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Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up

03-22-2013 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
No, go look it up. Please. Prove me wrong and tell me how I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'll even help you. It was originally posted in a thread started by pokerbobo.
I really don't want to have to go this route and look for evidence of your picture in the polka dot bikini and how you initially lied about it. It's a derail and I've ready apologized. If twoplistwo keeps threads that long I'm sure it will be easy to find. If I recall correctly you are dating or otherwise associated with someone from the site and I think those threads got wiped.

There was a break up, a make up or something like that. I just remember a lot of drama that drew me to BbVl in the first place. Didn't you suspend your account t for a long period of time over it? Yeah, I've been around awhile. U So please drop it and then you can just continue to proceed as the moral authority here and I'll fade away. Keep challenging me and I will put all of your nonsense and insecurities on display. It's not a nice ultimatum but its a necessary one.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:47 AM

Are you really drunk right now?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Hector Cerif

as someone that marginally agrees with you I recommend you taking a week off and regrouping. You are throwing good money after bad at this point.
Fair point. I've definitely lost hope that there is a chance of an actual societally beneficial conversation possible in this thread.

May god have mercy on our souls
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:48 AM
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:50 AM
And also Gizmo,

What's it like being exposed and having all your well kept secrets accurately outed ITT?

ETA: ...making you lose credibility around here.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Fabian

Are you really drunk right now?
Nope. But thanks for the lifesaver. I do have a near photographic memory and giz should consider that when she posts
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Diaz
just stop gicing Gizmo the attention she so much craves.

back to the topic? what happens to douches like Nodianos now? He cannot leave town until the investigation is fully over but I can imagine he is moving far away after this?
My guess is he still could get charged. At a minimum he needs To change his name if he hopes to have any kind of life
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by culs20041
I do have a near photographic memory and giz should consider that when she posts
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:03 AM

The giz/2p2 story is pretty well documented and has been discussed multiple times on these forums, and is definitely not some big coverup. This place is not like Steubenville!
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
Lol. I appreciate the funny smack. But how do I recall things from years ago with one?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:09 AM
[QUOTE=Hector Cerif;37719067]Your the one with the photographic memory, you tell us.[/QUOTE

Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:15 AM
I never in a million years thought I would say this, but SGT RJ has completely owned this thead.

Culs, you are a piece of ****.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Nope. But thanks for the lifesaver. I do have a near photographic memory and giz should consider that when she posts
Would you like a friendly wager?

Also, you can't have a "near photographic" memory. You either do or you don't.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by toddw8
I never in a million years thought I would say this, but SGT RJ has completely owned this thead.
RJ is one of the best posters/mods on the entire internet
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 03:03 AM
I am confused why Gizmo has to be embarrassed about the bikini pic. She looked good in it. Kudos to her. Trying to shame her because of that pic is pathetic.

PS: Whats up Gizmo. I lift. Think about it.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Lol. I appreciate the funny smack. But how do I recall things from years ago with one?
Because you printed out a photo of Giz in a bikini and have been looking at it everyday for years now?

Last edited by browser2920; 03-22-2013 at 03:14 AM. Reason: You did seem to have that photo on the tip of your tongue, so to speak.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Fair point. I've definitely lost hope that there is a chance of an actual societally beneficial conversation possible in this thread.

May god have mercy on our souls
The whole thread is about that and how one abnormal community , and apparently adjacent communities, seem to coddle and perhaps even breed rapists with their victim blame and collective crime minimizing behavior.

You want to blame society in total and not just the crappy place this happened and the surrounding areas who think trying to keep a lid on things is more important and downplaying rape so as not to discourage up and coming rapists is important.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Fine. I will keep this account open and will answer any questions posted.
Why are you such a massive douchebag?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Kittens
Linked in the post you responded to. The test subjects flipped the switch which they fully believed would lethally electrocute somebody. (Of course the switch wasn't actually connected in such a manner).
You are familiar with the problematic test bias that exist in how those tests are performed right?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by jaxtraw

Is that 90% (ballpark) figure for cases that result in a verdict, or does it take into account the pleas before trial?
The feds run 90%+. Non-federal prosecutors run a little bit lower. Please note that these are not top count convictions. Martha Stewart was a conviction even though she was only convicted on the least count on the indictment and only served something like 5 months in prison and 5 months home confinement.

