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Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up

01-06-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by RainierWolfcastle
If we were to look at each state, where would we find high school football being the biggest deal?
It's more a correlation between places with absolutely nothing else to do and people who go nuts for this stuff. Bigger cities have more entertainment options and no one cares about football (except in rare instances). These mid-sized towns with enough people to put together a decent team but not enough to have anything else to do is where these exist. Add in a low amount of people who move into the area and you have everyone who is there having been there for generations, you get this sort of tradition loving obsession.

Generally, people who are more educated will leave these types of places and spread out faster than those who are uneducated and have fewer options.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:11 PM
I hope "Nobody Breaks up with Curtis Saltsman" becomes the greatest prison rape meme of all time while people are raping Curtis Saltsman.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by IcyHotMonkey
reference post #12.

what makes it too soon to want to know if it was premeditated?

I don't see how my comment leads to your point. but w/e.
Why are you so obsessed with the concept of premeditation here. Given the details premeditation will likely have zero relevance in conviction or sentencing.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:30 PM
These kids are all the worst ever. I swear to god this generation of teenagers are the absolute pits. Instagramming and Tweeting pictures of some unconscious girl they all drugged and gang raped? WTF? These kids are all ****ing ******s and this corrupt town should be blown away
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
They only two people who have been charged were originally charged as adults with both rape and kidnapping, but for both defendants the kidnapping charges were dropped and the rape cases moved to juvenile court, so everyone wishing or hoping they will get life in prison are deluding themselves. Unless the cases are moved back to adult court, the juvenile system has much less severe penalties.

While this case is truly heinous and if even 75% of what Anonymous dug up is true there are other perpetrators and people involved in the cover up who should probably be charged, I think it's important not to let a mob mentality create more victims by basically just tarring and feathering the entire school/team. There's probably an atmosphere of anything goes wrt the team in that town, but that doesn't mean everyone on the team is a rapist. And the adults (coaches, teachers, parents, DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, etc.) are guilty as well, of setting up an entire system that allowed the team (and the specific ones who acted as a result) of feeling so outside the rules/law that they could do anything they wanted. I'd really hate to be just one of the average students in that school.

Finally, that mom posting about "I raised my kid right" makes me want to punch something. Yeah, the rape victim just wasn't raised right. It had nothing to do with her being slipped a drug and rendered unconscious. Holy **** some people.
Yeah that mom killed me. I wanted so much to impart the idea into her that this happened to her daughter (without any harm to her daughter obviously). But for her idiotic statements I want her to feel the pain like it happened to her family.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Fun fact: I interviewed Coach Reno 4 years ago at a hockey game. The team was doing a bobblehead in his honor because he was so popular and such a big deal. Nice guy for the 5 minutes I spoke to him. I wasn't aware of any corruption or raping stuff at the time though.

I might still have the bobblehead somewhere.
Reno had a huge positive effect on my life. This is very difficult on me.

Yea, the educated part is true; I got educated & never moved back, this happens with most of the HS kids who go to college, they tend not to move back. The population is, relative to most cities, very old.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by digables
I can not support dubstep
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
Yeah, I mean, anon is not canon, calling the amateur journalist is a massive compliment. But I'd like to know what truth there is to Hanlin attempting to dissuade the girl from coming forth. Or any of the other stuff they've alleged. Apparently the town does have a long standing history of corruption and cronyism. Did adults involved with the school and/or local law enforcement provide the roofies? Is all the anon stuff just bs? If so, to what end?
I don't want to defend anyone involved but the allegations posted earlier sounded like pretty standard and honest faire for a police or da talking to a rape victim. Pursuing charges and testifying as a victim of tape can be a horrible ordeal. The words attributed to her are things many victims of rape are likely told. It certainly did not read as someone trying to terrify a rape victim into dropping charges. I am not sure there is any crime that is even close to being as hard on the victim as rape is, when it comes to criminal proceedings. Letting victims know this seems like an ethical obligation to me.

Thst being said I got that from a quote someone shared in this thread about the accusation of intimidation. I have chosen not to read any outside material at this point as this thread is enough to depress me.

Cliffs: Olivia Benson regularly tells rape victims similar things to what this da allegedly told this girl.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
LoL Stuebenville police department:
Has anyone seen a line by line fact check of this any where?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Not if she's the one, according to the Anonymous report, who originally tried to pressure the victim and her parents NOT to file. That's so unethical it's ridiculous.

LOL, obviously I meant "statutes". Not sure why I ****ed that up. I'll just stick with "laws" from now on.

Again not trying to defend someone who very easily might have done many yhings wrong that I want them punished for but I think it would be unethical for any DA not to be brutally honest with a rape victim when it comes to seeking justice. There is no tougher row to hoe.

