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Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up

03-17-2013 , 02:13 PM
03-17-2013 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by lolitsbo
very good
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
This is a great article and really speaks of how teens today are pretty heartless when it comes to right and wrong and I think that speaks to their parents, who are usually enabling *******s worse than their kids. Add in social media, and these tools create their own crime scene photos.

To put it bluntly and kind of paraphrase a part of that article, girls have been getting fingered and abused while passed out and then waking up with no recollection of anything for many, many generations. They just didn't have instagram images uploaded live-blogging it, nor have teens been more morally corrupt than now in regards to knowing right from wrong, sometimes in the simplest and most obvious form.

It also sounds like a few more people are going down, and rightfully so. So many accessories to that crime.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 04:10 PM
Yeah he did not let those pieces of **** off the hook.


No more football/fame for the rapists. Marked for for life.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
To put it bluntly and kind of paraphrase a part of that article, girls have been getting fingered and abused while passed out and then waking up with no recollection of anything for many, many generations. They just didn't have instagram images uploaded live-blogging it
Not sure how common this stuff always was, but it's scary to think that if this incident happenend 30 years ago, there would have been pretty much no evidence (no photos, video, twitter, etc.) and pretty much no consequences for the rapists. The case never would have gained any significant attention and even if it did it could have been effectively suppressed.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
That is an excellent article. I just feel like one year isn't enough time for what they did, but I am happy to hear that they are going to continue the investigation.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by YB2009
The way I see it, we as a society are emerging and bringing things to light. Thanks very much hackers, digital era. Not just so people can have their day of vindication in court, but to get everyone thinking about what is truly wrong. The real source of all this stuff. Ourselves. Our communities.

People will think twice when this situation comes up again. The football coach. The people involved. Those who could have done more to stop it, prevent it. Everyone involved. And everyone watching.

And sorry Steubenville, you had to take the lumps for this lesson this time. But it happened there. We all watched. And you aren't the only place where it happens, we know. Maybe next time where ever it occurs, they'll do a bit better. That's the hope. We're all learning.
Well stated.

The Attorney General announced that there will be a special grand jury in April that will look at everything, so I guess we will find out about the school. If any coaches worked to cover up any evidence, they should be charged without a doubt.

The AG has already said that there was no cover up by the police or the prosecutor.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:19 PM
Oh good culs is back
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:20 PM
I think it is nitpicky to say that it is ridiculous to take court room testimony as fact...what other source of information about a criminal case should look to?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:21 PM
Perhaps I haven't always chosen my words wisely on here, but I really have not tried to defend any wrongdoing or diminish any of the acts of anyone involved, including the kid in the disgusting youtube video.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:30 PM
Similar case going on in Alaska except this time a couple of players on the football team may have raped one of their own teammates...
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
No, I'm giving credence to the video/tweets from the kids themselves.

The youtube video was recorded at a different house from where the rape happened and recorded after the event. The kid making the comments was not at the rape or an eyewitness and was not called to testify. His commentary is at least double-hearsay and not reliable as an accurate recitation of what happened in my opinion and in the opinion of the rules of evidence.

The prosecutors and investigators looked at 250,000 text messages or some insane number like that taken from 15ish phones if I recall correctly. I obviously haven't seen any of those and have no idea what they say.

There could very well be some "cover up" evidence as one of the defendants had a text that something to the effect of "coach took care of it." I'm not going to speculate as to what happened there. I am sure that the coach will be called to the grand jury to explain
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
I take exception to the comment that "big red football players operate above the law"...other than that, I pretty much agree.

It has been some time since I was in high school but when I was there football players got away with nothing and were held to a higher standard. Every year, great athletes were kicked off of teams because or poor grades or just general disrespect.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:44 PM
Zbt: really good article

Culs: have you revealed what your relationship to this case is yet?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
Zbt: really good article

Culs: have you revealed what your relationship to this case is yet?
I haven't and won't for now since the AG has requested the April grand jury. It isn't appropriate or prudent until all the dust has settled
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
Similar case going on in Alaska except this time a couple of players on the football team may have raped one of their own teammates...
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 07:11 PM
hahaha perfect video omg
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:31 PM
seriously culs, your saying you have a relation but that your not biased?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:45 PM
From what I've seen culs hasn't got a fair wrap in this thread, but yeah, I do think it's funny when people say "well I'm in the middle of all this so I have a clearer perspective than you all".
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:48 PM

Article from an anti-anonymous biased writer. It's short but talks about the threats the town received
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:49 PM how surprising
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:51 PM
I know people involved and have followed this story since August. I feel that I have a fair grasp of the facts. You can assume a bias... But would good could I do for any one involved on this forum? I didn't start this thread and posted to try to help clear up fact from friction.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 09:53 PM
Michaelson... I appreciate the support but I'm not in the middle of it. Just knowledgeable on the facts.

Why doesn't anyone ever say "anonymous, go figure"... I posted that article was from a guy with an axe to grind with anonymous. And it is clearly a conservative site. But this isn't a politics debate
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 10:01 PM
I think it's funny how all of the reporting has completely moved on from anon's involvement in this case.

My impression when I first started reading about this was that anon played a really large part in making sure this case was prosecuted. I'm fuzzy on the details of what was initially reported, but they sparked protests and disseminated things like the Nordianos (?) video, as well as making pretty wild accusations of organised crime in the town (naming names), child porn stuff with the coaches, and a systemic coverup to protect the perpetrators.

These recent reports, though, when they run through the background of the story completely exclude all of that info.

Was my initial impression that anon was actually a critical part of the story (whatever your view of their actions) misplaced? Or is something else going on?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-17-2013 , 10:03 PM
I type slow, but that was a crosspost.

culs, I meant in the middle of it relative to the rest of us. There was something you said in an early post that gave the impression you felt like you had a particularly clear perspective on the case because you're close to it all. I just think the vast majority of the time you'll get a clearer view of things from a distance is all.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
