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Something I don't understand about 90s music. Something I don't understand about 90s music.

07-07-2008 , 11:08 PM
3EB gets compared to Fleetwood, awesome.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by tdarko
3EB gets compared to Fleetwood, awesome.
And yet some people in this thread like both bands, some hate both, some like one and not the other. However we all know 3/4 of those combinations are idiots. And the 1/4 you are in is the only acceptable musical taste any non-******ed human being could possibly have, right?
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And yet some people in this thread like both bands, some hate both, some like one and not the other. However we all know 3/4 of those combinations are idiots. And the 1/4 you are in is the only acceptable musical taste any non-******ed human being could possibly have, right?
First of all, liking two bands doesn't make them similar.

Next, when I was a senior in HS I saw them live w/ a very large group of friends--Eve 6 opened for them (they sucked lol--this was right when that first album came out). They sang out of tune, the lead dude--whatever his name is--even tried to rap at one point,wtf. Musically it was just awful. I couldn't believe that I was actually there, worst concert I have ever been to--I have been to a ton.

Fleetwood may not be everyone's cup of tea, and fwiw not all pop is **** pop, they are a group in which everyone's voice harmonizes perfectly with each other to make one beautiful instrument--then aside from that Stevie's voice is distinct, unique, and sultry. We don't even have to get into how much better of musicians they were too. Comparing the two is pretty bad, ldo.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-07-2008 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I have Beautful Life and All That She Wants on my iPod. I also have 2 or 3 Pet Shop Boys songs.
Wait, let's not go lumping the Pet Shop Boys in with Ace of Base
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:07 AM
okay, and i can't let the "Jumper" lyrics get posted without posting the lyrics to "Semi-Charmed Life". at the very least, this band had talent, or access to some creative font, at one point. (unsurprisingly, it was obviously while they were on drugs.)

Not just the lyrics themselves, but the pacing and the complex rhyme scheme are really quite good.

I'm packed and I'm holding,
I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden and
she lives for me, She says she lives for me,
Ovation, She's got her own motivation,
she comes round and she goes down on me,
And I make her smile, It's like a drug for you,
Do ever what you want to do,
Coming over you,
Keep on smiling,
what we go through.
One stop to the rhythm that divides you,
And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse,
Chop another line like a coda with a curse,
And I come on like a freak show takes the stage.
We give them the games we play, she said,
I want something else, to get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say, Good-bye.

The sky it was gold, it was rose,
I was taking sips of it through my nose,
And I wish I could get back there,
Some place back there,
Smiling in the pictures you would take,
Doing crystal meth,
Will lift you up until you break,
It won't stop,
I won't come down, I keep stock,
With a tick tock rhythm and a bump for the drop,
And then I bumped up. I took the hit I was given,
Then I bumped again,
And then I bumped again.
How do I get back there to,
The place where I fell asleep inside you?
How do I get myself back to,
The place where you said,
I want something else to get me through this,
semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say, good-bye,

I believe in the sand beneath my toes,
The beach gives a feeling,
An earthy feeling,
I believe in the faith that grows,
And the four right chords can make me cry,
When I'm with you I feel like I could die.
And that would be all right,
All right, When the plane came in,
She said she was crashing,
The velvet it rips,
In the city we tripped,
On the urge to feel alive,
But now I'm struggling to survive,
The days you were wearing,
That velvet dress,
You're the priestess,
must confess,
Those little red panties,
They pass the test,
Slide up around the belly,
Face down on the mattress,
Now you hold me,
And we're broken.
Still it's all that I want to do.
Feel myself with a head made of the ground,
I'm scared but I'm not coming down.
And I won't run for my life,
She's got her jaws just locked now in smile
but nothing is all right,
All right, I want something else,
To get me through this,
Semi-charmed kind of life,
I want something else,
I'm not listening when you say,
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:15 AM

I raise you "Never Let You Go"

There's every good reason
For letting you go
She's sneaky and smoked out
And it's starting to show

I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you turn around, your back on each other
That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother
Turn around your back on each other

You say that I've changed
Well maybe I did
But even if I changed
What's wrong with it

I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you turn around, your back on each other
That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother
Turn around your back on each other

And all our friends are gone, and gone
And all the time moves on, and on
And all I know is it's wrong, it's wrong
And all I know is it's wrong, it's wrong