Obviously what she said and did makes a massive difference but like I said the quoted words used earlier did not read as intimidation but more like a standard reality check.
Listen my first thought in all this was a reverse firing squad where a single guy with an automatic weapon just mows them down in a line so really I don't want anyone guilty of anything getting off here.

I just know based on that one excerpt I would have a hard time thinking she tried to force the case to be dropped. Also without knowing the timeline when she sought out a special prosecutor I don't know what she might have done.

I find it ridiculous that they are currently being tried as minors. I would be upset to learn that sixteen and seventeen year olds could not be tried as adults for rape in Ohio. I hope that can be rectified.

Also I wish they could get these guys on some other crimes that might then put this group of guys as a criminal conspiracy and crime organization opening the door for federal prosecution.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:39 PM
How is it decided whether someone gets tried as an adult or juvenile? How bad the crime is or how angry it makes us seems like a horrible standard to me.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:42 PM
Once they drop the charges, is that it, or can they charge them again later if they want?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Again not trying to defend someone who very easily might have done many yhings wrong that I want them punished for but I think it would be unethical for any DA not to be brutally honest with a rape victim when it comes to seeking justice. There is no tougher row to hoe.

Obviously what she said and did makes a massive difference but like I said the quoted words used earlier did not read as intimidation but more like a standard reality check.
Listen my first thought in all this was a reverse firing squad where a single guy with an automatic weapon just mows them down in a line so really I don't want anyone guilty of anything getting off here.

I just know based on that one excerpt I would have a hard time thinking she tried to force the case to be dropped. Also without knowing the timeline when she sought out a special prosecutor I don't know what she might have done.

I find it ridiculous that they are currently being tried as minors. I would be upset to learn that sixteen and seventeen year olds could not be tried as adults for rape in Ohio. I hope that can be rectified.

Also I wish they could get these guys on some other crimes that might then put this group of guys as a criminal conspiracy and crime organization opening the door for federal prosecution.
IDK about Ohio, but in a lot of jurisdictions now there are rape shield laws to help prevent the very thing that was mentioned here, like her name being dragged through the mud or her prior sexual history being used against her (unless the defense could prove relevance).

But more to the point, she's the mother of a boy who was at least tangentially related to the case. She should not have been in the same room with the victim, let alone (allegedly) encouraging her to think hard before she filed charges. As soon as she found out the alleged perpetrators were friends of her son, she should have immediately recused herself.

If there's not at least an investigation by the Ohio ethics board for lawyers then IDK WTF is going on in Ohio.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
Once they drop the charges, is that it, or can they charge them again later if they want?
I think so, double jeopardy isn't attached until they enter a plea, I think.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
IDK about Ohio, but in a lot of jurisdictions now there are rape shield laws to help prevent the very thing that was mentioned here, like her name being dragged through the mud or her prior sexual history being used against her (unless the defense could prove relevance).

But more to the point, she's the mother of a boy who was at least tangentially related to the case. She should not have been in the same room with the victim, let alone (allegedly) encouraging her to think hard before she filed charges. As soon as she found out the alleged perpetrators were friends of her son, she should have immediately recused herself.

If there's not at least an investigation by the Ohio ethics board for lawyers then IDK WTF is going on in Ohio.
Just want to add her home was also the site of one of the party's, allegedly of course. I think this would add to her determination.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 09:55 PM
That defense attorney thinking the "I know you didn't rape me" text is the magic get-out-of-jail free card seems pretty foolish to me.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:19 PM
Makes me wonder if I could stay sane if that girl was a relative of mine. Those poor parents...I think I'd lose my ****ing mind.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
How is it decided whether someone gets tried as an adult or juvenile? How bad the crime is or how angry it makes us seems like a horrible standard to me.
I'm not sure about Ohio specifically, but in most jurisdictions, the law laws out some very general guidelines (age of the defendant, prior criminal record, the amount of premediation/"adult" judgment that went into the crime, etc), but, at the end of the day, the prosecutor gets a ton of discretion in making the decision.

Also, it's important to note that the default position is to charge any underage offender as a minor, so the prosecutor has to believe that there is something specific about the allegations or the defendant that justifies charging as an adult.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Again not trying to defend someone who very easily might have done many yhings wrong that I want them punished for but I think it would be unethical for any DA not to be brutally honest with a rape victim when it comes to seeking justice. There is no tougher row to hoe.

Obviously what she said and did makes a massive difference but like I said the quoted words used earlier did not read as intimidation but more like a standard reality check.
Listen my first thought in all this was a reverse firing squad where a single guy with an automatic weapon just mows them down in a line so really I don't want anyone guilty of anything getting off here.

