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Tales of Revenge Tales of Revenge

09-06-2007 , 10:11 PM
Not sure if this thread has been done, but if not i think it could be good.

I love revenge stories, love hearing about people who got what the deserved.

Anyone hear have some awesome/hilarious revenge stories and why you did so?
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:13 PM
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:15 PM
Pissed in a chicks beer for [censored] around on my friend. She asked me to hold it while she was dancing with him. It was half full. I filled it up. She drank it. I [censored] you not. And today they are married.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:19 PM
Pissed in a chicks beer for [censored] around on my friend. She asked me to hold it while she was dancing with him. It was half full. I filled it up. She drank it. I [censored] you not. And today they are married.
Major LOL at the married part. Did she ever find out?
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:21 PM
Pissed in a chicks beer for [censored] around on my friend. She asked me to hold it while she was dancing with him. It was half full. I filled it up. She drank it. I [censored] you not. And today they are married.
Major LOL at the married part. Did she ever find out?
No. But I told him the night I did it. He was taking her home and I said "Don't kiss her. I pissed in her beer".
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:28 PM
Pissed in a chicks beer for [censored] around on my friend. She asked me to hold it while she was dancing with him. It was half full. I filled it up. She drank it. I [censored] you not. And today they are married.
Wait. Did your friend know that his girl was whoring around behind his back?
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:30 PM
Pissed in a chicks beer for [censored] around on my friend. She asked me to hold it while she was dancing with him. It was half full. I filled it up. She drank it. I [censored] you not. And today they are married.
Wait. Did your friend know that his girl was whoring around behind his back?
He knew. But a long time has passed between her whoring and this night.

Edit: One night I caught her whoring at some dudes apt. It was on the second floor. I climbed up the side of the building spiderman style and knocked on his bedroom window while standing on the ledge of the window. Imagine the dudes surprise when he is knocking the bottom out of it and he gets a knock on his second floor bedroom window. He came to the window and I just waved. It was kind of like some [censored] up Houdini.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:39 PM
He knew. But a long time has passed between her whoring and this night.

Edit: One night I caught her whoring at some dudes apt. It was on the second floor. I climbed up the side of the building spiderman style and knocked on his bedroom window while standing on the ledge of the window. Imagine the dudes surprise when he is knocking the bottom out of it and you get a knock on his second floor bedroom window. He came to the window and I just waved. It was kind of like some [censored] up Houdini.
That is hilarious!
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:52 PM
When I was in college, I was with my now wife going out somewhere and we pulled into this packed lot to park. As I'm waiting for a driver to leave a spot some yambag pulls in, knowing full well he was stealing my spot, and then made the mistake of looking at me a chuckling as he left.

I parked, hit a restaurant and grabbed a seat and excused myself and said I'll be back in a minute. I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline and went back to his car and spooged a handful of it up under his door latches.

I'm a vindictive prick and that's a true story.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 10:55 PM
When I was in college, I was with my now wife going out somewhere and we pulled into this packed lot to park. As I'm waiting for a driver to leave a spot some yambag pulls in, knowing full well he was stealing my spot, and then made the mistake of looking at me a chuckling as he left.

I parked, hit a restaurant and grabbed a seat and excused myself and said I'll be back in a minute. I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline and went back to his car and spooged a handful of it up under his door latches.

I'm a vindictive prick and that's a true story.
Disappointed. Thought you were going to say you let the air out of his tires. This is more of a prank.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:01 PM

Disappointed. Thought you were going to say you let the air out of his tires. This is more of a prank.

I disagree. You go put air in your tires. You don't wash off vaseline with a hose. It lingers, always giving you that little slimy, oily mock, for months to come.

C'mon, dude. Air out of tires?...You know the car doors where you put four fingers in and lift? Think of four of those filled full of [censored] vaseline.

It was [censored] glorious.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:04 PM
Letting air out of his tires sounds like something Professor Chaos would do.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:05 PM

Disappointed. Thought you were going to say you let the air out of his tires. This is more of a prank.

I disagree. You go put air in your tires. You don't wash off vaseline with a hose. It lingers, always giving you that little slimy, oily mock, for months to come.

C'mon, dude. Air out of tires?...
LOL You don't "go" and put air in your tires. You're probably getting your car towed to a gas station. How do you propose driving your car with 4 flat tires? I guess you can find a friend with a portable air compressor but it's not like that's a quick solution.