If there's a reason
It's lost on me
Maybe we'll be friends
I guess we'll see

I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you go
I never let you go
Turn around, your back on each other
That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother
Turn around lets turn on each other
Good idea, break a promise to your mother
Turn around, your back on each other
That's a good idea, break a promise to your mother
Turn around, your back on each other
What a good idea

I remember the stupid things
The mood rings
The bracelets, and the beads
Nickels and dimes
Yours and mine
Did you cash in all your dreams
You don't dream for me no
You don't dream for me no
But I still feel you pulse like sonar from the days in the waves
That girl is like a sunburn
I would like to save
That girl is like a sunburn
I would like to save
She's like a sunburn
She's like a sunburn

Song makes the lyrics even worse which is remarkable.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by nath
Wait, let's not go lumping the Pet Shop Boys in with Ace of Base
I never would have guessed people had so much more respect for one of these bands over the other. I like them both as guilty pleasures.

Also, it's very possible 3EB sucks live or did at first. I saw Nirvana on SNL and thought they were horrible. But I'm not going to boot a song I like from my iPod because I saw the band live one time and they sucked.

And the comparison to 3EB to Fleetwood Mac was prodigious pop band from their decade, writing catchy tunes, not trying to figure out the cosmos. Just because FM was the biggest pop band of their decade instead of one of the biggest and apparently is a lot better live, doesn't invalidate the whole comparison.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by tdarko

I raise you "Never Let You Go"
wasn't that on their second album? everyone's second album sucks. what's the saying, you have your whole life to write your first album and 18 months to write your second?

also, they were probably clean, and bands suck when they go clean. for a 90s reference, see Everclear.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I never would have guessed people had so much more respect for one of these bands over the other. I like them both as guilty pleasures.
it's roughly the equivalent of saying "Justin Timberlake" when you mean "The Backstreet Boys"
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by nath
wasn't that on their second album? everyone's second album sucks. what's the saying, you have your whole life to write your first album and 18 months to write your second?

also, they were probably clean, and bands suck when they go clean. for a 90s reference, see Everclear.
Yes, second album and agree w/ your post somewhat. I thought semi-charmed life and graduate what dumb songs and I didn't like them at the time as a teenager and they of course don't stand the test of time. They were annoying and cheesy. What I will say is the rest of that album was really good. There are some kick ass songs on there--pretty much the entire rest of the album. Those cute little cheese songs made them tons so on their next album they are talking about mood rings and being deep inside of you trying to cash in on the cheese that paid--I mean this was the height of Backstreet, Nsync and all the bubblegum explosion. Was it the drugs or was it just them continuing on the success of two ****ty songs from the previous album? I dunno.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:33 AM
Never Let You Go and Deep Inside You are both catchy as hell songs with throwaway lyrics. I rarely listen to lyrics and usually get them horribly botched when I do. I don't expect a musician to be a poet, so it's an extremely rare bonus when they are.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I don't expect a musician to be a poet, so it's an extremely rare bonus when they are.
From Wiki:

"Poetry (from the Greek "ποίησις", poiesis, a "making" or "creating") is a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its ostensible meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns or lyrics."

I think *most* lyric writers are poets. Putting one's feelings, emotions, thoughts to a rhythm while often rhyming is an art to me, and that art I would call poetry. I don't think the words have to be "deep" necessarily, and I believe that most of the stuff you listen to contains poetry.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by tdarko
Yes, second album and agree w/ your post somewhat. I thought semi-charmed life and graduate what dumb songs and I didn't like them at the time as a teenager and they of course don't stand the test of time. They were annoying and cheesy. What I will say is the rest of that album was really good. There are some kick ass songs on there--pretty much the entire rest of the album. Those cute little cheese songs made them tons so on their next album they are talking about mood rings and being deep inside of you trying to cash in on the cheese that paid--I mean this was the height of Backstreet, Nsync and all the bubblegum explosion. Was it the drugs or was it just them continuing on the success of two ****ty songs from the previous album? I dunno.
Probably some combination of the two. I'm sure the industry pressured them for some radio-friendly ****... the late 90s were a pretty dark period in the music industry.

Anyway, I dunno why I care so much; I just feel like it was one of those throwaway radio-alternative songs of the era that wasn't really a throwaway, and should be acknowledged as such.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 02:20 AM
lay off OP imo. Why dont you slide
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Panic at the Disco
Fallout Boy
Plain White T's
newer Death Cab for Cutie (older stuff is less mainstream)
Dashboard Confessional
Taking Back Sunday
Brand New
The All American Rejects
The Fray
One of these things is not like the others...
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Did you even bother to read the OP? He mentioned Third-eye-blind and goo goo dolls. Not any of the bands you listed. Specifically the songs Iris and Jumper.

