Originally Posted by domer2
of the 137 deadly terrorist incidents in the world in 2015, 130 have been undertaken by Islamic extremists
There have been attacks by Islamic extremists in 25 countries this year: US, Israel, France, Denmark, Bosnia, Philippines, Nigeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Chad, Kenya, Libya, Yemen, Mali, Somalia, Tunisia, Kuwait, Syria, Niger, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Turkey
of the 7 incidents that were not Islamic extremism, 3 were in the Ukraine conflict, 3 were Communist revolutionaries, and 1 was an American white supremacist
First your numbers are spectacularly wrong. You are likely off by at least two orders of magnitude. The morning you made this post
115 people died in a single attack in Baghdad. The death toll stands at ~130 as of today. But no whites killed so not really terrorism.
Hell Nigeria alone has likely had at least an order of magnitude more deaths than you stated...from one single incident. Again, only poors killed so no big deal. Which reminds me I need to see how Chloe is handing this whole Caitlyn Jenner thing.
To put it in perspective the US State Dept., who under-reports deaths caused by terrorism b/c it fails to record, you know, when we kill them, puts the death toll at
~33000 in 2014.
Which brings me to my point. The word terrorism, as it is used today, should be stricken from language as it has been abused to the point of absurdity.