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Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe

03-10-2015 , 01:38 PM
The best long distance runner ever is a Greek guy who is just warming up at 24 miles. He ran 188mi in 24 hours.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 01:43 PM
In the 1930's Jews were thought to be naturally good at basketball.

In the 1950's Whites were though to be better boxers.

In the 1990's a White heavyweight champion was unthinkable.

In 1970 the idea that blacks could be good at tennis or golf was controversial.

Now a lot of people think Blacks aren't good swimmers.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 03:18 PM
Are you saying they're coming for us ?
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 03:28 PM
That's the thing about stereotypes, even when they are true, they're typically only a snapshot in space and time. They may cease to be true tomorrow and probably never were true everywhere. I don't think there is anything wrong with noticing trends and forming stereotypes, in fact they can be very useful and necessary in daily life as long as we realize they're only generalizations and they often change.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Are you saying they're coming for us ?
Yes, in the 2040's people will be talking about the genetic advantage the Dutch have in women's water polo.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The best long distance runner ever is a Greek guy who is just warming up at 24 miles. He ran 188mi in 24 hours.
Alobar is such a disappointment.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

Now a lot of people think Blacks aren't good swimmers.
Do people actually think that? Its like hockey, everyone jokes about black people not playing hockey, but I dont think anyone actually thinks its cuz they arent capable of being good at it. If black people suddenly decided they loved hockey, im sure theyd dominate that sport as well.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Alobar is such a disappointment.
im gunna do a 200 mile in 24 hour challenge, well see whos a disappointment then!
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:10 PM
blacks are afraid of water
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:16 PM
Seattle gets more rain than any other US city w/ population over 1m.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:21 PM
People who consider themselves a stoner are usually life losers.

Aka not people who can just smoke. It sucks the most prominent weed users are so bad at life. **** would be legal by now if this wasnt the case.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:28 PM
I don't think they're allowed to like hockey...

*(Note: Nielsen's survey figures are heavy on older, whiter audiences, since they're more likely to own a television and pay for cable.)

Last edited by Banned4lyfe; 03-10-2015 at 11:39 PM.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-10-2015 , 11:30 PM
9% 2-17, 9% under 20k....hmmmm

I guess its family income or just excludes <18
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 12:32 AM
blacks are afraid of spiders
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
black people freak out when they see magic tricks
but this is 10000% true
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:00 AM
heh, I was hanging out with a black guy the other day when someone opened the front door, which caused the door to the room we were in to move. He freaked out. Kept going "did you see that?!?! did you see that?! oh shiiiiiiiiit!" I even explained what happened to him, didnt matter, he still freaked out when it happened again later.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:15 AM
I wonder why that is?
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 04:12 AM
I've got my eyes on this thread.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 03-11-2015 at 04:12 AM. Reason: and on YOU mister
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 05:10 AM
I consider myself a quite normal and pleasant person, but after having served thousands of people of every type of ethnicity in my restaurant, I am highly confident in my stereotypes about them re: how they tend to be as customers.

Obviously, there have been exceptions, but there is absolutely an overall pattern to be seen of traits of various people, and anyone who disagrees is just trying to be PC or contrarian.

Asians are probably the easiest customers and most polite, with the lowest chance of making a scene, being rude, doing modifications, or running you ragged. They probably average ~13-15% tips.

Israelis, Persians, and Armenians are probably the highest when it comes to being difficult, and probably average tip would be ~12%. Not necessarily difficult as in rude or mean, but difficult when it comes to modifying orders, asking for things not on the menu and seeing if the kitchen can make it, etc.

Hispanics tend to be very polite, but are awful tippers. I'd say probably 25% of my Hispanic guests completely stiff, 5% tip 15% or more, and 70% tip exactly 10%. It is clearly a cultural thing for them to figure out 10% then round down. Like if the bill is $50-$60, it's a near guarantee to get $5.

Blacks are the worst at being difficult, rude, sending food back (after eating 90% of it), running a server ragged for refills, extra sauces, or more bread, complaining, etc. They are also almost the worst when it comes to tipping. it's pretty standard to receive $1/person as a tip, regardless of the size of the bill. A straight up stiff happens about 1/3 of the time.

Arabs are the nut low for tips. They will come in 10 minutes before we close, order an insane amount of food, eat about 1/3 of it and then ask it to be taken out of their sight, nothing to go. And then completely stiff on a multi-hundred dollar check. They're not necessarily the most difficult, although they along with the Middle Eastern groups I mentioned before, are notorious for grabbing any waiter they see to start barking orders, or when you first arrive at the table, they'll all just start yelling their order at the same time to. There's like no recognition on their part of the fact that they're five guys shouting food orders at you. It's probably pretty comical to an outside observer.

Euros, Aussies, etc. are similar as far as being super cool, friendly, and easy, but it being a total crap shoot when it comes to tips. Some are in the know and some aren't. Aussies are actually pretty cool, since they'll often just straight up ask about how the tipping works.

Middle aged women might be the worst when it comes to modifications, but they are usually pretty good tippers. If they're with their husband and he pays (as he usually does) then it tends to be a really good tip kind of as a "thank you for putting up with my pain in the ass."

Gay guys are pretty great customers all around.

Racist perma-ban 4 me?
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
The stereotypes I associate with the English are bad teeth, bad food, and perverse sex. Ugly women not so much.
Really? Never heard this one before.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 08:19 AM
asians have sideways vaginas
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 10:15 AM
Double down,

How about a table full of 18-30yo white males?
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:51 PM
jewish girls have huge tits and give amazing head
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 04:08 PM
Hispanics tend to be very polite, but are awful tippers. I'd say probably 25% of my Hispanic guests completely stiff, 5% tip 15% or more, and 70% tip exactly 10%. It is clearly a cultural thing for them to figure out 10% then round down. Like if the bill is $50-$60, it's a near guarantee to get $5.
Confirmed. My parents grew up in Mexico where tipping wasn't the norm. When we ate out they never really tipped so I never thought much of up until I was 19 or so.

sending food back (after eating 90% of it)
stopped hanging out with some friends for this very reason.

They are also almost the worst when it comes to tipping. it's pretty standard to receive $1/person as a tip, regardless of the size of the bill. A straight up stiff happens about 1/3 of the time.
I try to avoid this group but if we do go somewhere I sneak in a good tip.
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
03-11-2015 , 04:29 PM
This thread title just gets better and better <3
Stereotypes that otherwise quite normal and pleasant people actually do reluctantly believe Quote