Greasing a dude door handle...wipe it off with a rag. We do it to toolboxes at work all the time. It's a harmless prank.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:06 PM
Especially if the air is let out by way of knife.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:07 PM
When I was in college, I was with my now wife going out somewhere and we pulled into this packed lot to park. As I'm waiting for a driver to leave a spot some yambag pulls in, knowing full well he was stealing my spot, and then made the mistake of looking at me a chuckling as he left.

I parked, hit a restaurant and grabbed a seat and excused myself and said I'll be back in a minute. I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline and went back to his car and spooged a handful of it up under his door latches.

I'm a vindictive prick and that's a true story.

Hmm, i think that would result in my having a brick meets windshield situation. Vaseline seems to good for this douche.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:08 PM
Especially if the air is let out by way of knife.
See. I wouldn't do it that way because that would make you a bigger prick than him. By just letting it out makes it a HUGE inconvenience.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:12 PM
Especially if the air is let out by way of knife.
See. I wouldn't do it that way because that would make you a bigger prick than him. By just letting it out makes it a HUGE inconvenience.
But would he ever pull that again?

Personally I would ignore it as such little inconveniences are just a part of life and it's almost never worth bothering with such tools but if I did bother, I'd at least make a real point.

Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:14 PM
I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline
I was like
Yeah, I thought he was coating the windshields.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:14 PM
A friend of mine worked with this real douche that was always causing him problems, snitching on him, etc. My friend went into the computer system at work, into payroll, and changed it so that the guy was making like 75 cents less per hour. not enough to make the guy realize that he was getting screwed, but enough that after a while he was really screwing the guy. it was like $25 a week for over a year at the point my friend told the story. i always thought this was pretty devious and awful.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:25 PM
I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline
I was like
Yeah, I thought he was coating the windshields.
That would be gold and way better than the door handles. I bet that stuff is a bitch to get off glass.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:40 PM
A friend of mine worked with this real douche that was always causing him problems, snitching on him, etc. My friend went into the computer system at work, into payroll, and changed it so that the guy was making like 75 cents less per hour. not enough to make the guy realize that he was getting screwed, but enough that after a while he was really screwing the guy. it was like $25 a week for over a year at the point my friend told the story. i always thought this was pretty devious and awful.
That's pretty fantastic if true, but if HR was so off the ball that they missed this, why didn't your friend engage in a little unjust enrichment?
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-07-2007 , 12:57 AM
I've told this story on here before. One night in school I went down to the laundry room and someone had taken my clothes out of a dryer and threw them on a washing machine. They were still half damp and all wrinkled up. I was not happy. I went back up stairs and grabbed a Nestle Crunch bar from my roomie, went down and threw it in with their clothes.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-07-2007 , 01:00 AM
Some kid took a marker and wrote all over my (then passed-out) friend's face at some party or whatever. The offending kid was a d-bag. We lived in dorms at the time.

We got a giant aluminum garbage can from the dining hall, filled it up with water, tipped it against his closed door (the doors all open in), knocked on his door and stepped back and enjoyed the show. It was dubbed "the torpedo" and it's one of my fondest memories ever.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-07-2007 , 01:04 AM
My only tale of revenge is more of a hate story.

There was this girl I dated for a couple months after we broke up we still hooked up every once in a while and would meet for drinks or whatnot.

She worked at a local bar and was randomly working on a nice weekday spring afternoon. I stopped in to say hi and ended up drinking there all afternoon when some friends joined me. My friends left she was getting off her shift, she joined me for drinks. We then went to some other bars and drank some more.

After this I drove her home and went up into her apartment and here is where things got fuzzy. We got into a heated fight and I ended up breaking my toe kicking a wall and smashing my phone on the same wall. At this point she wouldn't let me drive home so I was going to sleep on her couch.

Fast forward 15 minutes later and I am banging her in the ass relentlessly. Shortly after that she is blowing me and I bust in her mouth. This was pure hate [censored] and rather enjoyable....we still talk to this day for some reason.

Edit: now I remember the fight. It all happened because at the next bar we went to she was hitting on some other guy and rubbing my leg and balls at the same time. The next day I found out she was telling this guy that I am just some dude she [censored] because she feels bad b/c I buy her stuff and take her to nice places. God bless whores.
Tales of Revenge Quote
09-07-2007 , 01:07 AM
I went across the street to a drug store and bought a jar of vaseline
I was like
Yeah, I thought he was coating the windshields.
That's a good one.
Tales of Revenge Quote
