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So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one?

10-21-2008 , 09:01 AM
oh and she has a cell phone, she just doesn't give the # to marks. the fact you don't realize this makes me sad.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:19 AM
Big, I sympathize with the Miami situation. I live in Orlando but a few years ago, I spent almost every weekend in Miami. Most of the women I met were detached junkie model types, fun for weekends, but useless for any kind of depth.

I can't give you any advice on dating sites, but how about signing up for some more classes, nothing too deep, art or something. The chicks you seem to be looking for would more likely be found in college rather than on dating sites. I'm not talking about the University either, just a community college.

Best of luck!
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by supafrey
oh and she has a cell phone, she just doesn't give the # to marks.
Sadly, this too.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by BigL139andLinux
Its 139 and Lennox Avenue in's a street, not an operating system... but it wouldn't fit Lennox so I spelled it Linux cause it sounds the same... if you're going to post a snide response at least get your facts straight... but Im guessing you're not a rap fan so what can I say, I wouldn't expect you to know it
lol relax man. It was a joke. No need to get upset because someone thought you were a nerd. I use linux every day, and I expected someone with the word linux in their screen name to get the joke.

Also, why not just move out of miami?
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
You will probably get a lot of trolling
Please for the love of God make this happen
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by BigL139andLinux
The most recent girl I met is a 20 year old stripper (I can post pics if you guys want, but no, they are not nude) from L.A.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 12:34 PM
Sounds like you could use therapy more than anything you can find on
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
If you are picky about physical appearance I don't think online dating is for you. The percentage of girls who are attractive is about 4-6% which isn't good. There is the site but that might be too superficial for you and also it seems kind of lame based on the TV ads.
4-6%, i know lots of them are ugly but that even seems to low
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by guess who
OP why don't you try to find new friends first? Maybe you have to move somewhere else and/or get a job to accomplish that but don't you think it is worth it? In a new social enviroment you will see many new faces and maybe that's the way to go to meet new girls.

and yeah i smiled at the "linux" in your nickname ;-)
Moving to a new house with my brother and his friend Nov. 8, and going to a new school in January... so I'm on that path, but it's further down the road -- tryin to do something for myself now... I thought about what you said, getting a job with a social network, I tried a bowling alley that is like also a restauraunt and its about to open in a week or two, any suggestions for jobs with social networks? but keep in mind, most of the chicks working at these kind of jobs are going to be from 16-19 in age
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by supafrey
oh and she has a cell phone, she just doesn't give the # to marks. the fact you don't realize this makes me sad.
I love people like this. You must have a bitter life. She has an address book with all of her numbers, I've seen it first hand. Now why would she carry with her an address book with tons of phone numbers if she HAD A CELL PHONE? I have hung out with her many times, including at her house, and when she goes out places. How can you make an assumption when you have never even met this person? I think you just come on here like so many others to try to rag on someone to make yourself feel better. To me that is more pathetic than carrot top on those old at&t commercials
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Runkmud
Big, I sympathize with the Miami situation. I live in Orlando but a few years ago, I spent almost every weekend in Miami. Most of the women I met were detached junkie model types, fun for weekends, but useless for any kind of depth.

I can't give you any advice on dating sites, but how about signing up for some more classes, nothing too deep, art or something. The chicks you seem to be looking for would more likely be found in college rather than on dating sites. I'm not talking about the University either, just a community college.

Best of luck!
It's nice to see someone else who has experienced what i'm talking about. Detatched junkie model types describes it almost perfectly, especially with all the goofy ass fake designer sunglasses they wear out Well im going to a college that is going to be a small step above a CC, and it has tons and tons of girls, im assuming mostly spanish and cuban though because its miami...but it should help. I'm beginning to think I just have to wait till school starts...Will definitly take the art classes into consideration... good idea to find what im looking for
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Neko
lol relax man. It was a joke. No need to get upset because someone thought you were a nerd. I use linux every day, and I expected someone with the word linux in their screen name to get the joke.

Also, why not just move out of miami?
I got the joke... it just wasn't funny...
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
Sounds like you could use therapy more than anything you can find on
I have been to therapy after my best friend died... I realized that 9 times out of 10 what the therapist told me is the same thing that my intuition did, the only thing I was gaining from it was a little bit of perspective, and I dont think that was worth the 170 an hour... so im out of it now
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
The percentage of girls who are attractive is about 4-6% which isn't good.

Are you Jerry Seinfeld?

Also, OP, get a mod to change your name to "Lenox" from "Linux" or everybody is just going to continue to assume the worst.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by vikefan24

So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:52 PM
wow, there is nothing more trashy, slutty, and unattractive then a lower belly tattoo

also, I have a bigger chest than that girl
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
wow, there is nothing more trashy, slutty, and unattractive then a lower belly tattoo

also, I have a bigger chest than that girl
LOL... to each his own my good man
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:09 PM
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by moosehog
LOL.. funny ass picture... but WTF its from uhhh....
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 04:01 PM
So wait....Your last GF was cristy from intervention?

So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Klompy
So wait....Your last GF was cristy from intervention?

what? no
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:42 PM
Cristy = biggest Intervention trainwreck ever.

Linux, stop taking everything so personally in this thread. People are just going to pile on even more and then you'll never get any decent advice. Also, I don't find that chick attractive, I agree with Alobar that the lower belly tat is nasty, and I am 100% sure she has a gigantic tramp stamp which I also find disgusting. I do also think it mega strange in this day and age that she doesn't have a cell phone but I guess more power to her, it's probably better than those broads who text while they drive.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:21 PM
Welcome back Big L.

Just get on myspace. Make your page fun (fun pics included). Message girls you would like to know. If that doesn't work then lower your standards or just message them all.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:28 PM
I only read to here

I give myself a 7.0 on a 1-10 based on looks only, I'm about 5'10" 145.

I think you might be overestimating and I think you should eat a sandwich.
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:33 PM
Craigslist, were you born yesterday?
So it has come down to joining a dating site...which one? Quote