Some links that you may find helpful below. Warning they are a wall of text times 1000.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
You are familiar with the problematic test bias that exist in how those tests are performed right?
It's funny how psych gets the voodoo treatment around here even for the things it does well and times when it's actually useful and ldo necessary, yet can somehow get it's most flimsy conclusions (probably long since discredited) thrown into fights as evidence. Here's a tip, kids; if you learned about it in college, it's now considered obsolete. But it's truly awesome how they'll actually never give you that disclaimer in school because *this time* they've got it right! And don't get butthurt on me, psych guys, I totally get it.

Admittedly I don't recall the part about " and this time it will kill them" in those tests, but could the bias be selecting morons to take the test? Or that everyone knew damn good and well they weren't actually going to be killing someone? Or everyone's a murderer and a rapist?

Also, was there a similar test where instead of pushing a button or turning a dial, the subjects were touching someone's sex organs? With theirs? Well then it's not really relevant then is it?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:08 AM
I don't see what is interesting about the behavior of the girl in this case. There is nothing particularly shocking about a 16 year old drinking excessively and ending up passed out at a party. If I had a daughter, I'd certainly try to make her realize that such behavior is destructive and dangerous for a variety of reasons, but I also wouldn't be surprised if I learned that she, or any other young person, had a night like that. We don't need a case like this to get us to discuss underage girls drinking excessively. If a HS aged person on here had started a thread about being at a party where a couple of 16 year old girls got so drunk they passed out on the bathroom floor to the point of being nearly non-responsive, what would there even be to discuss beyond the obvious?

The interesting thing here is how an entire group of young men thought that sexually molesting her and sexually humiliating her was funny rather than extremely shameful and potentially life shattering for the girl. Frankly, I think this type of disdainful and demeaning attitude towards female sexuality is fairly widespread amongst young men. I also think we do very little as parents and as a society to educate young men about having respect for women and their sexuality. I'd argue that we actively and passively teach them to have a disdainful and dismissive attitude toward female sexually.

Last edited by Aytumious; 03-22-2013 at 08:22 AM.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 10:18 AM
I haven't posted in this thread in a while due to the fact that the same points are being argued. I do, however, have one question for Culs. I have been more than cordial with you so I hope you will answer. Where did you study undergrad and where did you get your law degree from (apologies if this was already stated)? I personally know a few people that study/practice law, and you don't come across as similar to them in any fashion. These people enjoy debating and do not get fiery or angry when someone disagrees with them as you seem to. I understand there are a lot of idiots on these boards, but did you not know that when you started posting in this particular thread (which you knew would be a hot topic). You are absolutely terrible at articulating your points and have multiple people coming in here trying to summarize your words in a "I think what Culs is trying to say is..." sort of fashion.

I actually do believe that you may indeed currently practice law (by the way you are viewing the particular case), however, I also believe that you are heavily connected to the case (friends, family, this town you still and obviously will stick up for regardless). This makes it impossible for you to view this situation fairly and this is extremely apparent by your stances.

If you don't want to answer my questions that is fine, but I know there are a lot of small insignificant law schools across the country and graduating from one of these lesser-knowns greatly influences your level of credibility whether you agree with that or not.


Last edited by JockBay; 03-22-2013 at 10:23 AM.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 10:32 AM
So if Culs daughter was gang raped, pissed on, photographed and then laughed about by several students via twitter video, his response would be what did she do to allow this happen to her? Father of the year in this thread.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Gizmo

Well there's one thing that mostly discredits him being a lawyer imo. Cause lol.
Do they teach running your mouth on twitter in law school?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