I just know based on that one excerpt I would have a hard time thinking she tried to force the case to be dropped. Also without knowing the timeline when she sought out a special prosecutor I don't know what she might have done.

I find it ridiculous that they are currently being tried as minors. I would be upset to learn that sixteen and seventeen year olds could not be tried as adults for rape in Ohio. I hope that can be rectified.

Also I wish they could get these guys on some other crimes that might then put this group of guys as a criminal conspiracy and crime organization opening the door for federal prosecution.
As RJ said, you're making a false comparison. She is related to the accused rapist. It doesn't matter how standard her line is in rape cases, she has no business giving legal advice to this girl. How you could ever argue otherwise is beyond me.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:40 PM
Also, it's hard enough getting women to feel okay with coming forward and reporting rapes. You really think it's okay for someone to TRY and discourage that? Do you also get upset when women don't report a rape?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:43 PM
Watching that 12 minute video, all I was willing was for some of his detractors to beat the living **** out of him. Why don't all movies have happy endings?

His pathetic attempts at comedy whilst all the while laughing at a gang rape that he participated in? WTF?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-07-2013 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
The most disturbing thing about that 12 minute video to me is I watched the entire thing and was in no way moved emotionally.
Do you have kids?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-07-2013 , 09:47 AM
This is the first I have heard of this, and I just finished reading the article. Absolutely terrible. It sounds like some sort of ****ed up Law and Order:SVU plot that only some hilljacks in the Midwest could conjure up (this is coming from and Indiana boy). I am falling more in love with anonymous everyday for outing disgusting human beings like these. Hopefully justice is served and these dumbass parents/supposed adults involved in the cover up should be given the death penalty.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-07-2013 , 11:43 AM
Don't feed obvious trolls guys.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
01-07-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by shakalakashakaboom
As RJ said, you're making a false comparison. She is related to the accused rapist. It doesn't matter how standard her line is in rape cases, she has no business giving legal advice to this girl. How you could ever argue otherwise is beyond me.
Because it is her job and standard operating procedure and ethically proper to inform a rape victim what they are in for...

Again I am going based on what was SPECIFICALLY quoted in this thread, based on what that said, I don't think she said anything out of line.

There is no other comparable situation or crime where the victim suffers so much. I know there are rape shield laws, but what on earth did that do in this case? Everyone already knew what was going on. That this whole thing would be a very trying nightmare for her is completely accurate.

I certainly don't want women not to report rape but some of you act like it is okay to trick them into going through with a prosecution with their head in their sand as they are potentially tortured and further scared and damaged from the entire process which could play out for years. Thinking it is responsible to NOT make it clear to a rape victim what they are in for is just wrong to me and it has nothing to do with justifying and supporting rape.

Being so wild eyed crazy to get rapists that you would subject every single rape victim to an additional horrible experience that may be equally as horrible for the victims just to satisfy your urge for retribution seems crazy to me.

Telling someone who is raped that going through a trial and prosecution is not going to be easy and not going to be fun and could be very painful is simply not intimidation. So please feel free to quote the specifics where she did something intimidating. I understand her son was involved and the conflict there, but again that does not actually change the relevancy of the advice because it is the truth.

I would prefer that every single women who was raped was able to easily stand up for themselves and endure the process without additional pain and torture, but that is not the world we live in and all women are not the same. I think withholding that real and significant information is completely immoral and I am not sure I even understand the position some of you have on this other than everyone must be bad and must be burned and must be punished. Sometimes you have to look at specific actions and make decisions based on what was actually done or said and not just wrap up everything in a ball and say "unga bunga bad."

I explained myself over and over I was not trying to defend her but simply stating based on the specific QUOTES posted in this thread, what she did was not intimidation but something she absolutely should have done and would have been irresponsible not to have done. Plus I think people are conveniently just mashing up timelines with no regard for the facts so it makes the outrage greater.

I find this whole thing totally abhorrent, but that does not change the fact that informing a rape victim that pursuing with pressing charges is not some kind of cake walk and could be amazing difficult and painful and could drag on for many years, is the right thing to do. Rape can clearly be a deeply psychologically damaging crime and some people are simply not cut out for dealing with that on a nearly daily basis as a key part of their life for months and years to come, or choose not to... I am certainly not going to be the one who tells them they must suffer additional pain, suffering and potential humiliation just because... It is not my right nor my choice.... and like I said, I think any prosecutor who does not have a heart to heart with a rape victim on those issues is a bad person.

As for this prosecutor, again, I don't know the precise timeline, so I don't know what was going on in the investigation when or were, or what she knew when or where or what her son's known involvement at the time is or anything else.... It doesn't seem like many others here do either... So again, based specifically on the QUOTES posted in this thread, I can't fault her for what she told the victim nor think she was trying to intimidate her into not pressing charges.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
