you're comfortable is no reason to speed up and make the rest of us stay behind you when the turns come back and ya get scurrred.

Also, tailgaiting. My god, what a useless, dangerous habit.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 02:05 AM
What's the big deal about texting and driving? This very post i
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 02:11 AM
Thank god he had the curtesy to hit send.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by txdome
So you do agree that some people are better drunk drivers, and texting drivers than others right? So it is possible for me to text and drive and be safer than some airhead who is oblivious to their surroundings. It is also definitely possible for me to be to can 8 pints, then drive better than the average 17 year old girl sober.
Of course some people can drive better than other people, even while distracted. I personally prefer for the airhead 17 year old and the 85 year old granny to be the outliers, and not the level we should all aim for.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Golden_Rhino
Of course some people can drive better than other people, even while distracted. I personally prefer for the airhead 17 year old and the 85 year old granny to be the outliers, and not the level we should all aim for.
This is really the important point to be made itt. I'm not on any side suggesting otherwise.

I'm just arguing there's degrees to bad driving. Whether it's overall skill or level of distractions.

Considering I believe almost everyone drives with some level of distraction some of the time, degree is very relevant.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 06:54 AM
RIP Fleebrog
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 08:13 AM
sitting on the railroad tracks and masturbating during the day time is dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as doing it at night so it's ok to do and you guys are wrong for criticising me.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Tony_P
sitting on the railroad tracks and masturbating during the day time is dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as doing it at night so it's ok to do and you guys are wrong for criticising me.
I feel like people are being obtuse.

Obviously degree doesn't matter within the same activity. It only becomes relevant when compared to other unsafe behaviors.

Let's use numbers!

Let's say drive texting ranges from 3-8 on the driver safety scale (1-10, 10 being most unsafe, ldo). If the vast majority of drivers will occassionally engage in behavior up to 3 or 4 then it's hypocritical to treat all instances of texting the same. It's fairly nitty but this is an Internet forum...

It's debatable whether the safest forms of texting are in fact no more dangerous then other common minor offenses but that's not the context most seem to be arguing in.
Texting and driving Quote
03-01-2012 , 08:35 AM
Actually, driving while tired is the perfect comparison.

There's a huge spectrum of danger with driving tired. >50% of cars on the road before 8am probably have drivers that are tired enough to be considered at optimal focus levels (which is the whole basis of arguing against the texters who would never keep there eyes off the road for more then a second and never before assuring the road was safe ahead, much like most who adjust the radio dial,a/c, etc). We go right from slightly under optimal focus right up to falling the **** asleep. We can all agree that it doesn't matter how important the destination is falling asleep at the wheel is as unsafe as you can get.

Again, whether the safest texting is comparable to moderate tiredness is up for debate.
Texting and driving Quote