Lyrics to jumper for ya:
I would understand
The angry boy a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you dont belong
Youre the first to fight
Youre way too loud
Youre the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know somethings wrong

Now do you you still want to argue that the bands I posted are not similar to the bands OP posted? Do you really want to try to support that argument?
1. That's their most emo-song.
2. If songs were poems and we read them instead of listening to them, maybe. Most of rock music is whining about something.

20% My parents sucked
40% My relationships sucked
25% Drugs sucked
14.99% Drugs are awesome
.01% Being a German fighter pilot in 1945 sucked

Third Eye Blind is dissimilar to all of the bands in that list(that I've heard, I don't know some of them well enough to say).
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Third Eye Blind is dissimilar to all of the bands in that list(that I've heard, I don't know some of them well enough to say).
Wow lots of people ignorant about music in this thread.

Very simple way to prove my point. Go to and search on Third Eye Blind and/or Goo Goo Dolls. I haven't gone through every band I listed but I would almost guarantee you'll find at most one degree of separation (maybe two on one or two bands I listed) in either the similar artist category or the follower category.

I don't claim to be a music expert but I'm going to take the proof from one of the best music sites on the net over some moron on 2+2 posting, "nuh uh those two bands are nothing alike".
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 09:05 AM
the end result is the 90's had a lot to offer in the way of music taste, just like every other decade. Depending what your cup of tea is. While 3EB,Blink182 and every other band that sounds like them may suck to some other people really enjoy it.
Every generation and decade has "poppy" hits

If you think of 1969 , every one thinks bands like hendrix,beatles and the doors but do you know what the top song of 1969 was...

Sugar Sugar by the Archies...

Pop is pop
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 09:12 AM
I don't claim to be a music expert but I'm going to take the proof from one of the best music sites on the net over some moron on 2+2 posting, "nuh uh those two bands are nothing alike".
Um, when you are going to say **** like this you should actually, you know, get some proof first. I don't even care if the proof exists or not because I don't care what says, but you need to put into the ground work of proving your point before you get to start claiming victory.

FWIW I've heard of all of those bands, but once I determine that a given band sucks I don't listen to the rest of their albums just so I can say for sure how much they sound like another band.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by otnemem
Stopped reading here.
You beat me to it.

I would sooner apply for a job as Sklansky's houseboy than listen to that dreck, and I don't know a single person who would disagree.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mr. Clean
Herpes isn't an ice cream sundae, but it isn't AIDS either.
This is an excellent analogy.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:07 PM
And who thinks that 60s music is less popular than the 90s? Late 60's/early 70's will be far more well known in 30 years than just about anything from the 90s.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Um, when you are going to say **** like this you should actually, you know, get some proof first. I don't even care if the proof exists or not because I don't care what says, but you need to put into the ground work of proving your point before you get to start claiming victory.
Is this a level or are you this f'ing ******ed?

I mean I point to basically the encyclopedia of music as recognized by some of the largest in the industry and you tell me my proof isn't valid? Seriously wtf?
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered
Did you even bother to read the OP? He mentioned Third-eye-blind and goo goo dolls. Not any of the bands you listed. Specifically the songs Iris and Jumper.

Lyrics to jumper for ya:
I would understand
The angry boy a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you dont belong
Youre the first to fight
Youre way too loud
Youre the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know somethings wrong

Now do you you still want to argue that the bands I posted are not similar to the bands OP posted? Do you really want to try to support that argument?
Dude, get outta town with that. Just because 3EB and Goo Goo Dolls wrote a few whiny ballads doesn't mean they can be lumped in with the slew of "I'm about to cry in my glass of milk" emo bands that you listed. Uh, no offense or anything.

And who was it who said no one likes 60s music anymore? You should consider leaving the state and/or country.

Also, how about Better Than Ezra? Yeeeaahhhhhh.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:52 PM
1. People have different ideas of what sounds good.
2. People like to voice their opinions and belittle others.

The sum of 1 and 2 = music snobs, who appear to be abundant in this thread.

Personally, I like a little of almost every category.
Something I don't understand about 90s music. Quote
